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Everything posted by Spewing_nonsense_

  1. So my shrimp has a line down it's back and I've had them for only a few weeks now and I was curious as to whether this stripe down their back was from stress or just their color pattern
  2. I've been subscribed to aquarium coop for a while now, at least a year and a half and I've ordered from them a few times but still the last order I just made was packaged and ready in less than an hour from making the order and it just blew me away how fast it was, like i know that's what they've been working on a lot while not sacrificing customer satisfaction but still lol
  3. I was watching a journey to the micro cosmos video the other day and they were saying how daphnia have the ability to create hemoglobin, which is the same thing that gives our blood its red color. So it's very possible that they just have an increased production of hemoglobin. I cant remember what exactly causes them to make hemoglobin but I'll find the video and link it here. If you go to 5:20 it starts talking about hemoglobin in daphnia. To paraphrase tho essentially when time gets rough and the daphnia are living in waters low in oxygen, they start producing hemoglobin to be able to uptake more oxygen, and the hemoglobin gives them this oranges reddish hue. They only do this when needed tho bc it makes them more visible to predators.
  4. Yes but just bc something is ood grade and safe for humans doesnt mean itll be safe for fish, chlorine in our tap water being the prime example. Also I realize you can brush it on but with the varied surface of dragon stone a brush wouldn't really be able to fully coat it and in order to really ensure full coating, you'd need to just submerge the dragon stone for the effect you'd be wanting on this
  5. No you didnt read the blog or packet wrong, but aquarium coops dosing is catered specifically to the cyanobacteria and the packet is for treating an ongoing outbreak of bacterial infections. I would do what aquarium coop recommends and then just keep a close eye on the ADFs throughout the process. Also I wanna say about the val, in my experience when I've had val that grew short it was due to lack of nutrients, so it didnt have what it needed to grow nice and tall and healthy, so I'd recommend getting some root tabs and giving it to them so they have the neccessary nutrients to grow, which may help with the cyanobacteria as well
  6. I honestly wouldn't try sealing it off bc especially if there is dirt in there it's not going to get good contact with the stone and will start to flake off as the most important part of painting or coating anything is preparation, so if it's still dirty it wont do much. Also in order to really fully coat it and seal it you'd probably just have to submerge it into a container of epoxy and leave it maybe slosh it around and make sure all the air bubbles get out, but even then I dont really think that'll keep stuff from leaching out and the chemicals in epoxy might start leaching out, even after letting it fully cure which would take a month maybe even more bc of how much would be pooled up in certain areas of the stone, plus it will be most likely unsightly as itll be hard to get a nice even layer and you'll probably get dripsyoull be able to see. My recommendation would be to just take it out or just keep trying to counteract the extra gh. Now also, as far as I know having extra gh and minerals in the water isn't detrimental to bettas, it's more so just when the ph starts to get high, but I could be mistaken.
  7. I live like 3 hours from it and haven't been yet but I'd love to, and I've been keeping track of it but I definitely think itd be worth it. They have a lot of freshwater isotope exhibits and this one killifish endemic to Tennessee, the barrens topminnow which is a fish I would love to own someday, but is currently endangered due to the invasive species western mosquito fish. Anyways I've never actually been but really want to and i know plenty of people who have been and they all say it's a great experience
  8. Yeah I wouldn't stop feeding or treating, I would make sure not to overfeed and I would dose with maracyn as fin rot is usually caused by a bacteria, and just make sure to keep on top of water parameters and make sure they're where they should be. I would only turn off the lights if they were super strong and/or you dont have many places for the beta to hide. I wouldn't euthanize the fish as he still has a pretty good chance of surviving, altho being a glo beta he might have weakened Genes but I can never be sure on that
  9. Me personally I'd keep treating him and hope he pulls through, but this is definitely a personal decision, altho some pictures might help
  10. Free food, contribute to the ecosystem of the tank, and just another step in the chain of breaking down detritus and poop for the plants
  11. its rhabdocoela, harmless and i actually like having them in my aquariums. planaria have a very distinct triangle head with two eyes tou can easily see. rhabdocoela basically function the same as detritus worms
  12. You probably do have beneficial bacteria, and I'm sure your tank is perfectly fine and cycled with being set up with plants for 2 months, altho I would raise nitrates to at least 5 pom if not 20 for the plants well being. Now onto the guppies, they are notorious for being very fragile nowadays, and I had the same problem as you. Had a tank that was set up and cycled good water parameters and got guppies a few times from different spots and they kept dying, finally accidentally got a pregnant one and it gave birth before it died and now I've got a small guppy colony going. I think especially with guppies you're just gonna have to play the lotto or try and find a store that quarantines their fish and monitors them like aquarium coop does. Also your ph seems good but I'd probably get som crushed coral or wonder shells to add some minerals to the water as guppies like hard water, you can even use cuttle bone altho I'm not sure how much it would help but I do use that for my snails and crayfish.
  13. Only if you dont have plants or you just recently added the plants. And technically you can have a tank that isnt cycled but still handles waste, bc if you have plants that are taking up the ammonia before the bacteria has the chance to grab it then the bacteria will take longer to grow, but your tank can still process waste of fish
  14. Hmmm I didnt think white clouds had gravis spots, but either way this definitely isnt it. It's only on her left side and protrudes out of her body
  15. I just noticed one of my female white clouds has this bump, it's not symmetrical to her body and looks gray in appearance and looks like their might be some internal bleeding towars the rear end of the lump. Does anyone know what this is? Cyst? Cancer? Parasite? Is there even anything I can do and would it be contagious?
  16. In general, you want the water flow to go thru your media in this order: 1. Coarse sponge 2. Finer sponge 3.Biomedia This is so the coarse sponge catches the bigger particles so the fine sponge doesnt get clogged as fast, then the fine catches the smaller particles to help keep your water super clean and free of particles, then the biomedia sucks out any nitrites and ammonia in the water. If you do something like biomedia in front of the fine filter media, then that biomedia will get clogged up with stuff and not be as effective as it will have less surface area. And if you do fine sponges before coarser sponges, the fine sponge will still work but itll get clogged up faster and need more frequent maintenance and cleaning. Idk how much I can weigh in on the mech bc I havent personally used it, but from what I do know I would switch out for just the coarse sponge.
  17. I mean if it's just for the hard to reach places, you can either just use an airline hose or you can make one of cories nano siphons where you take on of those 3ml pipettes and cut off just a little bit of the end of the bulb and attach the skinny end to an airline tube. Or you can use a turkey baster as well to suck it up
  18. Yeah see this is why I dont think the motto of mimic nature is necessarily the best. Bc in nature 90% of babies get eaten, theres all sorts of disease and parasite, they're constantly searching for food. Now granted nature does a lot of things right and we should take the good from nature, but not everything from nature is amazing.
  19. This was the video I was referring to in the original comment where people had commented and led me to ask this discussion
  20. As you can see, it’s not as effective as maracyn, but it will help yes
  21. Yeah, I would check water parameters and try and make them as good as you can for the fish, keep the fish fed, but definitely don’t overfeed them so as to not make the water quality poor, and also if you have ich medicine, you can dose that to help with fungal infections, assuming that’s plant and snail safe, as some ich medications aren’t, but if it’s ich x it’ll be safe
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