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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Welcome to the hobby, and this wonderful community! I'm sure you will learn lots, and find this community just as amazing as I do!
  2. I have never tried using plant substrate underneath each plant as fertilizer. However I have seen some people add two layers of substrate. One being organic soil or planted tank substrate, and the next being regular gravel. MD Fish Tanks on youtube uses planted tank substrate as the bottom layer, and a gravel/ sand as his other layer. The best root tabs on the market IMO are Easy RootTabs. I have only had them in my tanks for a little over a week, and the growth has been AMAZING. Lots of obvious growth with these tabs. One tip though is to poke a hole in them with a tac, they seem to float if you dont do this due to the amount of air thats in them. Heres a post I made about my easy root tabs success:
  3. thanks @Jungle Fan, all though it may look like im using flash, I'm not. What you may be thinking is the flash, is simply the sunlight thats lighting the tank through the window. Gonna go check out that link 🙂!
  4. The new bowl has been leaching tannins, and I LOVE IT!!! I just need some tiny shrimpies to start running around! I'm not on facebook at all really. I simply only have it to join my local fish clubs facebook group. Were not having any meetings yet due to COVID, so that group helps me stay in touch. However, I found a canadian shrimp breeding on facebook, I started talking to him and he is willing to ship me some orange pumpkin shrimp at the end of the month! I'm going away tommorrow for about two weeks to work at a camp, once I'm home the plan is to get some shrimp for this tank. I also think this needs more plants, here are my thoughts for more plants: Dwarf Sag in the front Some moss for the wood (what kind do yall reccemend, java moss?) Lilly Bulb for the back of the tank I wanna add a pothos as what @Patrick_G reccemended to this tank one day as well. I tested the water of this tank: Nitrates: 5 Nitrites 0 Amonia: 0.25 I'm assuming that the reason why the nitrates are so low is because I'm not feeding it nor are there any inhabitants. I'm excited to come back home and see all the pant growth! Its hard to get a good picture of this tank without the glare. Due to the fact that its a natural lit tank, and the ambient lighting in the room isn't very good. My angelfish was very active today posing for some pictures: Penny is still too small for the community tank. I was going to start feeding him BBS at least every other day to get him to grow faster. However, I accidently left my brine shrimp eggs out so now they are bad, and wont hatch. Gonna pick some up after I leave.
  5. Heres my entertainment for the rest of the evening! Love how this tank potrays the "wild" in everyway. even in the worst ways, like a crab feast.
  6. For me, I love nano tanks! They are so fun! But I don't think I could keep only nano tanks. I'm really loving my 40 breeder because of all the playing around I can do. Most of my impulse buys of fish/ plants go in there.
  7. Darn that sucks. Sorry to hear that @Streetwise. Theres nothing worse then spending money on something you know you could have avoided.
  8. Heres a link to the @Daniel interview: Defentely my favorite episode! Also just finished listening to the new peru one with dean, makes me wanna go to peru! Heres a link to the daniel epsiodes through spotify, and apple podcasts: Spotify: Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/ep-93-daniel-harnden-on-bees-fishkeeping-in-the-70s/id1347789490?i=1000502360943
  9. There are bonuses to both kinds of aquariums With nano tanks, there small and can fit on desks, are easily moved, and IMO a lot more fun. Lots of the time stocking will be with small personable fish like pea puffers, bettas, sparkilng gourami, etc. All though with the smaller tanks = less stocking options. With bigger tanks you have the option for more plants, fish, hardscape, and can start housing big fish. Or do you like nano tanks because of the fish, but like bigger tanks because of the space? So would you perfer a 30 gallon with a sparkiling gourami group, and other small tetras? So which do you perfer? Explain your reasoning:
  10. @Streetwise native fish collecting with @Daniel 👀?
  11. We should make this into a reality show🤣 @Streetwise @Daniel @Colu @mountaintoppufferkeeper@Fish Folk Anyone else have any ideas to add to this theme? Upload them to this thread!
  12. Oooh that sounds like a really nice setup! All though an angelfish may not be able to spend there entire life in a 29 gallon, they can defentley spend a few years! With only the cardinal tetras, corycats, pleco, and angelfish heres what my stocking would look like: 12 Corydoras (btw, great choice with the orange venezuelans! Saw some the other day (on aquahuna I beleive) and almost ordered some!) 12-16 Cardinal Tetras (if the angelfish your getting is full grown, make sure these guys are too. Or they WILL be snacks) 1 Angelfish 1 Bristlenose Pleco (If you just want a pleco, I would suggest the clown pleco. It grows a few inches smaller then the bristlenose, and from what I have heard its less agressive). Angelfish are some of my favorite fish! I love the colors they come in and the personality each one has! Good Luck!
  13. Put some root tabs in my aquariums a few days ago and I'm already seeing lots of possitive growth! My sword is growing monsterus, my lilly bulb has reached the surface and sooo much more growth! I'm going to try them with my crypts in the 10 gallon tommorrow. Also just a tip: I have read several times that these root tabs float, so to prevent that i simply got a tac and stabbed a hole in each one. Its been a few days and none of the 5 i placed are floating. Theres lots air in those tiny tabs. I also had to do this with the previous root tabs I used as they would creep there way up to the surface of the substrate. I wish I had before and efter pictures. Dwarf Aquarium Lilly: Seriously really took off over the past week. Theres a new lilly that reached the surface every day. Madagascar Lace Plant: A few leaves were dying off, placed root tabs and all those leaves are green now, with a new leaf as well. Crinum: Its almost reached the surface! It had a sprout that was yellow and hadn't really turned into a leaf for a solid month or two, after placing in the root tabs its no longer just a sprout! It was the tiny leaf on the right. It also has a new leaf emerging right next to it! Amazon Sword: Its been melting back pretty much since I got it. But with the new root tabs its been coming monsterus! Easy Tabs all the WAYY!
  14. When you run out of reactions for the day for the first time:
  15. Your aquarium from a distance looks very green and lush with all your plants! Can we get a close up pic?
  16. I use the API Master Test kit and see expetional results. I dont think theres a better test kit on the market. The only downside to this test kit is the time it takes to test the water. Aquarium Co-Op have there own test strips, all though I have never used them I have heard good reviews from it. The good thing about test strips is that they are quick and easy to use: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/aquarium-co-op-multi-test-strips?_pos=2&_psq=test str&_ss=e&_v=1.0
  17. Back when I had my bristlenose pleco I struggled to get him to eat algae wafers. his main diet was cucumbers, zuchinni, etc. One of the reasons why I decided to give him back was because of his special feeding requirements. If i were to get a bristlenose pleco again, these wafers would be the top of my list to try.
  18. I boiled the wood for around 30minutes - 1hour. That was able to release most of the tannins. However i woke up today, and look at the TANNINS!
  19. @Patrick_G my lfs was having a garage sale with a bunch of old equitment the week before. I went and almost got it but held my self off it. A week later they still had it, and i couldnt not buy it. All the plants/ substrate i managed to scavange from different tanks or left overs from other aquarium builds. I did buy the driftwood (once again only 25$)
  20. I hope to get at least some java moss on the wood. When setting it up i though about pothos as well.
  21. I personally feed once a day. However lots feed twice a day, and some even once every other day. Fish can go a long while without any food from its owner, as there is lots of microscopic food in an aquarium that fish find very tasty. I am a heavy feeder so with me twice a day or more would probably be overfeeding. 3 times a day is fine too! If your fish aren't fat, keep them on that feeding scehdule!
  22. They sell on Amazon Canada. However they only sell Easy Green, Easy Iron, Easy Root Tabs. I dont think they sell on amazon.com, however I did search it up and it looks like they have been sold out for quite some time. I dont think this actually them selling on amazon.com.
  23. Last week I picked up this 5ish gallon aquarium from my LFS for only $25! However the LFS didn't have any nice peices of wood, so today I went to petsmart and got a nice peice of driftwood, and then later I set it up. I decided I wanted to go with a deep substrate, with 1.5" of soil but this time only 0.5" - 1" of substrate to cap it off. I saw @Streetwise reccemend this instead of going 1.5" of both the soil and the substrate. For the soil I used some stuff I found in the shed. Not sure the brand, but it has worked really great for my rescues betta tank. And for the gravel I used my favorite substrate! CaribSea Peace River Substrate. I then planted it with the following: Anubias x2 Hornwort Bolbitus For this tank I decided to go with 0 tech (no lights, filter, or heater). I was able to find a spot on my desk thats right next to the window. I'm hopping it will receive enough light, i think it should as I have gone with fairly low light plants. I have never kept shrimp but have always wanted to. So I think the plan is to put some neocardina pumpkin shrimp. I will probably be adding Dobby the Nerite Snail thats in hugos tank. However I wont be adding any shrimp until the end of august, or the beginning of september. I want the plants to get off to a good start before I add any inhabitants. I'm also expecting the hornwort to perhaps shed some leaves, so I want that stage to be over before shrimp are added. Any good shrimp food people reccemend? I heard shrimp king is pretty good, what kind of shrimp king food?
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