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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I interpreted the reading as 40, and I did a water change. That was from the betta tank, from Kratos the poop machine, no doubt.
  2. Roy was discharged from the hospital today. He went through a one hour drip. When I released him, he was all clearish looking, like a ghost. Within 30 sec.. I’m not kidding, he saw his school and his lateral lines appeared like magic. Roy: “Act cool. Try to blend in.” He looks good. A little scarring but it’s mostly gone. Lights out for the rest of the day so he can relax. Now I’ve done this before, so I know to leave the QT tank up and running, just in case he regresses. But I’ve given him an extra long time to strengthen up, and he’s had high quality frozen foods and Xtreme Krill and daphnia. So I’m hoping he remains healthy now.
  3. Placed the root tabs - a monthly to do. Performed water testing. Discharged Roy from the hospital. He was in-patient for a few months. He is now columnaris free!
  4. He gets a wide variety @Aiden Carter Bloodworms, brine shrimp (sometimes live, sometimes frozen), Hikari gold cichlid pellets, vegetables, Repashy, Xtreme krill flakes, he steals algae wafers.. trust me, he eats like a king!
  5. I figured I might as well put “root tabs” on my outdoor plants too. These were weird. You put a little rubbery cap on the spike, hammer it in, and then remove the cap. The spikes were big too. Like a bratwurst. 😆 Whereas I’m used to the little potted plant spikes. These are time-release so I will do as usual and leave them alone til next year. Did some weeding too. Another once a year task! 😭 Which is why there are no zoomed out pics of the rose garden. Came in covered in “hitchhikers” and had to pick them all off my clothing. Also a thorn ripped up my thumb and I was bleeding through the garden glove. Hitchhikers in my hair too, so had to get a shower! Note to self: who cares what guests think of the backyard. DO AQUASCAPING INSTEAD. It’s safer!!! And I always get a little surge of joy when I see this: Know who does that? Leaf cutter bees! They are solitary mason bees which means they don’t live in a hive. Instead, they find holes or tubes to live in. There are bee houses made especially for this. I have a few. They cut a circle. Then they take it back to their tube. They lay it flat and fill it full of pollen. This takes a lot of trips. Then they lay an egg, and they use the leaf circle to wrap the egg with pollen (food for baby bee) up into a burrito. They line the whole tube with these. They also seal the end of their tube with mud. Anyway… here’s some internet photos They are welcome to my rose leaves anytime. ❤️😍
  6. I’m glad the crypts are doing well for you @Guppysnail. Geppetto’s tank has a crypt- my first one. I thought it would be hard to keep, but it’s happy. See @nabokovfan87, I can’t ever really be confident about the nitrate test reading. tank light incandescent yellow room light:
  7. You do have to feed it protein if there aren’t any bugs. Also I don’t think it likes areas that are too humid.
  8. Lookin handsome today. See how paler he looks when he is next to the sand. He looks sharp in front of the Java fern.
  9. sword and bulb update- gifts from @Guppysnail added to tank 10/27. I relocated some to other parts of the tank since they were growing underneath bushy Java fern. Wow!!! ⬇️ Everybody is getting their vitamins (root tabs) today. Also I tested my shrimp tank and there are zero nitrates. I worry about my floating plants in there but I understand Easy Green is bad for the shrimp, so we are just letting it ride.
  10. @Streetwise yes. The emails only refer to threads I started.
  11. Lol - flip it & reverse it 🙃
  12. I get these emails quite a bit, but I can’t find any Mark as Solution button. Here’s a part of one from my “Show off your pipsqueaks” thread. I just noticed the sentence at the bottom that says Stop receiving these reminder emails. I clicked that, and it says I’ve been unsuccessfully subscribed. Odd that these have been asking me to use a feature that I cannot find on the site though. @Streetwise
  13. Thanks for allowing us to follow along in the journey @Fish Folk!
  14. I think Cleo is a better name. Go with LED. Better success w/ plants. Some fun features on them too, like automatic sunrise/daylight/moonlight cycle.
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