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Everything posted by TheDukeAnumber1

  1. Probably safe, but in live stream Cory has said that it is a very inefficient way to fertilize non-aquatic plants.
  2. I think the current tool generally used for that is just an infrared temp gun.
  3. You should have no problems netting them together while handling them gently.
  4. @Jopinga206 That is really interesting, can we get a photo or two? I'd love to see what an appraiser saw as worth adding 15k.
  5. Nothing I guess, it has been a learning journey and I have adapted as I learned, I do wish I learned many things sooner though. So if the question is changed to, what do you wish you knew when you started? When I started I wish I knew plants were easy, and possibly the best thing to have in an aquariums ecosystem.
  6. Finally got around listening to the podcasts with Lizzie and Daniel. Thanks Randy for hosting them, I really enjoyed it and hope to hear more from them, they are awesome! I would also love to hear a "Dorkula" episode sometime!
  7. I've gone two weeks before with goldfish, feed them well for a while before the trip, make sure they aren't going to get too agressive with eachother and things should work out. But this is what auto feeders are for 🙂
  8. If you can't take us down on our own turf... well then there isn't much left to say...
  9. Respect for this dissenting opinion will only be given upon defeating all of us in battle. 😛
  10. In this situation, if you aren't doing this already, I would put in the snails at night when Bob is sleeping. It would give him a reason to "hunt" a bit and make scanning his surroundings worth while.
  11. Yes I believe they can, IIRC you can mix excel with ferts and easy green is similar to excel, although I have not had the need to try it myself.
  12. Sealed container in baggie in fridge. Smaller portions I use up within a few weeks I keep in small bottles by the tank.
  13. Heterandria formosa! Tiny... o it's the tinyiest and they love seed shrimp. But really I think the majority small shrimp friendly fish will take care of it. But... things that snipe seed shrimp may take out baby shrimp too.
  14. I'd assume conservation of mass still applies 😉 My fish definitely have different poop with different foods, my guess is that's what's going on. Different food in, different poop out.
  15. Is it eating, it is new to the tank, any changes in the tank lately?
  16. I also use either instant ocean or a random salt with some baking soda and seachem equilibrium mixed in.
  17. I doubt your issue is related to your deep substrate. Perhaps your parameters are due to mineral buildup from top off?
  18. I prefer w/o the youtube logos, that being said it's hard to be sad when receiving a co-op package. So do what ya gotta do 😉
  19. The Co-op light guide is a great place to start. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/led-aquarium-lighting
  20. I used a needle valve that had a pressure gage on it and an adapter to the 90g, wasn't expensive but I remember it being a little bit of a pain adjusting the needle valve to get the bubble/sec I wanted.
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