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Everything posted by TheDukeAnumber1

  1. I don't know what bacteria or fungus inhibitor Flourish uses, so maybe they are worried about it losing effectiveness over time once it's open being exposed to air. One advantage of the Easy line is with pump heads you'll get much less air exposure and maybe effectively never have to refrigerate them. I mix my own ferts and use 1 drop of methylene blue per ounce so I don't have to refrigerate and it has worked well.
  2. I come back and am wondering if this template has been used here already, but the thread has grown to large to sift through it all... Anyways.... press on until we get the meme stream/video!
  3. Thanks for the reminder I need to get some buckets out asap 🙂
  4. Very cool, I tried a glow light a couple times but I couldn't tell a difference just eyeballing it. So white light in the 4th hour is key, very neat, I will have to do a build. Ty for sharing.
  5. I've gotten great growth with just mulm from fish poop falling into the substrate. Tabs aren't a must but if I was starting a new tank and wanted growth quick I would use them.
  6. I used to have a member pass there when I was in college. It won't blow you away with size but it is well run and the exhibits are nice, especially the one where you get to pet rays. The whole riverfront area there is pretty fantastic, a lot of fun to explore and nice places to eat after the tour.
  7. I think it would be a neat experiment except for the part where you put poop in the oven. IMO composting the waste outdoors first like you would do for an outdoor garden would be better.
  8. Warning! forbidden meme.
  9. They are very prolific, fry everywhere all the time. But do know..... demeaning them only makes them stronger.
  10. It does, but if you just have substrate then you have more than enough, and even then plenty of people manage to keep overstocked bare bottom tanks without ammonia spikes. Surface area is needed but oxygen can be more limiting, IIRC Cory has said the bacteria in an aquarium need more oxygen than the fish. IMO the ziss filter is good for overstocked tanks and I would not hesitate to make the switch you're mentioning. That tumbling media is always clean, oxygenated, and working hard.
  11. Flexing depends on load and in this case it is very similar between the two conditions with the overhang case having less deflection. Which makes me think it would probably be ok.
  12. If a horizontal member is carrying a vertical load over a span then it's likely acting as a beam. The formulas are idealized for calculating the load on things acting as a beams regardless of construction type. Looks like the XXL750 is on a much different size scale and would not apply in this case, especially since we know supporting a 10g only on it's corners is safe.. The beam formulas may not govern here either but they do show bending overhang stresses will be lower than if it was only supported on the corners.
  13. Being that many of us IIRC including Cory have never seen an aquarium that had filtration issues due to lack of surface area so I think the strengths of these filters lie in their other characteristics. The ziss is really neat in that the media is directly oxygenated and self cleaning, the sponge filter is great as a safe and low maintenance way to collect debri. IMO the best bio filtration is just to add air to an aquarium.
  14. Beam analysis may be a good guide here. Since we know a 10g can be supported on its ends in a simple span condition and we can approximate overage with a cantilever beam condition. Thinking moment governs and equating simple span to cantilever span and solving. w*lx^2/8 = w*ly^2/2 lx = 2*ly Supporting on ends is the same moment as half the tank hanging off the table and arguably better since the bottom will be braced in compression and arguably not since this is glass and not the governing mode of failure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In a nutshell though you are probably just fine as shown in the picture.
  15. My fav jungle tank. Val, dsag, giant duckweed, water hyacinth, heterandria formosa and an albino molly.
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