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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. GameCzar


    This Texan approves of your choice of meat for BBQ. 🙂
  2. http://www.ikgh.org Internationales Kuratorium Guppy Hochzucht
  3. My guess is the LFS had lower than an 8 PH and they might have passed from a rapid PH change.
  4. Saw them open for Maiden on the Powerslave tour. Tallest band I've ever seen!
  5. BIG fan of Billy Strings. This video will get you in the feels.
  6. I think you guys could handle the maintenance for it, should only be about 7 inches of fish. I think it could work, but @CorydorasEthan probably would be the one to ask!
  7. I just haven't needed them, no particular reason. My only tank that needed to be lower PH has been my 3gallon cube, and with fluval stratum and distilled water it has been stable.
  8. I haven't used the leaves, so I can't speak to that. As for your bottled waters, I believe @Guppysnail has done some testing. For lowering PH, Distilled sits at a solid 7.0, so it might be your best bet to get that number down.
  9. My uncles had fish, one had an Oscar, and the other had a pair of Discus.
  10. As long as you aren't trying to line breed a specific strain, its totally fine to mix in whatever you like. It will give you some hearty and pretty babies! Keep us updated, I love seeing mutt guppies!
  11. They build near the lights because light will draw in any flying critters around to their trap. And Im sure they like the warmth too.
  12. I feel like Bettas are tolerant of a lot of water parameters, but I don't find them to be that hearty when it comes to diseases. Not sure if this was the case years ago as I never had one then. I did hear like other said that the shorter fins are more hearty.
  13. I liked it a lot too, but I'm also a fan of other David Lynch films! He was a strange choice for Dune, but I thought it worked well.
  14. YES! Heck I'm one of the few that liked the old movie and even watched the enhanced 5 hour version (with lots of TALKING!) My favorite Sci-Fi Author is Charles Sheffield. He's heavy heavy on the science, with just the right amount of fiction.
  15. Don't think I'm not tempted to drive up there for my goodie bag!
  16. My buddy still has his Sinclair 1000! The TI was a decent little machine, had some great games for it!
  17. Some folks say java moss will carpet, but mine grows longer a lot more than it expands.
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