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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Here is the dragonfly breathing through its anus video @Maggie mentioned.
  2. @TheDukeAnumber1 I haven't noticed any mosquito larva in my outdoor tubs or ponds that have any fish in them. The females mosquitos seem put off by the presence of fish, or at the very least leave no descendants when they have laid eggs in my pools that have fish in them. One of the ways I manage mosquitos is to provide attractive places for the female mosquitos to lay eggs. Fetid grass clipping in 5 gallon buckets will attract female mosquitos from the entire neighborhood. From these hotbeds of mosquito breeding, I transfer the rafts to grow out trays. Once I have raised the larva up, I feed them to my fish and the net result is far fewer adult female mosquitos in my area. If all else fails you can always create a gene drive and wipe out all the males.
  3. As far as I know you have to keep track of it yourself.
  4. I grow cherry shrimp in an outdoor pond. I never get mosquito larva there, but I do get mosquito larva in the buckets I set out just for the purpose of growing mosquito larva. I get dragonfly larva in the cherry shrimp pond, but it doesn't seem to reduce the cherry shrimp population at all. As far as I can tell the dragonfly larva feed mainly off of tadpoles of which there are plenty. And the dragonfly larva turn into dragonflies and dragonflies are ruthless and efficient mosquito hunters. So I just leave everything be without trying to manipulate too much and it all turns out fine.
  5. It is probably time to let this topic have a rest. So far so good, but how much longer before not so good.? I am tempted to lock this, but something tells me not quite yet.
  6. @DaveSamsell I was torturing the words to fit the acronym. I really wanted to work 'Wednesday' somehow into WTF. I think Where's The Fish might even be better.🙂
  7. I am all for anything that gets forum members to read the guidelines! (However tacofied it might be)🙂
  8. I don't float the bags. The whole process takes seconds. I walk to the tank with bag and scissors in hand, cut off the top of the bag and pour the whole thing in. I don't have any good advice on what caused your fish to die. But try something completely different with different fish and see what happens.
  9. I always consider green water in a fry growth tank a substantial benefit. I wouldn't change anything as eventually it will clear up on its on. But in the meantime, consider it a feature, not a bug! I looked at the green water the other day from my fry grow out tank and here is what it looked like.
  10. And take all advice with a grain of salt. I know I am very skeptical (I didn't believe Cory at first when he said how cool rice fish were🙂). That is why I try and frame my advice as 'this is what I have done' and 'this are the results I get'. Who knows what else I do that I might not even be aware of that makes my method work for me. What works for me might not work for you or anyone else. There is never a golden path, there are always many methods that achieve the same result. The best thing is to keep experimenting (while having fun)and find out what works for you. And then of course, post back here so we can benefit from your experiences.
  11. I wouldn't want to take fish from pH 5 water and put them in pH 8 water. But that is almost never what is happening. In my aquariums with pH probes the daily cycle of photosynthesis moves the pH a full point or more. When I move a fish from a tank with pH in the low 6s to a tank with high 7s, there is never any ill effect. When in Peru Cory took measurements and saw fish move back and forth between extreme pHs and temperatures with no ill effects. As much as it boggles the mind from a biochemistry standpoint it is what happens in the wild. As @James Black black says, the most beneficial thing is to get the fish in to high quality water in the least amount of time. If the fish is in a transport bag with excess ammonia, dripping clean water in isn't as helpful to the fish as immediately getting them into clean, happy, ammonia free water.
  12. And with a little patience, the worm population invariably collapses.
  13. In my experience sudden changes in pH and temperature are far less stressful than imagined. When I get a new fish home, I cut open the bag and pour the fish and the water it came in directly into the aquarium. Not a quarantine tank but instead an aquarium that is that fishes permanent tank. While none this sounds good on paper, in reality plop and drop works very well for me.
  14. One of my favorite memories was back in the late 1960's when I wanted to put a baby sunfish I caught while out fishing with my dad into my 10 gallon tank with my neon tetras but my dad's said: "Don't do it, son." I said, "don't worry dad, neon tetras are the fastest fish in the world!" But when I woke up the next morning, there weren't any neon tetras in the aquarium, just a very plump baby sunfish. I miss my dad!
  15. No, the forum's function is to allow people to talk about fish and related topics and that is very valuable, especially when people can do that in a kind and helpful way. Once the discussion turns to giving, trading or selling, the valuable resource this forum has become is put at risk.
  16. Dragonfly larva look similar and are closely related, but it looks like a damselfly nymph. And remember - even if excited by weird looking bugs please use polite language on the forum. I have already had several complaints about language earlier today in other posts.
  17. I am not sure what happened but I am locking the topic and editing a couple of posts. The number 1 rule of the forum is to be kind and helpful.
  18. I always hate being the bearer of bad news when people are just trying to help each other out but...one of the guidelines is: Which means we can't use the forum as an avenue to trade with or give away aquarium related supplies or animals.
  19. Update: I have pygmy sunfish fry in all three aquariums that have pygmy sunfish in them. I drop in some baby brine shrimp daily, but otherwise I have ignored the fry. What this leads to is a few big fry in each tank. I think the big fry eat the small fry when their bellies aren't full of brine shrimp.
  20. No, not really. It has all the species though.
  21. Go up to the first post, choose edit, then from there upload a thumbnail (limited to a 1 mb picture). Or post a photo and I will put in there for you.
  22. Many forum members consider copepods highly desirable members of an aquatic ecosystem. But if I wanted to rid my aquarium of copepods, I would use a small hungry predator like a guppy or really just about any small fish. A UV sterilizer could conceivably work in the long run, but it might be a very long run. UV work by disrupting the DNA of any life that flows in front of the light. Many of the copepods in your aquarium (even small ones) potentially might never go through the sterilizer. The disruption of the DNA interferes with reproduction but doesn't actually kill the microscopic life in your aquarium. So a small predator would be a cheap and quick way to rid you tank of copepods.
  23. If this wasn't such a family friendly forum there are funny passages I could quote from Benjamin Franklin's letter of advice to a young man. 🙂
  24. When she is ready, she will let the male (and you) know: Older females are harder (but not impossible) to work with.
  25. Did she ever show vertical bars down her sides? How old is she?
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