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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Not that I know of. He teaches oboe though. I will tell him someone said nice things, he will get a kick out of that.
  2. Many people of this forum use Dawn for cleaning their aquariums. I am sure they rinse thoroughly though.🙂
  3. My son plays the oboe and I asked him for some fish music and that is what he came up with.
  4. Here is some video I shot of mine mating, I really like these fish.
  5. The gas exchange happens naturally with or without surface agitation in a low tech aquarium, just like in lakes and ponds. There is enough CO2 in equilibrium with the CO2 naturally in the atmosphere to provide the normal requirements that aquatic plants need for photosynthesis. When injecting CO2 in a high tech aquarium some people avoid surface agitation in order to use last molecule of CO2 but it is not something to be concerned about in a normal aquarium
  6. Post a photo, seeing what it looks like can really help.
  7. Yes, my primary occupation is as a beekeeper but I am not a honey producer. I sell honey bees to other beekeepers. Over the next couple of months I will produce and sell between 50 - 100 colonies of honey bees.
  8. Here is slow motion video shot with an iPhone of the bees bringing in that maple pollen from above. It really is that light green color. And some bees have a cool looking pink pollen I have yet to ID. I really do use my good cameras sometimes, I promise, but some of my favorites come from phone.
  9. The make matters worse, it is not even clear that there is a difference between Danios and Rasboras.
  10. My iPhone is always with me so it gets a workout. Here are baby sparkling gouramis shot with an iPhone: And maple pollen, again with an iPhone and microscope: I do have 'photographer' cameras, some Canons and couple GH5s DSLRs I use mainly for video work, but nothing gets used as often as the old iPhone.
  11. Possibly a majority of aquarium plants in the wild are clones naturally. Everything from water sprite to hornwort to duckweed almost never flowers naturally. Think of all the plants that grow from runners also. Cloning is just natures way of making more of a good thing!
  12. @Branden Unfortunately Forum guidelines say: Which means the forum can't be used as a way to find another forum member as a source for vinegar eels. On the other hand, I have found AquaBid to be a good source, and I would definitely check your local aquarium club.
  13. There could be an upside here. At least it will not cook your fish when it fails.🙂
  14. Like @Schwack says maybe only experienced people should do fish-in cycling. I am usually loathe to recommend my method of just putting the plants and fish and water from an established tank all on day one. But then I read all of the nightmare posts where new fishkeepers are conscientiously following all the rules and end up with a very unhappy aquarium. I know my method wouldn't work on someone's first tank, because where would the plants and water from an established aquarium come from? But it hard not to want to say, don't make it so complicated! Even scientist who study this keep changing the narrative of which bacteria do what when. I am not saying we don't know the outline of what is happening, but clearly the details are still murky. I do what I do because it works and it is easy. I wonder who else on the forum just throws everything in on day one (I think Cory just throws everything together on day one).
  15. Everyone gets confused, even Linnaeus, the great namer of plants and animals was befuddled sometimes. I grow alot of common milkweed in my fields because my honey bees like it and butterflies like it. Linnaeus named it Asclepias syriaca or in other words 'the milkweed from Syria'. The original type specimen was from Canada (not Syria) but had been mislabeled. So I now have 'Syrian Milkweed' that is actually native to my front yard.
  16. @RovingGinger asked about this also on the second day of the forum
  17. @Brian are you asking about the "Wild Caught" documentary film:
  18. I have a dissolved oxygen probe that have used to measure the dissolved oxygen in a 40 gallon aquarium (albeit with 1 spongefilter). Initially the the dissolved oxygen was 8 part per million and with a spongefilter running the dissolved oxygen was raised to 9.5 parts per million. This would never be considered to be excess oxygen. I know from other experiments that adding a second spongefilter would do little the raise the dissolved oxygen content further. Water temperatures in tropical fish aquariums are generally in the 70 - 80 degree Fahrenheit range. Which limits the amount of dissolved oxygen in a tropical aquarium.
  19. I have sparkling gouramis and so far I haven't seen them make a dent in the hydra population in their tank.
  20. @TheDukeAnumber1 has good advice. I tried to feed my baby brine shrimp to the fry in the grow out tanks within a few hours of the shrimp hatching. I throw the remaining shrimp away once they get to about 12 hours old. By that point I have another batch hatching, so I always to have the youngest possible baby shrimp available.
  21. I would leave the lights on (normal day/night period) while cycling. The plants will really appreciate it.
  22. Could be copepods (bugs). An even closer photo would help to be sure. Copepods are harmless.
  23. Those are 2" x 12" yellow pine boards from Lowe's.
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