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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Yes, it is what made me give up drinking.
  2. One of my favorite community tanks was this one I setup a while back: Wild Discus Rummy nose tetras Hatchet fish Corydoras Sterbai Other fish too Also for plants: Dwarf chain sword Jungle Val Amazon and Red Melon swords Rotala Bacopa Java Fern Other plants also As far as hardscape, I prefer big rocks and big wood. I doubt any of this will help people new to the hobby, except that this tank is fool proof and ultra low maintenance. You can walk away from it for month and it doesn't miss a beat. There is no filter at all, so nothing to maintain there. A very low stress aquarium.
  3. I wouldn't wait. What is good for the plants is good for the cycle.
  4. The bucket constantly has cold water dripping into it, and I stir it up and drain it every few days also. Any yes, the worms seem to be omnivores. I think what they eat might be the bacteria that decompose the food I give them. I am not completely sure.
  5. Zucchini, butternut squash, paper towels. They aren't really picky.
  6. I can keep the alive and they even reproduces a little in this 5 gallon bucket setup I use. But my fish eat them mostly quickly than they can reproduce, so I always end up buying more.
  7. A funny things about this thread...if I were to ask 'What are your favorite fish', I would get nearly identical answers to what everyone has posted here! Just goes to show you..vive la différence.
  8. No worries! I love discus and angelfish, but different strokes for different folks, right?
  9. I had been hoping for "Elite Puffer" at 1000.🙂
  10. I'd use the little tiny suction cup thingies the Co-Op sells. 😒
  11. I have been sternly reprimanded on the measuring spoons thing. I now have assigned measuring spoons and should I get caught using any other set....
  12. I used our kitchen cutting board. Beside the holes for the tubes, I cut a slot in back to hold the results/color card. When possible I use natural light to view the results.
  13. I am pretty full of myself most days, but I would think twice before I got into a discussion with @Coronal Mass Ejection Carl about nitrates. I think he buys them by the barrel load.🙂
  14. I interested in hearing @MAC's reply. They are pretty small on day one. Rotifers and paramecium are great at first, then maybe microworms, then baby brine shrimp.
  15. I bet it was sweet tea! Ya'll wouldn't know about that up in the Northwest.🙂
  16. My son still laughs about it (now days anyway). I had hundreds of male bettas going at anyone time which was what led to so many jars. Those were the days!🙂
  17. @Fish Folk Your setup looks good! What I used to do was very similar. 10 gallon tank with plants and about 6" of water, and the bottom of a Styrofoam cup which the male almost always chose to build his nest under. Water was about 80 but I sure 78 work too, I don't think an exact number is critical. I kept the female in a tank next door (similar to what you are doing) until she was ready as indicated by breeding stripes. Younger females work better in general than older females. Sometime they have trouble figuring out how to tango on the first go round. I look forward to watching this project develop!
  18. I don't mean to be mean, but the forum is not the place for people to trade or give away aquarium related stuff. Even stickers. Therefore I am locking this topic.
  19. It is a hundred times better the way you tell it!
  20. How do you make $10,000 breeding tropical fish? Start with $20,000!
  21. There is a lot potential danger in the world, but I guess I am kinda philosophical about it. Lot of things can potentially happen, few actually do happen. No choice is risk free, and the bad things that do happen are usually a surprise, not the things you were actually worried about. Which is riskier? Going outside or staying inside? I don't know, and the answer might even be unknowable. Which in the end makes my fishkeeping rather carefree. I probably should be more concerned, but my personality won't let me.
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