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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Blue and red grow plants (photosynthesis) better than anything else, and grow algae better than anything else. But blue plus red plus green equals white light which most people find very pleasing to look at and also grows plants.
  2. Those are adventitious or aerial roots. You don't need to do anything as these are normal. If you want to propagate your plants you can always take cuttings and plants those.
  3. Blackworms are the keys to kingdom when it comes to happy healthy fish that grow fast and readily spawn. The are also a 'secret' to happy discus.
  4. I would have thought biofilm, but biofilm is more slimy.
  5. Another elegant and inexpensive DIY solution from inventor of the Pex Pillar @Bill Smith
  6. Here is the link to 'Breeding for Profit' series Cory posted earlier:
  7. Several other forum members have experimented with carpeting planting from seed: No one seemed to have a great deal of enthusiasm for after having tried it. But who knows, your attempt may work out better. Do you have any particular species of plant your are interested in?
  8. I don't think it would be a good idea to tumble angelfish eggs. Normally they are firmly attached to a flat surface and fanned by parent until they are hatched. Even after hatching the newly hatched fry are still tethered to their hatching location so that it is impossible for them to get separated from their siblings and nest location.
  9. I don't know my salinity. What I use is 2 tablespoons of reef salt per 1 liter cone. And yes, I think any marine salt like the Red Sea salt would work just as well if not better. Instant Ocean is pretty low end.
  10. Nothing, the cats did it while I was out, so who knows how long it had been in the tank. I just took it out and placed it back on top of the aquarium. The Finnex Stingray lights are not indestructible, but they are tough.
  11. Not much really. But since I can pickup a 5 gallon bucket of Instant Ocean reef salt also fairly inexpensively, I use the reef salt. My totally unproved theory is that whatever the extra trace elements that are in the reef salt will eventually end up in my aquariums and these extra trace elements are a good thing. I not only don't rinse, I don't even separate the bbs from the hatching water. So this is what goes into my aquariums:
  12. I am pretty sure he once said normal hats don't fit.
  13. I think Cory just has a large head.
  14. Doesn't bother me. I usually get into trouble when I start chasing numbers in an otherwise happy and healthy aquarium. I would have to have a very specific reason to make a change if there were no other sign of distress in my fish.
  15. So if you select Cory (by clicking on his face), doesn't his profile photo disappear and the tagging then becomes highlighted? Or is it just the size of the profile photo whilst tagging that is the problem?
  16. A hardcore way is to use baking soda. But a softcore method using something like crushed coral is much more advisable. Usually the very best way is not to try and adjust your pH at all. Changing your pH is like trying to change your personality. It make work temporarily but in the long run it rarely works.
  17. Daphnia are a little picky about what they will eat, so there is that limitation. You could add anything powdered you wanted to to your Daphnia food. Some people add ground up dried peas. I think it is like human diets and asking what is the best food? Sometimes I feed this to my baby brine shrimp as a form of gut loading. Selco puts a little fish oil in the baby brine shrimp's gut. It is not really necessary though as ungutloaded baby brine is still awfully darn good.
  18. Usually with Daphnia you are feeding them some mixture of brewers' yeast, spirulina, and etc. or they feeding off of green water. Either way both foods are nutritional for both the Daphnia and and the fish that consume the Daphnia. Often the term used is gut loading and many people find it useful to get additional nutrition in to their fish. Daphnia themselves are a form of high quality fish food and vita-chem combined as are many other live foods.
  19. Yes! It turns out mulm is one of the chief hiding places for baby cherry shrimp.
  20. @Lizzie Block had a good post on how to insert photos:
  21. I have yet to figure out a way to keep them out the water other put a lid on my aquariums which I choose not to do because of the hassle. Fortunately although my Finnex Stingrays have had multiple underwater excursions, none have been any the worse for wear.
  22. Light at the higher frequency wavelengths (blue light) is important for photosynthesis in plants: The downside is algae is a plant. 🙂 Most growlights have a fair amount of their light output down in the blue part of the spectrum as a way of encouraging plant growth. The part of the spectrum plants don't need so much is the middle part which is why plants appear green to our eyes. Also we have a preference for the middle part of the spectrum where blue and red and green all contribute and which we perceive as 'white'.
  23. @Colu thanks for the update. Does the UV run continuously? If it does run continuously, do you think your water would go back to being green if you stopped using it?
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