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Everything posted by DaveSamsell

  1. Here is an interesting video on the test strips. BTW, I have well/ground water with zero chlorine as well, but I still use water conditioner for any heavy metals that may be present.
  2. Am wondering if the room has a central floor drain? Also, some large wooden ceiling fans would be a nice touch. Lots of room for many wonderful possibilities. The project is really taking shape. Nice job... I helped my brother build a good portion of his home and it's very gratifying having seen the accomplishments, every day, as well.
  3. Regular Flintstone mobile, no doubt. 😂 . Funny.
  4. I wish my repair was that easy. ☺️ The one that stopped working for me actually seized up and the motor would not turn. Probably was my fault. Had the air-stone set for ultra fine bubbles, lol. They are just little direct current motors and am actually surprised they run as long as they do.
  5. I had a USB Nano air pump fail, somewhat recently & it was running for about 9 months. Am sure the usability of the product will vary depending on many factors. I.E. length of tubing used, power surges, type of airstone used (if any) and many other variables. That is why I keep a few spares on hand.
  6. I fully agree. One problem is that not everyone likes snails though. If I couldn't keep fish, I would have multiple species snail tanks. Wait, I have those now, lol. Anyway, this original topic, started by @pedrofisk, is one of the best on the Forum, IMO. Really makes people think.....
  7. @GardenStateGoldfish, @Taylor Blake Thank you for the informative input. Am still looking around at various manufacturers. Am in rural Pennsylvania, so the weather can be brutal, at times, lol. That's good to know about the two brands. Was interested in something around 100 gallons or greater. All the best...
  8. Am already planning some tubbing/stocking ideas for next year. Was wondering if anyone ever used the Rubbermaid stocking tanks over the winter months? Not sure how well the polyethylene would truly hold up to sub-freezing temps, etc.
  9. Am so glad you are having such good growth from this plant. My first experiences with Amazon sword were not as favorable. Root tabs saved my plants and opinions of this plant, lol.
  10. @Mikeo Am in the process of re-cycling a new tank. I had a KH of 10 initially and a few days later it went to a KH of 0. Ph dropped from 7.5 to 6.5 Got too aggressive in feeding my snail tank and entered a 'mini-cycle', if it can be called that. I think @GardenStateGoldfish, mentioned good points, above. Also, @Mikeo, do you have plants in the tank? The plants may be dealing with the ammonia as you are adding it, etc. Additionally, a KH of 4 is not too bad, IMO, but as the acids build in the tank, the pH & KH will start to drop.
  11. I am on well/ground water. So I never really found out what was causing my tank's issue. Was suspecting a particular heavy metal.
  12. I've had pearl weed, java fern, anubias, italian/jungle val, moneywort, pogostemon stellatus octopus and others grow very well from pots. I usually would sneak in a root tab or two to give it an extra boost of nutrients. Seemed to help a bit.
  13. I've had something similar happen to one of my aquariums after a "typical" water change. The fish were very lethargic and barely swimming. I use Seachem Prime or Fritz products for water conditioners. It may not be totally correct, but I always double dose the tanks with water conditioner when performing my 75% water changes. I don't want to cut it too close and have issues with the fish. Thanks for sharing your experiences.....
  14. I think that's awesome. Supporting LFS"s is great. With all the choices on the internet and 'shipped' fish today, the local stores are often forgotten, at times, it seems. There are a lot of great LFS's out there.
  15. My Otto's were a bit fussy eating as well. What they really went crazy for was Repashy Soilent Green. They are good general cleaners and will scavenge around the tank's glass and plants, in general. I often comment on how peaceful these fish are as well. One of my favorites for sure. We have a vegetable garden in the summer months and usually have a ton of zucchini. They would eat that for me, if blanched. They are also happier in a larger group, I noticed.
  16. @yannachka, I can appreciate that situation. Had a water hose pop off a utility sink faucet & it only took literally seconds to create a watery mess. I can't imagine 5 minutes worth of water. Stay dry my friend......
  17. How to Fight 6 Types of Algae in Your Fish Tank WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Do you dream of having a beautiful aquarium but end up constantly fighting to keep algae at bay? In this article, we discuss the root causes of algae, the most common types found in freshwater aquariums, and the best ways to...
  18. @akconklin, Now that's a true Aquarist's hand there. 🙂
  19. I use a dedicated aquarium toothbrush and twist/swirl it off.
  20. All work and no play makes ANYONE a dull boy/girl.
  21. I have a heavily planted 55 gallon tank with an AquaClear 110. Works well for my community tank, which is fairly heavily stocked. The AC 110 gives a strong circulation flow of water.
  22. I know you don't want snails, but it may be difficult to permanently rid yourself of them, if you will be adding more plants in the future, etc. It may be easier to just control or limit the population of snails, rather than totally trying to always eliminate the snails, ultimately providing a more beneficial overall eco-system. Just a thought. ☺️ I guess I am a snail fan, lol. 🐌
  23. Often times, the pet big box stores will offer free shipping on their 10-20 gallon aquarium starter kits, if you just want to try the hobby out, etc. Good time of year, since the deals should be getting better & better.
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