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Everything posted by DaveSamsell

  1. I used pen & paper for logging information since day 1 in my aquariums. I like the hand-written approach, but that's just me.
  2. Daniel, Thank you. Very kind of you to say. I give the credit to Cory's informational videos. They helped me tremendously. 📺
  3. Hello Edward Steven, Yes, I was serious. These are my first attempts at keeping aquariums, so it looks "ok". Have a lot to learn. The many healthy plants from the Co-Op helps a lot. Thanks for the reply & the tips!. 😊
  4. It is indeed great to enjoy nature on a daily basis. Now, if I can only learn to Aqua-scape. 😅
  5. I like Neon Tetras or Red Wag Paties (depending on your water parameters, of course). Either or would look great with a lot of Vallisneria
  6. Hello everyone!! Am a relatively new Aquarist (started Sept 2019) and am very happy to be here. A little about me: Devoted most of my career in the electronics repair field. Now, retired, I can concentrate more on my hobbies: Fish-keeping, amateur radio, flying aerobatic radio controlled aircraft, writing, volunteering & Rosary-making.
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