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Everything posted by DaveSamsell

  1. @StephenP2003, I can relate to that. Sometimes I only need one or two items as well, but wind up with a big order anyway. Oh well, it's a hobby. 😊 I rather support the CO-OP than the big box stores, so it's all good.
  2. @RyanR, It's possible. You will have to try and see. As a note, I am very picky about my aquariums, lol. I probably could go longer between poly pad replacements, but it's a personal preference for me, etc. 😊
  3. For those who still have televisions 📺, like me; here is an interesting product that I have been using for years. It's an outdoor 'over-the-air' antenna that is useful and an alternative when cable or satellite reception is out; or can even be used as a primary signal source for local stations. Reception will obviously vary from area to area, but at my location, I can receive 30 solid, high definition stations. Saves a lot of money v.s. cable/satellite, since over the air signals are FREE. I actually have mine set up in an upstairs empty room, out of the weather elements. My elevation above sea level is about 1800 feet and have a clear sight to many of the transmitting towers. This type of antenna is directional, meaning it needs to be pointed towards the signal source, for maximum signal strength. Many folks put the antenna outside on an electric rotor, in an attic or if your lucky enough, like me, to have most stations transmitting from the same geographical location, a fixed antenna location. RCA OUTDOOR YAGI HD ANTENNA
  4. @RyanR, My aquariums are moderately to heavily stocked at times. Typically, about every 8 days they are changed out. I like very clear water, lol. One thing to remember when 'hot-rodding' filters is, don't put too much media inside. This can cause a back-up in the system and potentially flood, etc. I think you will like the poly pads when you try them. They are of very good quality.
  5. @RyanR, I use the fine poly pads in my AquaClear HOB's. Where I place them in my AquaClears is right on top. Easy to access and service. There are many ways and it's really a personal preference. I use the Co-Op's black coarse sponge pads, cut to fit. They are on the bottom, Then in the middle I use the AquaClear provided foam block. Lastly, on top, goes the fine poly pad, for fine particulate filtration. Typically, I just throw the poly pads out when they get too nasty. I have some driftwood in aquariums and it may have helped a little with tannins, but it's strong suit is fine particulate filtration, IMO. The fine poly pads do polish the water, for a crisp, clean appearance. All the best.
  6. @siniardem, If it was my aquarium, I personally would dose again with Easy Green , add a few root tabs & give it some more time. The plants may stabilize & hopefully flourish. In some of my planted tanks, my phosphate levels were low & my plants were being affected, since I don't feed my fish, heavily. Hopefully others will chime in with more input. All the best....
  7. @igot2gats, My understanding is that Easy Green is supposed to be dosed, keeping in mind about 10-20 ppm of tested nitrates coming from the fertilizer itself. This number is used as a proxy. This fertilizer is great and I use it myself. It is a 'hot' fertilizer, meaning it has a good amount of nitrogen in it. Of course, nitrogen, potassium & phosphorus are the main 3 macro nutrients. Every aquarium is different and fertilizer dosing should be dialed in for your own, unique application plant requirements/fish sensitivity , etc.
  8. What is your singular, favorite product re-order item from Aquarium Co-Op? Mine is actually the Fine Poly Pads. Great product at a great price. I use the pads in all my HOB filter. Maybe, someday the Co-op will have an order "Auto-delivery" option ?
  9. What % of water do you change? Are you overfeeding the fish perhaps? What substrate are you using? How well are the plants doing?
  10. @siniardem, Nitrogen, Potassium & Phosphorus are the Macro nutrients for plants. Do you know your aquarium Nitrate & Phosphate levels?
  11. Sometimes, I can be pretty 'old school' when it comes to house clocks. We have a Howard Miller mantel clock, in our home, that has a triple chime movement. This particular model is the "Webster" 613-559 Really sounds great.
  12. @siniardem, Here is a great presentation by @Cory, that I like to reference from time to time. Lots of wonderful information, in a short video.
  13. @aquachris, The Tetra test strips will definitely get you there in being very close. I like the API liquid tests a bit more, but that's just me. Folks that have a lot of aquariums, generally use the strips, while average fish-keepers like myself, have the time for the liquid tests. I was just testing all my aquariums today and I really shake the nitrate bottle a lot. Feels like my hand is still in the other room, lol. Seen a video on the internet awhile back where they put the test bottles into a fully padded 'rock tumbler'. Not sure that would work, be too rough, make the bottles leak, etc, but wanted to mention that technique, for what it's worth. Anyway, I also use Seachem Nitrite/Nitrate tests & they don't require any shaking, just some stirring. BTW, you are not a "terrible fish-keeper" as you stated, for not using the liquid tests. There are many ways of testing for the same result. All the best.......
  14. I have received Betta fish decals in the last two orders.
  15. @Daniel, Wanted to share a story with you & everyone as a C.F.I. item. Found one of my larger mystery snails strangled in the aquarium. Culprit identified: One of my Anubias plants was tied down with some clear, fishing line. Evidently, the snail caught itself into a loosened loop of the line. It appears that it twisted itself and actually partially severed it's body. Not a good sight.... First time I've seen anything like this with using fishing line; maybe others have? 🧐
  16. @Lynze, Initially, I had some difficulty growing Val, but turned out my substrate was lacking some nutrients. Never tried the Corkscrew Val. Thanks for the recommendation.
  17. I really like spiderwood. It grew some mold/fungus, but cleared fairly quickly once it was in my aquariums for awhile.
  18. @Dawn Dare, Glad you found the information useful. As a note, I have been trying other mixes together with the Repashy gel base; I.E. Hikari Crab Cuisine & Zoo Med Banquet Blocks. They have worked well for me. I like to try different things with my fish food, lol. 😊
  19. Otocinclus, Chinese algae eater, snails (MTS, nerite, bladder, Mystery). Love the snails. 🐌🐌 🐌 🐌🐌 🐌
  20. My Otocinclus do seem to enjoy Repashy Soilent Green.
  21. @Tim Nelson, Am from Pennsylvania, as well. Great group of folks in the Forum. Welcome aboard. 🙂
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