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Everything posted by OceanTruth

  1. The plants where you ordered from came in looking great. Must be a good company. I’m waiting on a plant order as well. Hopefully, in a couple of days. Good luck using the dry ferts. Never tried it myself.
  2. Do you remember what type of wood it is? I think it would be amazing to have a piece of driftwood for 30 years.
  3. Welcome to the forum! The goldfish pond sounds awesome.
  4. Great job! Definitely the coolest looking rack system I’ve seen.
  5. It’s progressing nicely! Really does look like a mini pond. I’m sure you’ll have more guppies than you can handle in no time.
  6. Igor is such a diva! “Stop filming boring hydra and film ME!!! You know, the star of the whole darn show?!” And what a face Dinky has. Definitely the definition of water puppy.
  7. I think I’ve seen people use LFC - local fish club
  8. I think you should start with just Easy Green at first. Your plants feed from the water column, so you don’t need root tabs. You’re not complaining about a mass amount of algae, so I don’t think you should be dosing Carbon. Easy Green has some iron in it, so you might not need Easy Iron to get the Indica red again. Just my thoughts though.
  9. Wow that’s a beautiful tank with some beautiful guppies! The plants look amazing as well.
  10. Welcome to the forum! It’s so easy to dive deep in this hobby. Glad you found enjoyment in it.
  11. Yes, I would definitely keep a tank like that. Hope you find a tank that suits you for that nice space you can make available!
  12. I’ve never had an aquarium I couldn’t handle, but then again I’ve never had a monster tank before. Largest tank I’ve ever had was only 90 gallons. I, myself, would avoid a tank over 2ft high. I think that would be a pain to wipe down or plant in. Plus most fish are fine with that height. I don’t ever plan to get a massive fish.
  13. Clear sac with white dots sounds like bladder snail eggs to me. They lay them underwater on glass, rocks, plants, wherever.
  14. That is wild! I would have assumed you would have found a clutch of eggs. Mystery snails are sneakier than I thought.
  15. That’s really exciting! Good luck with the plan and build!
  16. Usually they drain into a larger pipe that leads to the home’s septic system or they rig a drain that leads outside. When you add water to the tank, it overflows through the drilled bulkheads. So running clean water into the tank for a period of time effectively gives you a water change of a certain percentage. Hope that made some sense. I’m not the best at explaining things clearly and concisely. Hopefully someone else can explain it better.
  17. You moved a mystery snail? If it was, then I think the babies are a different species. Perhaps the eggs hitchhiked in with something else added to the tank?
  18. Plant delivery days are usually great, but it sucks about Hugo’s condition.
  19. I voted for red root floaters. Those tiny white flowers they get are so cute. I’ve been growing azolla lately and they are kind of growing on me as well.
  20. Welcome to the forum! I hope you get that 50 gallon one day and show it off here.
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