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Brian P

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Everything posted by Brian P

  1. I am a CPA with clients in Oklahoma and Texas. I work out my house with my wife, three cats a Yorkie and my fish. Fish tanks help me in so many ways and are priceless for what they provide.
  2. My ziss hatchery is in my garage. I run it on the weekends.
  3. The lids provide my cats a platform to drink the water from the hob filter, otherwise they would fall in and they can’t swim. Function over form.
  4. 4 tanks 1-29g 1-10g 1-20L 1-5g ordered rack to hold the 20L and plan on buying two more 20L also for the rack
  5. I have four mollies and 20 neons in a 29gallon. I put 6 Amano babies in the tank and have only seen two of the larger ones since. I am sure the mollies ate the little bitty shrimp. My mollies eat any and everything.
  6. All 5 DOA, warning do you order any fish right now unless you overnight them. These came from NJ to OK via priority mail, took 7 days to get here. Fish were clearly dead before I got them. Very tough way to learn. Tried to save $25, could not justify cost for mutt guppies. Will definitely put a hold my aquarium hobby for a while.
  7. I ordered 5 guppies from a reputable breeder a week ago, and I screwed up and did not pay for overnight mail, instead did priority two day. The USPS held my guppies hostage for a week and they are finally being delivered today. Assuming they are still alive, would you do anything different other than acclimate them normally and start feeding them? I am in Oklahoma so it's not real cold here, but they came from the East coast. The tank they are going in is about 75 degrees. My fear is their water may be pretty chilly as the heat packs died out.
  8. Sad to say, but our last new faucet had to have ability to fit the python. Took out most fancy faucets. Luckily it was for a spare bathroom. First world fish keeper problems. I still had to buy an adaptor for the smaller faucet end.
  9. I just had an issue with the python fitting our new faucet. I did not know python makes a bunch of adapters for many sized and styles of faucets. Check the python website. Amazon carries most of the adaptors. This was my problem with the python.
  10. I recently put an established sponge filter without wringing it into a new 10 gallon. I still had ammonia after 3 weeks. So I wrung out my sponges and bio rings from my 29g hob and poured the dirty funky water into the new tank. Ammonia disappeared in days and after week I did a 30% water change and gravel vac a little. Water cleared up and numbers were all good. I put two rams horn snails in the tank and they lived, so I knew all was good. Had input more gunk in the new tank sooner, I think it would have cycled faster.
  11. You are right the babies change your tank. My 4 male mollies just had a ton of babies. Our first clue that one may be a female. Now our 20 neons, 4 mollies, and lemon pleco are busting at the seams in my 29g as their are literally 20 or 30 baby mollies. I just decided to split the live bearers out and bought a 20g tank to put them in. It’s kind of a mess. I just wanted a nice calm community tank. The babies are really cute though. Oh, and last point, the mama molly has turned not very nice to the other fish and has become a major glutton. Good luck with your new tank!
  12. I just recently removed my heaters and let my tanks go from a constant 77 to about 74 on average. I suspect it gets down a degree or two more overnight. Fish are doing well and seem to not care. I would go with room temp, then drip acclimate when you put the pleco in the main tank since it is warmer. Good luck!
  13. @Cory also recommends running an air stone while you are treating the tank if you aren’t already. It helps the fish breathe better, as the meds can make it harder for them sometimes.
  14. I have the bottom half of my hob filled with bio rings and the top half with sponge. Then co-op sponge on the filter intake. This keeps my water very clear and provides lots of area for bacteria. The rings and sponges are all easy to clean. I rinse them in aquarium water once a month. I check the hob water level pretty often to make sure it does not get clogged and overfill. Just my paranoia.
  15. Here is a screen shot of the directions on the co-op website for the banana plant.
  16. I agree with Streetwise, the co-op is not Amazon. You know what is offered has been tested, they stand behind and if what you are looking for is not there, buy it somewhere else.
  17. Almost a year ago I was suffering from depression and spending (for me) way too much collecting watches. Watches are fun to research and buy, but then they sit. I bought an aquarium to help both problems. The aquarium forced me to do something everyday, and it helped me mentally. I have also stopped (almost) buying watches and started buying plants, fish and equipment. I had aquariums most of my childhood and even when the kids were little. We had guppy babies and bettas, but life got in the way. So this hobby is helping me a lot and keeping me pretty happy.
  18. One of my baby mollies got brave and went to bottom of tank.
  19. Yes, Amano's molt every 5-6 weeks and hide while they are naked. I would too. I have now found two shrimps. Truly a Thanksgiving miracle. I have to now apologize to my Mollies for accusing them of murder.
  20. In a Thanksgiving miracle, I fed a lot of BBS to the tank this morning, and lo and behold a single amano shrimp came flying out of nowhere. He/she swam around like a mad shrimp amongst the BBS and had a good time. Then, poof, gone. So far I have found one dead shrimp, one shrimp skin only, and now one live shrimp. My mollies left the shrimp alone and it just did shrimp things. This gives me hope some of the others might be hidden as well. My kids (20 and 22) think I am crazy. My wife knows I am.
  21. Turkey is cooking, kids are home, fish are fed bbs, life is good today. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  22. https://youtu.be/d3osdgb7BGw Here is Cory’s video on the hatchery. Helped me out a lot.
  23. I never feed my fish when I travel. I change water the day before I leave, make sure I test and everything is ok. Feed heavy last day and have never lost a fish or had any issues. My trips are 5 days. My fish are all pretty mature, no babies or anything.
  24. I have a 29g that had 6 neon tetras for a long time, one died and the 5 left all hid. I bought 15 more and know they are by far the most interesting thing in the tank. The group has taken over the tank and are so fun to watch. There are neons everywhere and all together at the same time. I am really starting to understand schooling a little bit now.
  25. Thank you for the advice. I don't really have an LFS, so I will have to find some other way to "give them away". My wife seems to be able to sell/give away anything on FB. The tank is 29g and can hold a few, but not this many more. I am pretty sure some if not all are Dalmations, they have tiny little spots.
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