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  1. Yes I have a light, I have a led desk lamp on the hatchery.
  2. Having problems with hatching brine shrimp eggs in the ziss brine shrimp hatchery.. Can someone please help me. I have hatched brine shrimp eggs before but for some reason I'm not having any luck.. I have tried using fritz aquarium salt, sea salt, etc..I have tried with a heater and without bc I do not have a fish room. Thanks in advance. Chris Starnes
  3. Hello all.. I was wondering if there is a way to see how many replies a person has left to get the tab to be able to buy and sell fish? Thank you in advance.
  4. I usually float the bags when they come in for 20 minutes or so bc of all the traveling they have gone through. A cycled tank is always a plus! Once they have floated, plop and drop the fish into the tank and that's it. Let them get used to tank for a day or so then medicate them and feed them. I usually don't feed new fish until I get them settled in, which is a day or so.. I also keep lights off while they.are settling in. Good luck! Chris
  5. Several years...gone through algae issues several times and these are the survivors..
  6. Hello everyone, I am new to the forum and just wanted to say hello to everyone. I have four freshwater aquariums one is a quarantine tank and one is my display tank which is a 55 gallon which has community fish in it and live plants. I have a 29 gallon that has only guppies in life plants and I have a 29 gallon that is outside which currently right now has my kids turtle. I enjoy breeding guppies / endless. I love having live plants in my tanks as well. Would like to get back to breeding mystery snails. I did it before and would like to do it again. I also like to setup outdoor tubs.. I usually do that when it's warmer.. I usually do guppies, white clouds, goldfish.
  7. Thank you for that information. Now I know. I had no idea there was a set number or a goal to meet.
  8. Just wanting to know why some people have a tab to choose where they can buy,sell, or trade live fish with other members but I am not offered that tab. Seems a little unfair..
  9. Can brine shrimp eggs go bad? I have some from the co-op and it's been a while. I have had them in the freezer. Now I can't get them to hatch after a day in a half to 2 days. All eggs are on top and nothing hatched.. Should I just throw away the ones I have and get more? Thanks. Chris
  10. This is what tank looks like. .
  11. Can't do the amanos because cities and other fish would eat them. Will decrease light time. Will a uv sterilizer help?
  12. This is what my tank looks like. Pretty bad. Has string algae, black beard algae, and bright green algae that grows on everything and is almost impossible to get off. Please help!!!
  13. Hello from Louisiana... Need help working this thing properly. When I went to drain the brine shrimp I got alot of the egg shells with the shrimp after letting it settle..what did I do wrong...little disappointed.
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