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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. I love bloodfin tetras, and they are among my most extroverted fish. Perhaps you just need more of them.
  2. @Jungle Fan, I have kept Bacopa caroliniana before, and the color, smell, and leaf structure look very similar. The top bits look a little more curly, which is what caught my eye when digging them out. I looked at many of those links when I was researching zebra mussels, but maybe not all of them. I have heard of white clouds and Neocaridina in some bodies of water here, so seeing plants with extended range doesn’t surprise me.
  3. I can’t address Cichlids, but an organic soil tank is just fine with some mess. I stir up mulm with many of my top-offs, and nobody is bothered. In my shrimp tanks, it triggers a feeding frenzy.
  4. Nice @Jungle Fan, it is always fun to be out in nature. I didn't know that Bacopa caroliniana could grow this far north. I found it rooted in fairly large rocks. The root system was huge! Here are some photos from the bucket they are all in now.
  5. I just had an awesome first day on the water. My friend took out her standup paddle board, and I took a rowboat and we explored the shoreline of Shelburne Bay on Lake Champlain. I also collected some plants, and would love some help identifying them!
  6. @starsman20, is it rooted to anything? Do you have shrimp to graze on it? I don’t mind hair algae when it doesn’t combine with moss or floating plants to form Velcro.
  7. I run the Co-Op sponge filters in all of my filtered tanks, but I supplement with a symmetrical HoB on two of my tanks, and this is my favorite unit:
  8. I love it! I’m a huge fan of organic soil tanks. Keep sharing!
  9. I switched over to Co-Op sponge filters for my tanks, tubs, and buckets about nine months ago, and I haven’t cleaned them yet. How often do most people do that? I love seeing shrimp enjoy grazing on them.
  10. I should be clear that there was no plan. That bow is in different room than my other glass tanks, and it got a ton of window light in addition to my schedule. I used to have to get in there periodically with a pair of skewers to spin off the excess strings of hair algae, and scrape the back glass. I tried many different filters, and flow levels. Eventually, I ended up with a pair of nano sponge filters. The plants were enough for filtration, but I wanted to move water, and my shrimp love sponges so much. I got 85% blackout curtains to control the window light, and I also added a spare symmetrical HoB, to help submerge any spare duckweed and catch it in the medium pre-filter. This is the only tank I have with hair algae like this, so I don't have a recipe.
  11. Try a bulkie roll or bagel. On a slightly more serious note, there is something special about hair algae on Mopani wood if you can contain it. I dislike hair algae when combined with floating plants or moss to create velcro, but I like it when it is rooted and independent.
  12. I seem to have posted many photos without fish, so I fed first this time:
  13. I have two each in my 16 and 20. They are way more social than I expected, and they help make the Otocinclus feel more safe to roam. I am keeping my eye on their size.
  14. I love how you are documenting all of your hobby progress!
  15. I’m just brainstorming here, but maybe a double-ended test strip would be a cool product, with one end for a short immersion, and the other end for a longer immersion.
  16. @tonyjuliano, your wish item exists! It is a separate product because of the different reaction time: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/aquarium-co-op-ammonia-test-strips Cheers!
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