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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I have not bred CPDs but one of our forum members has successfully spawned CPDs and are currently raising their fry! You can checkout their journal here:
  2. I love the plant sticking out of the filter, I have thought about doing that too! Please keep updating, I love reading through the progess people have made with their aquariums. hmm... Angelfish or Discus? I think I would go with discus but thats only because I think they are super gourgoues and would make a great addition to that tank. Maybe 3-4 of them would look nice. I really like the red pigeon discus or any wild caught strain. @Fish Folk has a beautiful discus setup, perhaps he could share some insight.
  3. Well I can't reccemend any sellers from first hand experiance. But I can reccemend some through great reviews as well as freinds who have told me about their success with them. ShrimpFever, they are located in Ontario and shipping from ontario to manitoba is really expensive ($50) so I can't imagine what all the way to vancover island would be. Angelfins probably the online store with the best reviews in canada There was a angelfish breeder that I beleive went out of buisness because I cant seem to find their website anymore and they stopped posting on their social media. It was AngelfishCanada. AquaristsAcrossCanada has some great reviews too, I often check their stock. I'll probably order from them or angelfins shortly. ThePlantGuy all though does not sell fish they do have a vast selection of plants. Maybe more then the co-op. I have orderd with them several times (5, i think. All within the past 6 months) 100% reccemend. They will email you back within minutes too! They are local to me as well so I can do free pickup, but often I ask for them to ship it to me. Never had a problem with them.
  4. I have my crinum right next to my spongefilter and it seems to be growing quite nicely as well! I didn't know it was a heavy root feeder so I will be placing some root tabs. in.
  5. Welcome to the forum from a fellow canadian! I second @Ingrid where bout are you in Canada? I'm in Manitoba!
  6. I did a waterchange today on the two downstairs tanks. I decided I had enough with lugging the buckets around so I decided to use a hose to fill the tanks back up. I soon may invest in a python, I hate brining buckets up and down the stairs!
  7. Hugo my betta. He is just full of personality!
  8. @ChefConfit Beautifull Job! Can't wait to check out that journal! Thats a crazy looking crinum. I have one thats growing every day, but its not that big yet!
  9. Does not matter 🙂 Whatever book is your favorite!
  10. For me its incredibly hard to find a good book, but when I do all I do is read the book till I'm finished. I am planning to get into a book sereis this summer. Whats your favorite books? Here are mine: The 5th Wave Trilogy The Martian The Stones Trilogy Harry Potter (read this like 5 years ago, and it still ranks as one of the best series I have ever read. Worth a read no matter your age.)
  11. I didn't even knew that exsisted. I guess ham comes in a can therefore anything can.
  12. I had to adjust my fluval 3.0 settings on the 10 gallon because I saw some algae growth happening. I tuned everything down to max out at 30% instead of 50%. I did the short preview on it and it looks like it'll do the job. Also adusted the heater in my community tank to 80F. Its been having a tough time to heat the water to 78F. You'd think it would have a easy time due to summer but, I guess its because we have the A/C on now. The other day I rescued a betta you can check that out in my new journal.
  13. Aw shucks, sorry this happening! Must be frustrating! The back of the bottles instructions for dosing is simply what they reccemend for the average setup, each setup varies though beased on the stocking, plant selection, etc. First things first, stop dosing easy green. Do waterchanges and remove the green water. to completley remove the green water you may want to get a towel over the aquarium to kill off any light (turn off the aquarium light too) and leave like this until there is no green water. After you can start dosing easy green back in, I would start at 1/4 the normal dose then slowly increase to maybe 1/2.
  14. Thats exactly what I thought! He's a glutton too, he loves food more then any other fish I have kept. Probably because he hasn't eaten in a month, but still cute. I won't lie, I'm fan of most crowntails but I do like this one quite a lot!
  15. I rescued a betta off of Kijiji today! I named him DarthVader, but Vader for short! The original owner said "I always forget to feed him, and he's such a pain" But the betta is super cute! It was free too, so I had to take it home. It came with a bowfront 3 gallon aquarium, gravel and decor. I have decided to keep the decor in the aquarium until I can get a light and plants for the aqaurium. I will be switching out the gravel shortly though. I have been wanting to setup a walstad aquarium for the LONGEST time. And after reading through most of diana walstads books I think I'm ready. I want to try and use plants that I already have (hygrophillia compact, salvania, pogostemon stellatus octopus) And then I will be ordering more plants shortly. I am just waiting to purchase that light. I wish I had a window to put it by because then I could use natural light. After getting the aquarium I replaced the gravel and did a 100% waterchange. Then added the substrate (1inch of soil, 1 inch of gravel). I have a temporary light, but its suppeer crap Also please dont tell hugo about the new betta, he cant think I am cheating on him.
  16. Theres one thats 5 minutes from my house! Its fairly small, but I like small fish stores better they always seem to have better staff. The only downside is that they are saltwater focused but they do have good selection of freshwater fish and plants, they quarintine their fish and everything! I always try to buy from them first! If they dont have the fish I am looking for I'll either hit up a big box store, or another lfs 20 minutes away (the lfs 20 minutes away isn't the best, which is why I almost perfer petsmart instead)
  17. Diana Walsatd wrote a fantasic book about plants. Its called Ecology of the Planted Aquarium. It is super facsinating. I am currently reading through it now! I know several other forum members have read this book also.
  18. @H.K.Luterman hope you dont mind:
  19. What Humans See: VS What Fish See
  20. Perhaps @Colu will disagree with me, so go with whatever he says he has more experiance then I do. When I treat with salt I try to dose every day, or every other day but I always do a waterchange before each salt dosing. You dont want too much salt in your water. Also make sure you only treat for a week at a time. So treat salt for a week, and after do waterchanges to remove the salt despite the fish being any better. If the fish still hasn't improved after your one week salt treatment try a salt bath. Heres a video I followed when I was doing a salt bath: I would also reccemend watching this video prior to using any salt at all: I wish you the best of luck with your treatment! Keep us updated!
  21. Thats exactly how my bettas fins looked right before his finrot. I had a miserable time treating my Betta (named Hugo) for finrot. I had to use salt being that my country (canada) makes fish meds ilegal to sell. He started his finrot treatment in March, its now almsot July (6ish months) and his fins are almost fully grown back completley. I would first reccemend to start treating NOWWW!!!! Before it gets really bad! Give it a few days and you will see chunks of fins missing. To treat I would get an antibiotic like Maracyn and treat him with that with the reccemending dosing on the back of the bottle. I treated hugo with salt and treated for a week straight. I saw no improvement. So I did a 50% waterchange and gave a few days off for any treatment. midway into my second week of treatment I relized he was not responding well with the salt, at all! His fins were only getting worse. I could tell he was near his final days. Lying around on his side, and frantically spassing out. I stopped treating with salt and gave him a week with no light, no food, no nothing. I wanted him to rest. (This may sound cruel but sometimes food during stressfull times can be bad for the fish, and light can really stress out a fish sometimes). You can see exactly what I did in this thread: Bottom line use an antibiotic like maracyn if you can. Its going to be a lot easier on your IMO. Hugos fins are almost all healed up with just a small notch in his fin. Good Luck!!!
  22. Agreed! For all you know they are going under treatment and aren't for sale. You cant always see the meds in the water. When I was treating for ich the first 2 hours after dosing meds the water would be blue, but after that it was crystal clear. I have a few LFS in my area along with lots of petstores. One of the big box store is amazing, quarintines all fish prior to selling, and bettas are in those betta baracks that the co-op uses But their fish are insanely expensive, its not worth it. The Fish Store 5 minutes from my house is saltwater based, but still has a good freshwater selection. They Quarintine all their fish prior to selling, I have never seen a sick fish, all the tanks are clean. I have never brought home a sick fish from them. They have some GREAT prices on fish and plants as well!
  23. The Plants have been growing wonderfully in all my aquariums! I also have one very pregnant guppy. I spent the last week or so moving around plants. I moved the crypt wendetii green gecko from the 10 gallon to hugos aquarium. Hugo loves to lay underneath all the leaves, its his new favorite spot! I also moved the hygrophillia compact to underneath the driftwood: My madagascar lace plant has been growing a bunch too! I honestly though I wouldn't be having sucess with this plant! The crinum has some new growth as well, and the dwarf aquarium lilly bulb has started to sprout some new leaves: The pogostemon in the 10 gallon has really taken off too! And the sword in the aquarium has stopped melting back and has lots of new leaves.
  24. These were my first aquariums: The first aquarium that got me serious into fish keeping and what caused MTS was a 10 gallon aquarium stocked with... Sparkiling Gourami Angelfish Female Swordtail Electric Blue Ram Threafin Rainbow The only problem in this tank was the gourami. For the first 6 months it was fine but then the gourami started bullying the swordtail. I took the gourami out and gave it to my lfs. The angelfish wasn't fully grown yet, but was around the 4 inch tall mark. I later upgraded to a 40 breeder and transferd the angelfish into the 40 breeder. I gave away the swordtail as well. And the EBR and Rainbowfish had died. The 40 Breeder I tried live plants for the first time, it was a complete fail. I found out what I did wrong (no fertilizer, no root tabs, the green hedge i bought apperiantly wasn't an aquatic plant either) Heres what it looked like: There was a corydora in there at one point but it died because my aquarium exploded, every other fish survived though 🙂 I still have this angelfish, its almost full grown For the first few months I waterchanged every wednesday. The parameters were fine. Heres a picture of my old betta who lived in a 0.5gallon container advertisted for bettas. I didn't know any better, all though a few months later I did upgrade him to a 3 gallon. And then I re-homed him to my LFS. Looking back at all my old photos gave me good memories. I actually kind of miss my first setup, maybe because everything was exciting!
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