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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Here are some photos of the shrimpies this morning. Unfortunately I lost another one because of a failed molt. I am troubleshooting mineral content as well as fertilizer use. @Guppysnail is helping me with some advice; thank you @Guppysnail. I’m sending a water sample off to the city to get an analysis of the tap water as well. Should be a week to get the results.
  2. Geppetto’s tank is developing some nice algae now so Kratos can come over soon. That waits til my day off so I can closely observe. Not a lot of Kratos’ body is exposed when he moves around and he is is a slow mover as well. Plus, well, spikes! So I think we have a good chance of success. I reduced the light time for now until Kratos moves in.
  3. Wait til they all start parasnailing at once “raining” snails in the tank. 🤣
  4. Agreed. Generally they burrow in the day and come out at night. I’m afraid of em because they multiply at alarming rates (see YouTube) but some people like them because they clean the substrate extremely well.
  5. Erin has been telling me about her BNP for at least a year but every time I’ve visited I have NEVER seen him. I even had her buy mopani wood for him, and she hadn’t even seen him visit it. Just as I was about to call her a big fat liar about having a BNP, last night she texted me his pic. Here he is! She said he’s been coming out more & more lately, but when she walks by the tank he quickly hides. ALSO he was a tankmate of Geppetto, and I wonder if Geppetto was mean to him. She said she NEVER saw any ill will between them but nevertheless, he seems to be more comfortable now. I think it was a win-win for everyone that Geppetto was rehomed. The BNP is a cute little guy.
  6. Ohhh. I’ve seen that being discussed in blog posts for blackwater tanks. Haven’t tried it personally.
  7. These are the instructions I used, and they work great! But I can't take the credit. These instructions are from @xXInkedPhoenixX's thread: "I have Indian Almond leaves on a subscription order with Amazon. My water changing system for my 5 tanks is as follows: I keep 1 gallon empty water jugs from drinking water- anywhere from 9 to 11 of them (that changes due to them wearing out or if I'm using one for Epsom water etc). I bring to a boil 2-3 full sized IAL leaves in an 8 quart stock pot, once boiling I turn off the burner, put on the lid and steep anywhere from 8-12 hours. I then fill each of the 1 gallon jugs with SOME of that tea water (anywhere from 2 to 4 fingers high) then fill the rest of the way with tap water and fritz dechlorinator. I let the jugs sit out 12-24 hours uncapped then cap and use as needed. This lasts me anywhere from a week or 2 depending on my water changes- right now I start to run low within a week due to frequent QT water changes for my four patients along with my resident tank water changes. This is likely way cheaper than buying anything that "contains" the extract. Plus I have leaves on hand all the time if I just need to plop one in a QT or tank for "extra"." I have a smaller scale operation going. I only have two of the 1-gallon jugs. Any extra dark water that I have boiled I just put it in jars and stuck it in the fridge until I do a water change and free up one of the 1-gallon jugs again.
  8. How old do you think they are? @Guppysnail may have some insight about mystery snail lifespan.
  9. Sorry you had some losses. At least it wasn't a whole tank wipe, and as I recall you had a lot of tanks affected, actually. Thank you. ❤️ Even though he has showed symptoms, he had never "acted sick" - he's always been high energy, social, eager to eat. He did demonstrate flashing for a period of time, but he's never gotten to a point (lethargy) where I was worried he would meet the end. These black neons are super resilient. I think it might be soon time to move him into the "recovery unit" which is a snail/shrimp tank. They cannot get columnaris, but I think he's past that anyway. I think what I see now are the scars that it leaves behind, and they keep improving.
  10. I loved The Leftovers. I put The 4400 and The Returned in the same category.
  11. Edit: I just realized it was supposed to be a pet meme. Heh. #fail
  12. I made a food with the powdered eggshells. It contained vegetables (put in blender) and some brine shrimp and fish food and Knox gelatin (unflavored). It is called Snello. They love it! There are many Snello recipes on YouTube. It can be cut into cubes like Repashy and stored in the freezer.
  13. neat for Asian theme. https://www.amazon.com/Joice-Gift-Aquarium-Decorations-Landscape/dp/B07NQJ9CQG?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ARTSHHLARK1QQ
  14. Not a lot to report today. Water change day. I even went the extra mile and put the end of the siphon hose into the bucket this time.
  15. It looks like.. you know how when you touch the corner of a paper towel on a spill and it slowly wicks the water. That’s what it looks like on the betta. Like the dark blue color is wicking into the light blue areas.
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