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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Any time now for the crescent roll clutch. It looks like you might have snails with dark shells about to emerge. My clutches were hard to tell when it was about to hatch. They never looked “moldy” like people say it should, because all my lil snails had gold shells.
  2. One thing that is very handy @TeeJay, is to mark the gallon lines on the side of the tote. Oh hey I also see you have one of those multi-media sponge filters. Have you tried that yet? I’ve got one on the way. I need more polishing on the 10g.
  3. I’ve never had it before either @TeeJay. I was just trying a new recipe and it called for this ingredient. @Schuyler I just don’t like putting things in my tank if I don’t know it has been tried before or what effect it would have.
  4. One of the meds is not absorbed well orally. I can’t remember if it’s metroplex or Kanaplex. @Odd Duck?
  5. I’ve looked at those. They are pretty slick! How long will the battery-backed one run? I go nano during hurricane season where the outage can last multiple days or even a week. It only uses 1/3 of a watt which it how it can go for >2 days.
  6. I used a 20000 mAh power bank and got a 52 hour runtime. It may have run a little longer than that but at the 52 hour mark I left the house, and I found that the pump had stopped when I returned. So 52 hours confirmed for me. I now have 4 of those power banks so I can swap out when one dies.
  7. I run a coarse sponge and it is brilliant with biological filtration but I am going to add another filter with floss to capture detritus. In my opinion the decision to run coarse sponge only, depends on the organisms kept and how heavy their bioload is, as well as how neat you would like your tank to appear. I have a light colored pool filter sand and find that detritus is very obvious. Every tank in my home will always run a sponge filter, either standalone, or as additional filtration so I can move sponges to new tanks as needed or run them during power outages with nano pumps and power banks. Or for emergency setup of hospital tank.
  8. @Guppysnail recommended the co op heater to me, and I've been using it in my QT tank. I really like it!
  9. @dangerflower the fish looks like it's doing well. It's a cute little guy (or gal). I'm glad parameters are stabilizing for you. I do this too, even if I'm quarantining a single fish, it seems the plastic plants make the fish feel more secure. I put a little decoration in there too that the fish can hide in if it wants to.
  10. Baby snails are the size of sesame seeds, and I used a turkey baster to move those as well. P.S. Never use an irrigation syringe. The moving parts inside can have a fatal impact on a critter. @nabokovfan87 are the eggs firm enough to separate from the clump or are they more jelly-like?
  11. @nabokovfan87 - time to join this thread! 😊 It must have been a feat to get a photo to focus. Ember tetra are small to begin with!
  12. You got this @nabokovfan87! Bummer about the fungus but you took every step you could to prevent it. Clever. So fancy! 👑
  13. I like to use that when changing filter media as well. I don’t change all the media at once. But I use Fritz Zyme 7 sometimes to give the new media a running start.
  14. It’s important to exercise bettas so they don’t get bored, but only for super short periods of time (5 min or less) so that they don’t get stressed. There are products on the market for this such as mirrors or flare sticks. I used this fish decoration. Let’s see how friendly Geppetto is.
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