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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. My past self forgot to put the Repashy back in the fridge 🙄 and forced my present self against her will to make Repashy snello roses 🌹 for the aquatic kids to celebrate Earth Day 🌏 coming up. Can you believe what I’m dealing with here?! P.S. My freezer is embarrassingly filling up with fish and snail food and things are falling out when I open the door… #thestruggleisreal #theyarespoiled
  2. The Hygro is very nice. You put a lot of TLC into your tanks, and it shows. Read somewhere that BBA is encouraged by a CO2 level that is off. If your BBA is under control you’ve got it tuned in well.
  3. I showed the video to my friend and that’s what she said. I remember those from when I was a kid! I never knew about them but I did have Sea Monkeys.
  4. I find it satisfying to see water like this. It’s proof the tank needed maintenance, and now that has been accomplished.
  5. Wow. Someone actually said something nice about duckweed. 🤣 It gets a bad rap over on the meme thread.
  6. Hey! Look who it is! @Katherine that spirally thing is coming back - see in the background? I just chucked in in the back and ignored it. Heck, I didn't even plant it - it was so fussy it made me mad and I just put it in the corner and left it there. What a brat plant! I care for it lovingly and it tries to die! I neglect it and it thrives. (?) This is NOT the spiralis like you have, this one is called crinum.
  7. So by accident I forgot to put the Repashy back in the fridge before I left for work. It’s been out for about 12 hours. I guess I’ll be tossing that out. 😑 it can’t be used right?
  8. The kitty is adorable How are you getting soaked I’d like to know? I only ever get a wet arm and I keep a hand towel or (preferably) beach towel hanging nearby.
  9. The filter quit right before I was about to leave for work. Fortunately it got going again after I cleaned the impeller (which looked fine). This filter has been serving me for almost 20 years. I wonder if I should purchase a backup. 🤔
  10. How do you know they are snail leeches vs a different type of leech? When I watched her video it sounded like those leeches killed her snail in 24 hrs. Are your leeches killing that fast? She got hers from putting outdoor things from ponds into her aquarium.
  11. You can catch them, you just have to go slowly with the net. If you have shrimplets, that’s another story. They are hard to see…
  12. Feed the shrimp, they will all congregate at their favorite food. Mine go nuts for Soilent green Repashy. Also when you take something out of the water that a shrimp is attached to, the shrimp usually jumps off when it feels the air. When removing plants, do it slowly and let the plant stay above the tank for a few seconds to give them the opportunity to leave. You can also put your plants in a white bucket, then inspect the bucket after. To hold the shrimp somewhere, 5g bucket with heater & sponge filter. If you don’t want to catch them all again, Breeder box within the bucket. But shrimplets can fit through the breeder box holes. Adults will stay in there - make sure the breeder box has a lid! for #3 use bacter ae, it will coat the surfaces with biofilm. As well as use moss, catappa leaves, cholla wood, driftwood, and/or alder cones. How many inches was your sand cap? If you go a generous two inches with sand, the soil should not have an effect on the water, but will be available to plant roots. But when maintaining the tank you’d need to be super careful not to disturb that sand layer.
  13. We found out they like to dig so if you put a glass dish of sand in the tank, deep enough for them to go under the sand, I think they would really like that.
  14. To add to what @Lennie wrote, I do quarantine, but if these are your first fish in the tank, you don't really need to. A separate quarantine tank is highly recommended if you already have an established tank with a bunch of healthy fish, and then you decide at some point later on you want to add some more fish. It's the new guys that should be quarantined. I do quarantine for 1 month minimum, so they're not being moved, then moved again, etc in a short period of time. There are illnesses that can wipe out a whole tank very rapidly (such as ich) and I try to avoid that at any cost because it can end up in heartbreak. No matter where fish are sourced from, wild, store, home raised, etc - they can get sick just from the stress of travel and netting. It weakens their immune system. Although if I was buying fish from a friend and I know what she fed the fish and how she took care of her tanks, and how long she had the fish, I would feel more comfortable about the fish health because I know a little bit of their story. This was the case when I adopted Geppetto, my betta. He was "rehomed" because he was mean to her snails. I created a paradise for Geppetto. It will lose the bacteria if there is no food source for the bacteria (waste). To keep it going you can add a snail to the quarantine tank or you can ghost feed your quarantine tank, which means adding a piece of flake food every so often. Obviously the snail will need to come out if you need to medicate that tank at any point.
  15. I am always a little confused at reading those. But it is the kit I use. I just say to myself, green or blue? Green is fine, blue is bad. Because I can’t differentiate between the greens. Now when I’m REALLY in doubt, I do the API liquid ammonia test to confirm the results. Do you have one of those that you can try? Also does your quarantine have a seasoned filter or a new filter? If you have some water that fish/snails have already lived in, go ahead and add some of that water to your quarantine tank.
  16. No, they are black. Your next White Wizard snail baby should be named Gandalph. 😉
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