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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. My friend texted me about discovering a bladder snail in her tank. I told her, be careful! One can become 100! So she put hers in her Walstad jar. I will share a brief story about her Walstad jar. She set it up like mine and put 3 endlers and 2 or 3 ghost shrimp. The parameters were wild and along the way she added an airstone (a fish jumped out when she did this). There was one other situation where a fish jumped out as well. Ultimately she ended up moving all the animals to tanks and kept the plants in there. She may try again by adding inverts later, but for now the bladder snail and the plants are in there and are receiving routine light.
  2. Carefully check those buckets if you're vacuuming. New shrimplets will be clear. It takes some time and patience to sit and watch. I use a flashlight and magnifying glass. The first time I had shrimplets I saw them in the bucket before I saw them in the tank. In the bucket there were no hiding spots, but if mulm is swirling you cannot see them.
  3. I wouldn't do it. The rim is providing reinforcement as the water pressure pushes against the walls of the tank, and that pressure is more than you might think. I saw a horror story on YouTube where a guy didn't like the look of a woodgrain rim and took it off. The tank did ultimately fail, in a very bad way. I will link the video if I can find it again. What if the tank fails and you are not home? You are better off buying a rimless tank. Even if it looks very similar to the tank you have. The rimless feature is part of the design and quality checking takes place before the tank is distributed to retailers.
  4. Just curious, can snakes eat meats that humans eat (ie: chicken, beef, pork, etc..?) @Odd Duck
  5. What size was it? The little light I am using is on sale right now! Even though the regular price is reasonable too. Link to light
  6. Sir. I believe I have enough snails in the jar! We are no longer at stage 1: stocking. 🙃 What did you have in your jar? Shrimps?
  7. No. Here are the instructions I followed. https://dianawalstad.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/shrimprcs2017.pdf
  8. The wild shrimp was out and about in the 29g. Even took a ride on a snail. It was not a good time on day for photo taking (glare) but here’s what I could get. The shrimp is comfortable and free swimming. Also it noticed the hornwort I added and likes to be up at the top of the tank enjoying it. Yes, that’s the one!
  9. Um “Horticulture Sand and Triops” Easy Peasy! 🙂 @Matt B
  10. Ok, got the footage! This is the worst time of day for glare so pardon the quality.
  11. I checked on the jar today and discovered baby bladder snails. Predictable, yet quicker than anticipated. Look at the dots on the grass. A film has settled back on the top of the water. Maybe they will eat it. The adults are good at that. Any thoughts on this new development (good or bad)? Discuss. Oh, I um… I fed one to Geppetto (the betta). He caught it, spit it out, caught it, then spit it out and was done. 🙄 So I had to retrieve the little spec from his tank. The victim is the one on the floating plant. 😬 (He’s fine. Suction still working well.)
  12. Maybe you should rename the thread! I think a lot of people would be interested in triops!
  13. I have sand and when I vac I just swirl the siphon above the sand to stir up stuff and suck it into the vac. Perhaps this could work for you with Stratum?
  14. Yep see screenshot above “what the test results mean”. (Note: the last sentence refers to saltwater).
  15. I used to have a western newt in my fish tank when I was about 12 years old or so.
  16. Aw. ❤️ I was sold 2 head and tail light tetra by mistake when I was buying some pristellas. They have the same body shape and had not colored up yet when I made the purchase. The LFS has open top tanks and fish have been known to jump over into the next tank. The fish took two weeks to fully color up and I indentified them. I think they are really cool, and I find this to be a happy mistake! I just let them chill in the community with everyone else. They school with the pristellas and black neons, and everyone gets along just fine. @Sharon M
  17. Here’s Sheldon in my friend’s tank. He (she? -- idk) joined her community about 2 weeks ago. So far so good. If you keep a clam you may want to pinch spirulina or Repashy powder under the water since the clam is a filter feeder.
  18. A combination of testing (daily), water changes, and Prime (or other ammonia-binding dechlorinator) makes it possible. Your shrimps will really appreciate some cholla wood or alder cones. Perhaps some catappa leaves as well. These are things they can not only pick at for food, but they also use them for cover, and it helps them to feel comfortable. It doesn't take very long for my shrimp to eat a catappa leaf. Since you don't have that many shrimp yet, you can cut the catappa leaf into 3 or 4 pieces, and just put a piece in at a time until they consume it. I have blue shrimp also. Aren't they cool?
  19. Nitrates 10-20 should not be a concern. I usually take action around 40.
  20. New Safelite technology for windshield removal.
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