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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Are you dripping water back in during water changes? Doing small water changes? I had losses when pouring water in from a bucket but once I went to a drip system the losses stopped.
  2. I hope you start a pea puffer journal @FLFishChik tag me if you do
  3. Umm the betta could murder them all.. just sayin.. be careful @KittenFishMom
  4. But they are so cute though those little pea puffer faces
  5. you know who we should ask - @mountaintoppufferkeeper
  6. Do you think they might like to crunch on some krill? @FLFishChik Maybe the krill would be too big, idk.
  7. Perhaps corydoras catfish of some variety. They are a schooling fish, but are quite active on all levels of the tank. Caridina shrimp like soft water.
  8. I wish subwassertang was sold locally here. I wouldn't mind trying those methods out
  9. If there are babies I will put some Repashy powder in about twice a week. I use Bacter AE once a week. For Repashy cubes, I just look to see if they are active and swimming around. If they are, I will put that in or a different shrimp food. If they are all sitting around, they aren't hungry. In my signature line, Snello1 is how I fortify the Repashy with calcium carbonate (free from crayfish empire, you just pay shipping). @Martin True ☝️
  10. If shrimps get too much animal (fish) protein, it could cause molting problems. Repashy soilent green is good; if fed just straight as a powder it will coat things for them to pick at. When I make it as a recipe, I add calcium carbonate to it (mostly for my snails, but I feed it to the shrimp too). Critter has a shell = critter needs calcium. Hikari shrimp cuisine is good too. Most shrimp foods say on the label they help w/ molting. This ☝️
  11. Snello recipes below in my signature line ⬇️ I just got 3 of them 3 weeks ago, and now I have about 11. Pea Puffers eat scuds also, if you can figure out how to get a scud colony going.
  12. I made some adjustments and I am getting more enjoyment out of my shrimp tank. And I believe the shrimp are too. Recently a video from Mark’s Shrimp Tanks was shared with me about shrimp feeding. Basically, if the shrimp are not all swimmy-swimmy, they are not hungry. I fasted the tank for 2 days with the exception of a pinch of Repashy powder since there are babies. On day 3 I saw the shrimp swimming around and utilizing the space. Hence, it became feeding day. Then I weighed the food on the pocket scale. I figure I have about 40 shrimp. Mark calculated food needs based on body weight of a shrimp and then % of body weight, multiplied by number of shrimp in the tank. I used shrimp cuisine, which is micro pellets. I found I was not feeding enough shrimp cuisine for the number of shrimp I have (this explains the pushing and shoving). The next day, today, shrimp are active again. Normally they would be sitting around (as you can see, some are sitting around, and some are not). Bear with me, still getting the hang of what to look for.. Yes.. my water sprite is dying. Since I saw a fair number of swimmers, I decided to feed Repashy. This is the amount I fed the other day (when I unexpectedly got company and didn’t have time to thaw or split food). This was the day before the 2 day fast also. And this is the amount I should have fed. I was WAY WAY OFF! (The next morning I did remove the excess). Anyway. It’s super cute when shrimps are swimming all around the tank, and I am enjoying that more now. Feeding is such a basic, routine task and I always figured, if it doesn’t sit in the tank forever, and parameters are fine, then it’s all good. But getting it right allows them to go about their normal foraging and traveling behaviors in between meals instead of just sitting in the same spot waiting for the next room service. Also good to note: the babies will get the dust that flies off the food as adult shrimps are picking at it. But I do supplement with powders when I see babies. Thanks @nabokovfan87 for sharing the video. Which is here: I will continue to observe and measure, and eventually I won’t have to measure because I will get used to the amount. Unless more breeding occurs, of course. It takes practice.
  13. How he doing @Nicolem Also sorry to derail your thread yesterday.
  14. They all go on the same turn but each has their own roll to hit; if hit successful, then roll damage. Have a pen & pad handy to record where they are at with their hitpoints. Helpful to have a token to mark the spot where they die - or just write a red X on your map. The players may want to go back and loot the body after the fight. Moving through the space with the dead body during combat is likely to require a double movement due to the obstacle. Honestly, you're casual playing and it's up to you how granular you want to get with the rules. Start simply, is my recommendation. Or you can use Mod Podge.
  15. Wouldn’t it be cool if you put a female shrimp in there and she picked up and carried the eggs? That’s a shot in the dark but ya know. Just saying. That would be neat if that was ever a thing.
  16. @nabokovfan87 first, I am sorry for your loss. Also wanted to enourage putting one or more shrimp with the eggs. The “shrimp nannies“ should keep the surface of the eggs clear of fungus. They do this with fish eggs. Let’s hope they do so with shrimp eggs too but I don’t see why they wouldn’t. Also take the moss out so they focus on the eggs.
  17. I use meds when I can specifically identify an illness. If I can’t, I use salt and almond leaves or almond leaf “tea” I also agree with @xXInkedPhoenixX about using one med vs trio. Just select one if you’re going with a med, and then monitor.
  18. The hole. See it? And his tail turned red the day after he bit it. I just added the salt. @xXInkedPhoenixX
  19. You could even use nickels but just tape a picture on them. Check this one out @A3M0N
  20. Perfectly logical @xXInkedPhoenixX! I used to drive myself crazy with the tank, thinking he was getting snagged on something. But he only has live plants in there now.
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