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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. He has a small hole in his tail? Not sure what that’s about but it doesn’t get any worse
  2. It’s really not fin rot.. he bites his tail when he doesn’t like something. Ie: the other day I put on the green light (not the norm) and went to work. I thought it’s kinda dim and would be relaxing to him. Came home and found that he had chewed his tail. So, no green light. Noted. I use mild dose of salt in these situations and it grows back. Man, my dude is fussy. He likes what he likes. He gets upset with change.
  3. You can also divide 10 gallon tanks. You need to get the solid divider and silicone it in place, filtration on each side. That way shrimplets cannot pass thru. I bought one of these dividers recently but will probably return it because I decided to make the Walstad jar instead.
  4. I see where you are going with this.. but I did ask the shrimp about the haphazard moss application and he gave it 2 claws up. This one I glued.
  5. By the way, these tablets are great. If you buy Nature's Miracle or whatever other enzyme cleaner - it gets expensive and some of them have really strong fragrance. This one is a tablet that you just drop in a spray bottle of water. I had a cat that had a spraying problem, and I swore by this stuff. We are pretty much an unscented product household due to my husband's sinuses, and this stuff didn't have much of a smell. https://shop.jacksongalaxy.com/products/stain-odor-remover-10-pack?variant=32378548224035 Compare the price to Nature's miracle and it's a big savings.
  6. That's cute. The tiniest one with the biggest one. She probably feels safe with the big dog nearby. She might start to catch on w/ the house training once she sees the other dogs going to do their business outside.
  7. How come we don't have a betta pic to look at @Lennie, hmmmmmmmmmmm????
  8. I would love that. I really need a critter to do that in my shrimp tank because I can't vacuum it anymore; there are always little shrimplets. That thought has crossed my mind as a something-to-try one day: breeding nerites. I heard it's hard to do? Wouldn't it be fun to see all the different patterns on the babies? Not sure how that all works with the genetics, but maybe one day when I have some time I will look into it. I'm sure some other hobbyist or biologist has made a chart on it at some point. I visited Toronto before. It was fun. I toured through Casa Loma while I was up there.
  9. Interesting! I just use whatever pieces of moss I bought, in whatever shapes/sizes they are (I am not a professional). 😅
  10. Yep, you’ll definitely want a grid map. It makes it more immersive for the players, but also helps with logistics. Each spell or, say, arrow from a bow has a range. Each character has to take their movement speed into account after initiative is rolled. Plus flanking bonus, touch attacks, buffs, etc. We use the vinyl roll up map with WET-erase markers. One side has squares which is great if the players are in a building. The other side has hex which we use for areas like caves or forests. I can send you some minis to get you going. We have A TON. We even have a spare vinyl map, I believe. One side we used the wrong type of marker on and it didn’t come off. LOL! But the other side is good. You’ll also want to have a dungeon master’s “screen” - something to hide your area of the table so players can’t see the secrets of the campaign you’re unfolding. (You can use 2 binders instead of buying a screen.)
  11. MD Fish tanks takes the spool of thread around the wood & moss a bunch of times. That kinda what I did with the Walstad jar moss. I used one dab of glue to secure the end of the thread. I tried to put that toward the bottom where it would be hidden by other plants or substrate. I believe the key is to use less glue if possible to get the appearance to look more natural. I also used green thread. Your rock looks awesome and the driftwood will look great once the moss grows a bit.
  12. Repashy powder, teeny tiny amount (tip of toothpick) hard boiled egg yolk could work to coat walls, things that form biofilm such as catappa leaves, bacter ae, powdered up fish food, Java moss.
  13. @nabokovfan87 fixates on worms. Lol I think I probably would too if they were in great numbers like his tend to be. 😐
  14. I watched the recent ACO member video about shrimp breeding. The speaker said the white ring of death, he hates the name. Because it doesn’t necessarily mean the shrimp is going to have a problem. It just means they are about to molt in a day or three. Sometimes a stuck molt can happen but the white ring is not cause for panic. He also said that water changes, even though all parameters are good, will keep tds in check. Less important for neos that do well in hard water w/ tds. More important for caridinas that like soft water. Pop an earbud in and give it a listen if your membership is active. @nabokovfan87 And I am still surprised at the varieties of shrimp I have. The second LFS I shopped at did a poor job of ID’ing what they were selling as blue shrimp It’s hard to tell in person too!
  15. Yes! One is still in there! Looks good and healthy but hasn’t grown all that much. I gave it a long overdue root tab 🙂
  16. Aw, I’m sorry about NEL. Great to hear about the mysteries! Perhaps Valere could really benefit from a tunnel so he can break field of vision from the activity?
  17. Looks worse that it was. It all came out in one grab. And then I got some little wispy things off of the wood with a toothbrush. That was my Sunday task. It kicked up a bunch of stuff, as you can see. I thought it was kind of hypnotic the way it moved. I inspected it for shrimp after removal but fortunately there were none. They do eat it, but it was growing way faster than it could be consumed. There are still some little bits in there for the shrimps to snack on.
  18. The bladder snails babies are growing fast. But I now realize bladder snails in general are pretty small. So the babies are a little bigger than sesame needs. The adult are like the seed of an orange. I believe some babies didn’t make it. They were floating. Not sure if that’s normal or not but I did place them in a cup and waited 30 min or so and they were still floating, so I assumed they didn’t make it. I still test parameters daily and everything is very stable. Day 1: Day 25: Successful molt ⬇️ Babies: Adult snail:
  19. Frozen bloodworms Xtreme betta pellets Top Fin betta pellets (these were given to me, so they are in the rotation) Daphnia (dry) Frozen brine shrimp Live bbs i feed him the frozen food with tongs because he doesn’t always see it right away and it will fall to the ground. He is always at the top when I’m there. He loves tunnels, and plants to swim through. ❤️ @xXInkedPhoenixX is great w/ betta advice. So is @Goldie Blue @Odd Duck
  20. I have limpets - the little clear ones. They were getting annoying at one point when I was raising mystery snail babies, because there was an abundance of food. When I was adopting snails out, I had to remove limpets from all the snail shells so I didn't send limpets home with people. I also had to scrape the front glass if people were coming over to select snails. I just pushed them straight down into the sand with my AAA card, right before the people showed up. LOL I still have limpets, but their numbers are very few, as the tank is now a shrimp tank, and the shrimps do not require large amounts of food like the snails did. I don't mind them as much now that their numbers are in check.
  21. Sunny (:00) Pierre Bee Midnight (1:11)
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