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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. That’s what I was thinking too. Might have preyed upon something and you’re seeing the blood that it has consumed.
  2. I learned that bucket water changes, even just 10% can have an adverse impact on Neocaridina shrimp. Returning the water to the tank via drip greatly increases survival rate. They adore Repashy Soilent green. It is the one food I feed that draws the largest number of customers. Their activity level increases, very noticeably, when bacter ae is added. Females may fan even when they have no eggs. In my experience they were getting ready for the real thing. They eat green hair algae for sure. It seems common, based on conversations I’ve had here on the forum, to have dieoff when first starting out with neos. Once they reproduce it gets much easier. Its very doable to have a colony of tap water shrimp without using any of the fancy stuff (RO water + additives). At least in my area. My tap water has high tds and is hard water.
  3. I regularly feed frozen bloodworms to my Bolivian ram and have not experienced any ill effects. I believe @xXInkedPhoenixX does as well, combining frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp at the feeding time.
  4. @TheSwissAquarist guessed correctly! It is indeed baby brine shrimp! I raised them for 48 hr so they’d be more visible. Geppetto is having a great time!
  5. I had to go watch the clip again for ol times sake 🤣 it’s the best. I forgot dairy group, milk duds
  6. I like when he’s like, wheezin the ju-uice!! 🤣 Going thru the convenience store teaching the caveman the food groups: fruit group! SweetTarts! Vegetable group! Corn nuts! Meat group! Frozen burrito! & did you meet Froggin??????
  7. That gourami is beautiful, and it’s really refreshing to see they have the betta in a tank, not a cup. I saw a BIG but beautiful green terror at my LFS with long flowing fins. Just gorgeous. There was another large orange (or red?) fish that was interacting with me, watching me, following me- I’d take a couple steps this way, a couple steps that way ..the eyes would turn first, then the fish would turn its body would turn to point at me. I did look at the name of the fish but have now forgotten it. I believe it was a cichlid. Name began with an a, I think? Such a personality!
  8. This is what the tank used to look like. He was pacing a lot with those big rocks in there. He really wanted more swimming room. He loves to swim through plants but hates hardscape blocking his way. I would suggest two or three large plants (Java fern, sword, crypt, etc) for the betta to swim through. But we do know every betta personality is different. This is just what worked for him.
  9. Here’s Geppetto in the 5.5 gallon. I made a pvc pipe swimthru for him. I used fishing line to hang it up top and just taped that to the rim. He LOVES IT. The rocks are actually swim thrus. When I first set up this tank he seemed bored or restless for awhile. Initially I had a lot more hardscape in there but once I took it out he seemed happier. And happier still every time I added plants. He enjoys swimming through the plants. I dropped his water line a little this week because I added some floating plants to see how they do. He was ok with a nerite for awhile but after a few months he began to bully him so I removed the nerite. I do interact with him and get him to follow things or swim through his tunnel and I give him a small treat.
  10. Some dwarf water lettuce for him today but there is still something else I plan to offer him. That mystery item from the co op order…
  11. I had some Java moss left over from my Walstad jar project, so I gave the rock some hair. The barber has shown up - see him? The nitrate helper (hornwort) has been added to the 29g. And a quick & dirty underwater glue job of the little Java fern. It’s a smaller one but healthy and cute. Geppetto got leftover stems (moneywort) from the Walstad jar project as well as some dwarf water lettuce.
  12. I got some of the moneywort planted (what would fit) and I applied the moss to to driftwood. We already have customers! And as always the usual tuck-in of the hairgrass. 😐
  13. I’ve been thinking about trying them. On another thread, I think it was Teejay’s shrimp tank journal, we were discussing all the flavors and their benefits. For the time being I’ve been making Repashy Soilent green lollies which they go crazy for.They pick it absolutely spotless clean.
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