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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Friend came to get her snail then was like, omg! Let’s go to the LFS! Meanwhile I just paid for a co op order AND went to the LFS this week. ($$$!) 😳 But eh. This was a different LFS. Anyway, we split some hornwort and both got some dwarf water lettuce. Both in RR now. I sent her home with a bottle of seltzer and taught her the method. She’s excited to have bought a red racer nerite, a tiger nerite, and a freshwater clam.
  2. Not a huge haul here but a few things to add to the jar. The Java fern will go into one of the tanks. This is Java moss and moneywort. Pretty fair prices at the LFS. But shelled out $19.99 for a nitrate test kit. 😑 I placed the plants in dechlorinated water while I checked for little (desirable) snails. I didn’t find snails of any type, but the tank the plants were in was prolific with bladder snail eggs. So the plants will be soaked in seltzer to kill those eggs and whatever other undesirable things that may be residing on the plants.
  3. For camallanus worms Expel-P is the way to go. Aquarium salt also works wonders for many diseases. Click here for instructions. @Colu
  4. Same, working in industry. I just took FAR. Took BEC in fall. Working on AUD now. Looks like there’s no calcs which is just sad. 😭
  5. ACO loot haul! plant weights- always going thru em. I think they get eaten by my tanks. media bags- for the first time! (Goodbye pantyhose.) The problem with pantyhose is you can’t get the knot out to reuse it for something else, so you have to cut it open, then throw it away. More root tabs to restock, for my beautiful forest of plants from @GuppysnailFor example, this sword and this red lily. Heater- for redundancy, in case one quits at some point. The one in the 29g is pretty old. Sticker - free bonus! 🥰 And the specimen container! Which has been in my cart countless times but never made the cut. In my head I can already think of many ways it will be useful. Now, there was one more item. But it is a secret. I will say it is something that Geppetto is reeeaaaally gonna be excited about. And that is all I will say for now. 😉
  6. Same. Occasionally it will make its way off the washcloth, and I just simply put it back.
  7. I had one like that. It was from the Aponogeton. I enjoyed it for awhile hoping I would get some seeds from it, but eventually I snipped it so the plant could focus energy on its leaves. What are the care requirements of your stick insects. Looks like they are vegetarians, but doesn't your tank have some water in the bottom? Do they have a specific moisture requirement?
  8. Checking in on the jar this morning, and all is well. When the light came on, I noticed everyone was already doing stuff. I suppose the little guys just keep going 24/7, unless they noticed the lights from the nearby tanks that had come on first. Ammonia test 0. I never know if they have enough to eat so I did add a pinch of Repashy powder. I pinch this under the water, and one little guy came to investigate, free swimming and watching as it was released. The bladder snails continue to "moonwalk", travelling upside down on the surface and keeping it clean. I'm thankful I added those little guys. I never expected the surface cleaning from them, but it seems that's their favorite place to be. @TOtrees
  9. This video was suggested to me, so I searched in the forum here and found this thread! How awesome! This one here in the video looks pretty big. They remind me of horseshoe crabs.
  10. This is so special! Friendships formed through the forum and sharing the love of the hobby! 😍
  11. It does look like scrapes, doesn't it? Is there any sharp stone in there (such as lava rock)?
  12. Oddly enough I found kanaplex at walmart.
  13. Enough time has passed from when you did meds- I think that can be ruled out? Especially since you tested after. I don’t have any experience with Excel, so I can’t speak to that.
  14. Certain medications, as well as salt, will kill beneficial bacteria. I have had that problem in the past in my quarantine tank. I believe it was Maracyn that I was using at the time. @evonner Clarification: salt slows bacteria. But certain meds can kill it. if ammonia is coming from the tap, there’s not a lot you can do about it other than try to grow your bacteria colony and use the ammonia removing pads in the filter, etc I’d recommend a dechlorinator that detoxifies it as well, such as Prime or Fritz Complete, although the detoxification only lasts for 24-48 hrs, and then it’s up to the plants and bacteria from then on. Certain plants such as hornwort are good for sucking harmful things up.
  15. No experience with the mirror. Read you should show it to them for just a few seconds and then stop. I do this to entertain the guy. Maybe 2 or 3 passes. Not every day. He thinks he’s defending his turf. This is also how I know he cannot have a tankmate.
  16. There was an air bubble attached to the tip of his fin for a day, but it didn’t look like the issue pictured above.
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