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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I’m going with a Walstad setup for the time being and may upgrade later based on population.
  2. So I did a thing. I have created a Walstad shrimp jar. I followed her instructions here. I tried to find as many of the plants she used as I could, but I could not find the exact ones. I used Rosette sword, bacopa, and dwarf hairgrass. I added a piece of driftwood that has been in the fish tank a few months. It will provide biofilm and bacteria. I was going to add a piece of cholla wood, but there really wasn’t room once I added the hairgrass. The plants are more important. Since I changed my mind on the jar, my light would not fit on the lip. I improvised a solution. Hopefully the Iron Sheik does not mind too much. 😉 Next I am going to plug the light into a Christmas light timer. I have not added any critters yet, but the water I used is water from the shrimp tank. I had some extra hairgrass that I added to the shrimp tank and to Geppetto’s (betta) tank. My neighbor has some bladder snails. Perhaps I will add one or two to this jar. I also hope to add floating plants.
  3. Hey! He’s not lazy! He just supports “energy conservation “
  4. Check it out @Lennie Suit of iron armor Lives at temps up to 750 degrees F (398 C) Final boss https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/deep-sea-snail-iron-shell-first-creature-declared-endangered-ocean-mining-180972727/#:~:text=It builds the outer layer,hosts in a large gland.
  5. I've seen people put things from lakes etc in their fish tanks. But then Lav from Lav's snails ended up with snail leeches in 8 tanks. She had collected something from a pond or something - anyway the medicines in the hobby wouldn't kill them. It ended up disastrous for her and she had to shut down her snail breeding business for a while.
  6. Bought 8 lost half, I think due to water changes where I didn’t drip. Although I only changed 10%. Added 4 more shrimp and boom, they started breeding like crazy. Root tabs, I poke a hole in the end with a push pin. I use the tongs to place the root tab under the substrate then I squeeze the tongs to get the air out. Then fully open the tongs and take them out.
  7. Based on your parameters, looks like it’s cycled. Do you have some mosses, plants, and wood for them to pick at?
  8. @KittenFishMom to cycle a bare bottom tank I take the extra seasoned sponge filter (that I usually have going in the main tank) and just move it over. If I can't do that, then I would take whatever filter media I have established and squish it into the new tank (which I would have filled with only tank water, no tap water at all if i can help it) and let all that stuff settle and coat the surfaces. Also if your established filter has any ceramic media, you can split that and move some into the new tank. Some other helpful tips would be bottled bacteria, moving some decor from an established tank to the new tank, and adding plants. One helpful tip that I got from @nabokovfan87 is to get the sponges that have the dents, because the dents will catch stuff and that allows you to run these sponges longer between maintenances. You may find it sold as pond filter media. If your water is murky, you'll want to run a fine sponge or floss along with your coarse sponge. (These ones with the dents will serve as a fine sponge.)
  9. I think I will do this @Guppysnail. I could use these things I already have on hand: vase, NEW gravel, slimy & gross ceramic media 🙂 , tank water, chunk of driftwood from a tank, piece of extra cholla, catappa leaf, anacharis (always anacharis... !) ,extra nano pumps & airstone. I would just need a light and a flow control valve for the air (no windowsill is large enough or "cat free") plus I would like some fresh moss; the moss I have has seen better days (it looks kinda sad) - I think Worcester Terrariums used a cfl bulb in a desk lamp when he made his submerged setup w/ bladder snails. Serpa might have done something similar?
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