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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. No, don’t take him out. That will create more stress. Test your water for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate and let us know what the readings are.
  2. The top looks bowed? Maybe it's just the light that's bowed. Can't wait to see Grace enjoying the space.
  3. Hmm so I found that a shrimp had died; it looked like either a teenager shrimp or a small male(?) Was sort of rushed but I removed that shrimp and did do a quick ammonia test which was zero. Also I found some shrimps eating this which could be a (different) small shrimp or a molt, or a piece of leftover bloodworm from yesterday that had paled. Do you think they would eat a molt? Horrible shaking on the video, sorry. Like I said, was rushed. At one point the object turns over and it looks like it has a shrimp tail.
  4. I saw this in a mystery snail care guide. Could be helpful if it is discharge from the snail’s foot.
  5. I don’t think I really need the PFS, except for the one, maybe 2, shrimp that are in there. But they are adult shrimp so maybe they’d be ok near the intake? Not sure. 🤔
  6. Kratos decided to give exploring another shot. He moved 2” up the wall! (That’s far for this shy fellow.)
  7. My PFS is a pain. First, diameterwise it’s ridiculous. It’s like the medium ACO sponge filter. Also I have deep substrate so it sits almost on the substrate and the tube can’t be shortened unless I saw it, which I don’t have time for. To remove it I have to go into the HOB and pull the intake tube up, then I have the clearance to remove my PFS. I have the big piece of spider wood in there also, so that doesn’t help. I can’t see how I can bag or net my PFS. 😕
  8. There is rigid airline tubing made for aquarium use.
  9. I don’t feel like I can contribute a whole lot here, but maybe a little tip or two. If the snail was meant to cycle a tank and it was exposed to ammonia or nitrite, snails really don’t do well with that. It may have weakened its immune system. Snails also do not do well at all with meds. Even meds that say snail safe. Mystery snails should have a pH of at least 7. The tail biting may be caused by the breeder box. If the betta was moved from a tank into a smaller area with less swimming room, he may tail bite. I’ve been on another thread where a betta was moved from a 5gallon tank to a 2 gal and he bit his tail off. One thing that may help if you are not doing it already is Indian Almond Leaves.
  10. Geppetto continues to have new growth on his tail. It’s clearish where it’s growing. So that is good. He’s happy with his habitat. 🙂 I still think it’s funny how picky these fish can be and how they rebel when they don’t like something. I’m learning as I go along. It doesn’t matter if I like the tank design. If he doesn’t like it, he’s gonna let me know.
  11. Wow 11.99! That’s crazy. I remember ghost shrimp used to be 10 for $1. I think because they were looked at as feeders. But I don’t like ghost shrimp because I can’t ever see or find them. I guess if they were on black substrate it would be ok.
  12. Yep. I haven’t been using the sunrise/sunset, I am now on the 10hr timer Ok looks like I can adjust brightness with the timer but not the 24/7 mode. So I will try that and see how it goes.
  13. No, I add them once a month. The light kind of auto adjusts its brightness. When I initially set the timer it looks dim, brightens itself throughout the day, then dims again and shuts off. Recently added some s. Repens about a week ago. Might take a few for them to get going.
  14. Plant folks, I need a little help. This is a 5.5g and has a Hygger light. Started on the 24/7 mode (I think that’s like 16 hr or so) and was getting brown algae. Then I reduced it to 12 hr, and now it’s at 10. Over the course of a few months. I’m having trouble controlling this hair algae. Each week I scrub some off with a toothbrush but it comes right back in a few days. The sword, lily, and crypt get root tabs and I try* to put Easy Green during the water change, according to full tank dosage on bottle (*but I usually forget to add it). Tank temp is at 80 and has 5-10 nitrates. I do add IAL tea as well during the water changes, and Prime is my dechlorinator. The pothos is there because Geppetto likes to rest on the leaves. There’s an option to go down to 6H but I hesitate using it because I do tank maintenance or feed in the morning, and when I get home I want the light to be on so I can enjoy my fish. Willing to try it if there’s no alternative. Floating plants? 🤔
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