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Everything posted by Cory

  1. For me I think it's algae scraping. This is why I moved to way more ponds. Feeding, trimming plants, changing water, sponge filters, all fine. I think I'm still traumatized from like 10 years of hundreds of tanks at least once a week in a fish store setting 😛
  2. You could try vacationing a sparkling gourami in there, they're supposed to eat hydra. I'd try a few different fish until I found some that just eat it and once the problem is under control, move em back up for guppy production 😉
  3. For import orders myself, with say 300 cardinal tetras in about a gallon of water going into 10 gallons, we do strain the water for meds/ammonia. But from buying on Aquabid or from a store etc for my personal fish, I add water and fish to my tanks as my tanks have never had a problem handling it.
  4. These forums have moderators, and over time we'll be adding to our current staff with volunteer moderators. The majority of moderation will happen automatically. Depending on the Rank of forum poster you are, is how much weight your actions will have. As an example, someone who has been around a very long time on the forum, when they flag a post as inappropriate. It will be removed from public view until a moderator can take a look at it. If you are new to the forum, your vote may count as One of 3 or 5 votes needed to perform the same action. Likewise to avoid trolling, someone who is a long in good standing member, would need more votes than someone who has been on the forum for a couple of days. This removes a lot of the day to day moderation tasks and places it in the hands of the forum users. As a group we can decide if something has gone too far off track. While I hope this is rare, there will always be disagreements that pop up and might get a bit heated and people need to cool down. You'll notice that upon sign up, users have to accept the terms of service now. Also we have guidelines on the menu for posters to follow. This will evolve over time and just because something isn't there, doesn't mean it won't be against the rules. At the time of creating this post, I realize I forgot to say nudity isn't tolerated. Clearly this would be against our rules but wasn't posted yet. Here are some of the Rank Levels, these can change if I need to adjust, also please don't "chase" these ranks by spamming comments. We have an active community with meaningful content.
  5. I suppose it’s possible but many times I have had planted tanks in only crushed coral. I’d suspect something else first but can never really rule out anything.
  6. About 30 days since the start. The pond is ready to start harvesting lightly. You can see all the adults and all their fry up on the top of the water.
  7. That's a great design. The reason these cost so much is the shipping is absolutely killer. Basically oversized product shipping 😞
  8. I definitely run into this. I’m a firm believer that if you’re tank doesn’t interest you, sell the fish and get something that does. this is why the 800g goes through changes. So that I can experiment. I love tacos, but if I eat them every day after a few days I need a change. Doesn’t mean tacos are any less good, only that I need variety.
  9. This is turning into quite an interesting project. I think i'm most interested because I don't know what the outcome will be 😉 Following this build for sure.
  10. Please reach out to customer service, we'll replace the plants and an investigation will go into how/why it was packed through video. Every package is video taped. I'm sorry you had this experience and we'll be sure to work towards it not happening again. **Edit** Also couldn't find your user name here as a customer in our database, so that's why you'll need to reach out to us. Unfortunately I can't find the order to start the process on our end.
  11. I"m not a fan of how frequent they need to be serviced. I ran the whole store and some of my fish room after getting the bug from Greg Sage's fish room. As you can see today, I no longer use them. I like servicing sponge filters more.
  12. We don’t have any intentions to have an app for this. Really one of the selling points of this forum idea is to not have that instant gratification and get people spending more time with their aquariums.
  13. Cory

    Dying Cory's

    I can only speak from my experience, when collecting corydoras in the amazon rainforest, I personally never found water that was that low in pH. Most corydoras were at 6.8 to 7 from what we were testing and catching. If your corydoras aren't wild, they are likely bred a much higher pH closer to 7.2 at farms. Everyone's experience will be different of course.
  14. I did think I remembered dean straining the brine, getting out all the eggs then using the water to hold them for the second feeding?
  15. I personally would look at pH as a culprit. 6.2 is very low compared to the wild or the pH of where these fish are bred.
  16. Cory

    Dying Cory's

    a Ph of 6.0 is very low, at that level it can start burning the skin of some fish. I personally never want my tanks to be below 7.0 ph. I would start by buffering up the water if I was looking to solve this problem in my aquariums.
  17. I like this thread as I get to see how things arrive and know where we can tweak things at the warehouse. We strive for perfection, while impossible to achieve, I want to make sure our processes don’t become outdated as tech changes.
  18. I can never get enough aquarium memes.
  19. I myself find that plants are the best way to conceal. Only because they don’t restrict water movement as much and can be changed down the road. But a hard scape solution could be done for sure.
  20. They are able to be bred in captivity. They just have small spawns. So the demand far exceeds those producing. Spawn pygmys and make 7 of them or spawn sterbai and make 300. Breeders go with the 300 as they sell for more than the pygmies.
  21. I don’t use the air stone. Also use a piece of airline tubing between the nipple on the lid and the rigid airline tubing so that it is long enough to touch the bottom of the cone. If that is already being done, I’d need more details to help trouble shoot. i find it doesn’t need much air, I use the usb nano pump.
  22. It cost amazon more than $12 to ship it, they are just willing to take the loss to keep your loyalty. Just like the aquarium coop. Cheapest shipping we buy is $8.50 but we only charge 6.99.
  23. They aren't all the same but some do share. I'm going from memory. I believe the 50, 70, and 110 share the same motor but different impellers. If I remember right you can put a 70 impeller into a 50, and a 110 into a 70 etc.
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