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Everything posted by Cory

  1. I’d definitely take the fry. They’ll adapt to your water better.
  2. I do t think there is much savings with only 6 tanks honestly. Over a very long time, you’d save buying replacement air pumps. However the smallest would still run like 20 tanks and the power consumption would be higher
  3. Nice work. I’ve played with gold London white clouds before. The strain I had never made any babies. Had several groups of white clouds breeding both normal and longfin but gold kingdoms never produced fry. I’ve suspected that they become a lethal gene when bred together. Any experience like that yet? I had assumed something like this was the case cause you almost never see gold longfins for sale. this gives me hope to try again. Been like 10 years since I tried gold longfin breeding last.
  4. Clearly you haven't watched my cinder block stand video with an earthquake rant.
  5. Some of you may heard in the live stream we bought a new house so that we could get away from our current neighbors who made it impossible to film outside pond content. We also need more space to store aquarium coop products for the warehouse. We had been “looking” for like 8 months for the perfect space but our requirements were odd, needed a building for a studio, fish room and storage and away from neighbors while still being close enough to town for good internet. Here are some pics snapped quickly with my cell phone of the starting space. And 1 picture of the view from today that my wife took. None of the stuff in these pictures is ours, they were from a day when we had an inspection done. now the task of getting this space ready, then moving the fish room and selling our old house is ahead of us.
  6. Does the wafer hold up inside? or is it soggy? Or too soon and haven't fed yet? 😛
  7. I've definitely seen it that color before. Personally I'd treat it with maracyn.
  8. I would leave them as is, put a bit of fertilizer in there. The reality is those plants should survive for a couple of weeks without light. The val may melt back a bit, but the others can get by with VERY low light. I would say of the things you have to worry about, these plants should be real low on the list and I believe they'll do well for you. Good luck and keep us posted.
  9. Oooh, I'm interested. I love half beaks. I'd be interested in what app is monitoring the temp for sure.
  10. Commonly referred to as a pond or pest snail. My favorite aquarium cleaner.
  11. I recommend people do a lot of testing with this, baking soda is very potent and is easy to move the ph much farther than expected with small amounts. Used correctly it can work quite well.
  12. Looks like the devs made a typo, I've submitted it for fixing.
  13. Helped @Bob and @Dean’s Fishroom film some videos for Steenfott aquatics.
  14. These are old episodes being uploaded. We no longer do discounts. The field to do so doesn’t exist on our site.
  15. We talk about it in this video and a link of where to buy the background in the description.
  16. Tested the latest versions of my favorite WiFi timers. Order will be submitted so we can carry them. Had high hopes, but only one could win.
  17. My advice is always use what ya have first. Being that you're new, it's good to experience with things. Everyone will have preferences. While I love mexican food, you may like Italian. What can help prevent fish and shrimp getting sucked in is called a in take or pre filter sponge. We sell them and you size them to the filter size, my best guess is a medium would serve you well as it fits the most filter. It just goes around where the water gets sucked in. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/sponge-filters/products/medium-pre-filter-sponge
  18. Saw these big bullfrogs, not something we typically see since we live in the city. I had to zoom in on my phone cause if we got close they'd jump into the water.
  19. I think I may have to try this hack out myself. I like it.
  20. In time there will be handy gifs and videos showing forum functions. As for a how to forum. Forum categories are created on a need because there are enough topics to support it, not the other way around. Get 30 to 50 meaningful how to threads going and there is a chance we make it a category.
  21. I have no plans to change the way this works currently. The forums aren’t even done yet, you are participating in a beta version currently. I do listen to feedback, however most forums aren’t run by a company with paid mods, a dev team and more. If we have bad actors that want to game the system, the answer is simple, I’ll just ban them.
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