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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Any Nerms going to the convention in Florida in October? I'm interested, but I've never attended in the past. Any suggestions from past attendees on what to expect? https://livebearers.org/content/2021-convention
  2. I love the new test strips but was thinking about sustainability. I'm assuming the white strip part of the test strips is plastic. Is there a different material that would be more eco friendly or biodegradable that would still work? Just wondering if during the product development cycle this was something that was looked into.
  3. Cory talkin' bout drinks... One time in China I was having lunch with a supplier and one of my colleagues was suffering from allergies. The supplier noticed and said he'd get him something to help. "Hot ginger coke. It's good for man. Make you hot hot hot." And every time he said "hot" he'd pound both fists on his chest. Five minutes later, out comes a giant porcelain "punch bowl" with probably 3L of hot, steaming brown liquid. They sautéed fresh ginger in a big pot and then boiled Coke in it which de-carbonates it. If you feel adventurous, give it a shot. It's good.
  4. I wouldn't try chasing pH, but you might try adding some crushed coral to the pond to help bring it up a little bit. It seems like you're on the right track, monitoring temps and water parameters and then letting nature play out. Consider adding even more plants than what you've got in the photos. I'm a huge fan of frogbit since it's such a fast grower; plus it's great for fry.
  5. What are you feeding? I have success in my pond when I feed Easy Fry Food or baby brine. I have green water, tons of frogbit and anachris and my water temps are in the about 10 degrees warmer than yours. It's species-only.
  6. It's amazing what plants can do. I had a similar issue in one of my tanks. Added a ton of frogbit and it cleared right up.
  7. Frogbit can take a beating. Mine is outdoors year round in Oklahoma City. Even in our harshest winter freezes it still survives, albeit with a little die-off. Yours will be fine.
  8. No way to know without trying it. I'd introduce them and keep an eye on 'em, just like you'd do if you were introducing a new dog or cat to the existing pets at your home.
  9. No they aren't bad. They're pretty helpful. They'll eat algae and stray food particles that get down in the substrate. Some people don't like them from an aesthetics standpoint. The only downside is when I gravel vac sometimes I suck one up and it kills the siphon because the shell gets stuck so I've gotta restart suction. It's no big deal.
  10. I'm irked when companies can't work through supply chain challenges (I'm a supply chain guy. I understand the struggle) #fluvaltrippin, or when there's major price disparity between online and in-store retail sales because they sell through Amazon direct at a price lower than what the local shop can buy for. I also am not a fan of the idea that filters need disposable inserts. I'm sure it makes money but I'd rather see companies focus on sustainable products.
  11. Excellent livery (and great car choice)! I love this so much.
  12. Thanks. I'll just continue to top off and monitor things. I tested all my water parameters and everything is looking great. Healthy fish and tons of plant growth. The most "invasive" thing I have to do in terms of pond upkeep is removing frogbit and anacharis.
  13. My 100gal summer tub turned into a year-round tub for my white clouds. It's been going for almost a year now. For those of you who have kept ponds year round for long periods of time, is it necessary to gavel vac and perform water changes periodically, or should I just continue to let nature take its course and top off due to evaporation? Is Old Tub Syndrome an issue to be concerned about?
  14. I need to top-off the water in my 100 gallon outdoor pond of White Clouds due to evaporation. In the past I've filled it 5 gal at a time, each time dechlorinating the water with a liquid dechlorinator. Would it be harmful to just fill it with the hose and then dose it with dechlorinator?
  15. A little Barry White or Marvin Gaye might help... Is there anyone else in the tank? My first thought is, are you sure they're not breeding? Because platy fry are a delicious snack if there are tank mates and not a lot of hiding places for the babies. What are you feeding? It seems that when there's food they're likely to breed more. Baby brine or easy fry food may help. Adding another female might help too. If the male is constantly chasing the female platy, she may need a break.
  16. Nope. I'm not concerned at all. I haven't seen any evidence to support being concerned. I'll happily continue as a Co-Op YouTube member so long as it's available, affordable, and fun.
  17. @Cory What bidet did you put in the new fish farm bathroom? That thing looks amazing.
  18. Click on the Community tab in your app to view the Members Only videos and posts.
  19. What's it in with? Could be that it's getting nipped at so this is a defense. No need to try and release the air. Snails are pretty adept at handling that themselves. You could also try putting some snail food in the tank and see if it goes to get it if you're concerned. Finally, have you checked on it at night when the lights are out? My mystery snail gets active when the fish are "sleeping".
  20. Fancy goldfish. I don't have a tank large enough and my wife has banned me from getting any more tanks in the house until I get my office clean and can put in my fish rack. Until then, an Oranda tank has to wait.
  21. I wonder if Ich-X will take care of it? It certainly works for fungus on fish.
  22. If you haven't fed them some fertilizer, give it a root tab and some Easy Green. Vallisneria is an angry plant that doesn't like to be moved around, but it's a quick grower. I bet you'll have runners in no time.
  23. Delivered my first batch of white clouds to my LFS. At first they weren't interested in white clouds being that they're inexpensive to purchase wholesale, but when I showed the owner a video of my pond-raised ones, she was enthusiastic to bring them in since they're larger than what she can buy and have good color. I didn't get much for them (roughly $.75 per fish) but that's fine. Brought home two more pea puffers, so now I've got a total of 3. They're awesome. They're extremely small still, but they're taking shots at the larger bladder snails in my tank and are picking off the snail eggs off my plants. It's fun to watch. I'm hoping to get them to also eat baby brine and baby bloodworms soon. Hopefully the CoOp gets feeding cones back in stock soon. My Medaka are also now in a tank by themselves so next time I get out to a store to get the parts for it, I'll be making a spawning mop for them just to see if they decide to breed.
  24. Second vote for Flagfish. I have a pair in my community tank that have absolutely decimated the BBA I had. They're awesome. Mine aren't aggressive to my platys, tetras and otos. The worst thing about them is they sometimes put a hole through the Val and Pogostemon leaves.
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