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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Were these the same white spots your angelfish had back in early August?
  2. I think I found your photo over in the image gallery. I think this is the picture, right?
  3. @Lizzie Block posted a great how to on how to upload photos. Basically it just an attachment, but she shows you how here.
  4. In my tanks with substrate I do not gravel vacuum. Naturally although not vacuuming saves water it does leave your gravel un-vacuumed. You could experiment with not vacuuming and see what happens. The upside is you might not have to vacuum at all.
  5. Got it! That makes sense. My fish (not all of them, but some of them, usually larger fish like discus or angelfish) have always done that and I have always assumed it was an external parasite. It never occurred to me to give a medication for that. My reasoning being everything is riddled with parasites all the time (including me) as humorously expressed in this bit of doggerel from the great Jonathan Swift: Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em, And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so on ad infinitum Out of caution or lack of knowledge I have always been reluctant to put anything other than water in my aquariums.
  6. I have kept fish for a while, but this is the first forum I have joined so I am not up to date on all the terms and acronyms. Flashing is one of them. What is this and what does it look like?
  7. I like the iLonda because it is not only automatic, but I can control it by voice through Alexa.
  8. Someone is an 'Elite Puffer' now. And he looks pretty happy about it. 🙂
  9. If I had ammonia counts that high I would count all of my cats to make sure one of them had not gone missing. 🙂
  10. If I ever need a lawyer, I will ask @tolstoy21!
  11. There is one other early result that I don't know what to make of it. There are a couple of stray seedlings and 1 stray bulb sprouting in the dirted tank. Here is the bulb. I am not sure what this is or where it came from. Here is one of the seedlings. If they are popping up out the soil, then they are likely terrestrial. Or they could have come in with aquatic plants. I haven't yet noticed anything similar in the Nermal tank or the EcoComplete tank.
  12. I think this is basically the formula for breeding most fish 🙂
  13. Congratulations! It does seem that breeding often stimulates breeding. The first thing that comes to mind is a good quality mutual environment. But could there be a chemical signal like a hormone that is received by other fish in the aquarium?
  14. In the What is Your Dream Aquarium Product That Doesn't Exist Thread @MeggersNCat was musing about how to simulate the natural environment like the diurnal and seasonal changes in temperature and light. I know the Fluval 3.0 Scheduling thread that @Streetwise started helps with programming various schedules to simulate the rising and setting of the sun in order to set a static length of day and night. But I want to take this beyond the daily all the way to the seasonal and have a dynamic day and night schedule that follows what is happening in nature right now. To do that would require each day be a little shorter than the day before for the next 6 weeks up until the Winter Solstice. And then after the Winter Solstice each succeeding day would be a little longer than the day before. This is what plants experience in nature and it is often what triggers flowering or senescence. Shazaam! Yesterday I found the code that allows me to access the seasonal table in my Apex controller and I implemented it. Because the controller also measures power usage by outlet I was able to use amperage over time as proxy record to confirm when the lights turned off last night and when the lights turned on this morning. The lights turned off just before 5:50 pm local time yesterday and turned on again this morning just before 6:10 am local time. Perfect! I believe the seasonal table is based on a 15 °N latitude location and though I am at a 35 °N latitude location this should still be enough to produce a noticeable progression of the day length from day to day. At least I didn't have to type anything. 🙂 As the schedule automatically ticks forward minute by minute over the next 6 weeks moving from the current 12 hour day to an 11 hour day in late December this will approximate the changes outside in nature which was my ultimate goal. I would never have had the patience to do this if I had to laboriously code this schedule by hand. But now that I have figured out how to do this automatically I look forward to seeing what changes if any this produces in the life cycle of the plants in these 3 aquariums.
  15. Looks like Anabantoidei. Perhaps Gourami. Would it be cheating to ask what other fish are in the aquarium?
  16. Love the wood breaking the surface. Very tasteful setups.
  17. What a good dad. This is what fish keeping is all about. Beautiful tank, looks like a slice of nature.
  18. The only tanks I have filters in are the ones for the dirted tank project. I wouldn't have put sponge filters in there except that I wanted the aquariums to be set up like most people would set them up. The other 8 aquariums without filters stay clean and clear (green water aquarium excepted) and biologically support the fish properly.
  19. Not much has changed other than adding more fish. Here is the nermal tank: Here is the dirted tank: Here is the EcoComplete tank. The more interesting changes are what is happening in the water chemistry. It will take a while to condense all the testing in to a post. I will probably dump all the testing into a blog post, and then summarize it here.
  20. In my Dirted tank project this afternoon, I calmly and deliberately added 1 angelfish to each tank, you know, the take it slow approach. Don't add too many fish, let the tank acclimate to the fish. My plan is to add another angelfish in a day or two if all goes well. Holy smokes, the first fish look fine, wouldn't hurt to add a second one to each tank. No, wait. Be patient. Slow and steady wins the race. I am the little boy in the marshmallow project. As soon as the researcher leaves the room, I eat the marshmallow. I just added a second angelfish to each tank....
  21. Only one of my local fish stores meets those standards. And the important thing, it looks like your having fun. And I also think this Forum is part of what makes it fun. When I do something interesting, other people are interested. And when other people do something interesting, I get to participate in their joy. It doubles the pleasure on everything fish keeping related. I can even talk to a Nederlander living Spain about what Spanish fish store looks like! 🙂
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