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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. I now get 8 species in the photo with the Endler...where will it all end?
  2. It's like Stephen Hawking said in a 'Brief History of Time', "It is turtles all the way down!"
  3. I now know what I want 3-D printed. Earlier today I thought I could see a little aquarium inside of one of @akconklin's aquariums. This would be a really cool piece of decoration. But what would make this decoration even cooler would be that the little piece of aquarium decoration then had an even littler aquarium as decoration inside it as well. Sorta of a recursive surreal hall of mirrors thing.
  4. Okay @akconklin this could just be the eye surgery thing again, but is there a little aquarium inside your big aquarium?
  5. @akconklin One picture has 7 species in it, can you spot them all? Note: I did just have eye surgery yesterday so I could be seeing things that aren't there 🙂
  6. There is not a lot of magnesium in the water banana plants are native to so I suspect it is not a magnesium deficiency. Recently there was a thread here with a good illustration of nutrient deficiencies in plants. Maybe some know where that is?
  7. Malaysian trumpet snails burrow and churn the substrate. Some people really like them for this, but they also breed quickly and for this reason other people consider them a pest.
  8. I added a trio of Endlers to each aquarium. I plan to add equal amounts of the same species to each tank over the next few days. This is the dirted tank.
  9. They are called detritus worms. They aren't parasitic on fish which is why you see so many now, they are breeding happily without the presence of fish. They are not harmful but some people don't like them for aesthetic reasons.
  10. Sounds like shimmy. How to Treat Livebearer Disease WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Livebearer disease is a catch-all term used to describe many disorders that commonly affect livebearers (or fish that bear live young). These different...
  11. Those are at least mature ovaries and probably seeds. They don't look like mature seeds (yet). I would let them go a little longer. Some people store the mature seeds in a dry place for a week or two, some just let the seeds fall the bottom.
  12. Wow, those bubbles are big. Have they always been there? Ich looks like small white spots, but those bubbles look like big orange spheres.
  13. Guppies and mollies are closely related enough to interbreed, but and this a big but, as far as I know, no one has ever gotten fertile offspring from this cross. They are called either muppies or gollies, depending who the dad is.
  14. Heiko Bleher wrote the book on Discus: Heiko thinks of discus as a schooling fish as depicted on the front and rear inners cover of his book. Discus remind me of people as they are extremely social and political. In my experience my discus have always schooled together in a group with the discus at the top of the hierarchy being the leader and main lookout. Their favorite place to hangout is in tall weeds or tangled branches.
  15. After hearing @Cory mention them in the livestream the other day, I ordered a few. I intend to plant them in the big aquarium since they can easily grow out of the top. They should arrive shortly,
  16. The one that is on the right in the top photo looks like a male to me because his ovipositor is smaller. He is the one with the least amount of orange on his head. You can see the differences in the ovipositors in the is video. The males' ovipositors are thin and pointed.
  17. This is an area I don't know much about. But, I know what I would do and what I think you do should and they are not the same thing. I would just use the substrate you purchased without gravel on top because useless the bag says that the gravel substrate is recommended it is probably unnecessary and I would like that plain look. But to you I would recommend that you find some nice gravel to put on top because I think that is what you would like to do and I don't think it would hurt, so I think you are free to do what you want. Sorry for the mixed messages but as I said I don't have an informed opinion on this.
  18. Slightly off topic, but what is it like setting up a new aquarium in Spain. It looks like you do a bit of shopping on online, but what is like shopping at the local fish store? Do the stores have a good selection of supplies? I notice the substrate bag is in English. Is that typical? It seems like the German brands like Eheim would lead the pack.
  19. From one Tarheel to another, welcome! North Carolina has been hit hard with Multi-Tank Syndrome (MTS). I am so sorry it has claimed yet another victim.
  20. Everything is starting to settle according to my Apex. Felix reports a little ammonia in the Dirted tank. I will check this later with a different test. The next step will be to add some Endlers to each aquarium soon.
  21. I would test again. Ammonia at those levels could be lethal (but for your 6.8 pH). If your fish look good, could it be your ammonia test results are inaccurate? It sounds like you have tested repeatedly. But if your test results are right, your nitrogen cycle is knackered.
  22. The theory is that fish that live and feed near the surface have cones in their eyes that can and do detect red, but fish that live several meters or more below the surface where red light is attenuated or non-existent cannot perceive red light. If this is true some fish could see red-light and other could not, but it has not been thoroughly tested. Or maybe its a bunch of malarkey. 🙂
  23. Here is an herbarium specimen of Sagittaria latifolia showing the roots.
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