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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Easy, blue is for boys and pink is for girls. 🙂
  2. This will probably not be unhelpful, but here goes. Stay away from Black Walnut it has a toxin called jugalone that works like a natural herbicide, you can ID it as it's heartwood is usually chocolate brown. I would be looking for oak. You can tell oak from everything else because it has medullary rays. These are the white(ish) lines crossing the grain. They are not always white. The photo is from my TV stand. Most other wood will work as long as it doesn't have oil or pesticides/herbicides on it.
  3. Doh! Forgot about the part where you need to soak the Seneye slide first. These readings look funky except for temperature. That was a $10 mistake. I am soaking a new slide now.
  4. It’s just like people, it’s hard to tell mating apart from fighting! Pretty cool video!
  5. @Paul I think the problem with the text and the video is that you are posting the video over in the files section and I don't think files section knows what to do with video. Something about files of that type not being supported. YouTube works great for video. @Lizzie Block has a good post on doing just this. I would love to see the behavior of the Von Rios!
  6. It wasn't hard to setup. I put the Felix underneath the dirted tank. Hooked it up to my WiFi network (2.4 GHz only). Got out the piece I am really looking forward to, the Freshwater Seneye monitor. The directions were clear. Popped in a 30 day slide into the monitor. And then hooked up the 360 degree camera (720 p). My video was not great and not horrible and it was much better than George Farmer got in his YouTube video. I think my WiFi is better. See all those reading at the top of the video, that is what I look forward to exploring more later today. The video is definitely the weakest link, it stalls frequently. I think I will try it next on the discus tank.
  7. Now my Walstad-EcoComplete-Normal aquarium project is up and going I can unbox and setup the Felix. I hope to use the Felix on these 3 aquariums. It looks like it has 3 main components. A big smart plug, a camera, and a Seneye Freshwater monitor. Now I am going to watch the George Farmer video @Jessica. referenced and see how to hook all of this up.
  8. Somebody has been shopping at the $1 per gallon sale. 🙂 I think Apistogramma cacatuoides is a great fish to breed. I am biased towards all Apisto's so take my advice with a grain of salt. Not to demanding, cool parental care, and if you like cacatuoides there are a hundred other Apistos to try.
  9. All the hobbyist level test kits are only fuzzily accurate. But they are useful when it comes to trends. I usually don't believe the actual number. As you say, your fish are happy and are the best indicators of water quality. You can always test against a buffer of known pH if an exact number is needed.
  10. My cherry shrimp overwinter here in NC (10 degrees F in winter and 100 degrees F in summer) in a tub set in the ground in my backyard. And they multiply like crazy, so I suspect they can handle temperature changes, but that is just a guess on my part.
  11. Hydra for sure! The cool green ones. They are harmless to fry, but they grow fat and multiply on baby brine shrimp. Here is one eating baby brine shrimp in my baby sparkling gourami tank.
  12. I don't have experience with either, so my advice is awfully generic (pardon the pun). I think it is hard to predict. You start off with males of the Blue Dragon phenotype and females of Purple Dragon ribbon fin phenotype. But what you don't know is the actual genotype of the males and females. So you breed them and now with the F1 generation you begin to see what the genotype might have been. So you back cross to the father and you get more information, but it would helpful to also begin crossing the F1s to really begin to understand what genes there were in the founding population. It is it lot of work to get to the point where you can get predictable results, but at least you are trying! You may have to go all the way to F2s. Sometimes there is a catch. Back when I bred black bettas, the females were pleiotropic, meaning black/black in a female was lethal. You had to use black/steel blue females to breed to black/black males. If someone had not figured that out before me it would have been very confusing.
  13. I think someone said in another post this one is scheduled for November 1 - November 11. Sometimes they run out of stock, so getting there sooner rather than later is usually a good idea.
  14. Got the heater and the heater controller programmed on the Apex today. The dial on the heater is set to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. But the heaters are plugged into Apex controller outlets that will turn off if the temperature when it gets above 78 degrees Fahrenheit, and turn on if the temperature falls below 77 degrees Fahrenheit. The fallback position is OFF which means about 72 degrees Fahrenheit as this is the ambient temperature of the fishroom. I consider today to be Day 1 of the project as this was the day the heaters and filters went in. Usually I wouldn't put in a heaters or filters, but most people would, so for this project, heaters and filters it is! EcoComplete Day 1. Dirt (Organic garden soil) with BDBS cap Day 1 (and bonus earthworms coming out the soil) Regular 'Peace River' substrate with fertilizers. All the aquariums have 2 Finnex 36" Stingrays set to be on from 8 AM until 8 PM.
  15. Shipping is stressful, if there are deaths from shipping it usually occurs in the first week. I don't add anything to my water, I just make sure it is the cleanest water I can manage and keep my fingers crossed. Sorry about your loss, I know those rainbows were long awaited by you. I pretty sure I would be in a tender state if I had just spent 8 days in the mail. Back in July I got some tiny baby Discus that had a rough ride getting to me. I started with 15 fish but by day ten I was down to 11 fish. I could tell ahead time which ones were struggling and not likely to make it, but after day 10 the survivors took off and have been growing exponentially ever since. Hope that wasn't the male rainbow fish that died (since he was the most colorful). I wish I knew more about how to perform a proper autopsy after a fish death instead of just making an (un)educated guess as the what happened. I wonder if there is a course on that somewhere?
  16. Approximately 1" of Black Diamond Blasting Sand.
  17. She (Walstad) was member of our local aquarium club. She told some pretty funny stories (I think this was in the early 2000's) about setting up her first few Walstad method tanks.
  18. I don't have the results yet, but I am testing several variations including dirt with a sand cap and EcoComplete.
  19. I can tell from my recent experience above that even 2 beefy UPS's really won't give you adequate coverage unless all you are running are USB Nano pumps. Maybe something like a Powerwall would run much longer. But ultimately as the homeowner before you installed, a generator is the most cost effective solution.
  20. The pump is the first thing in the system even though it sits in the middle.
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