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  1. Went to two petcos today and nabbed 3 20 longs and 7 10 gallons! 20 bucks off additionally each store for having the app! 135 bucks after tax!
  2. I just saw where one of my LFS has 10 gallon tanks for 9.99, guess I need to take the coolers out of the back of my truck in the morning 😁
  3. Stopped by petco just to browse. Half price 40 breeder ended up in my car. Now what to do with it??
  4. Pet Supplies Plus is doing it AGAIN. This sale is through Feb 24. My local store is very good about having tanks in stock for these sales. *Shakes fist in the air* Darn you to heck, Pet Supplies Plus!
  5. So, like I've already shared, we purchased some new fish over this weekend. We'd been researching them for a while, and alllllllmost "settled" for some that were on sale, but not really what we wanted. But we stuck to our first choices and finally found them. My husband Doug loves fish, too and without him I probably wouldn't be able to have fish. He does all the heavy lifting and water changes that I'm unable to do. And just when I think he's tired of all the tanks and guppies and re-scaping and pythons, as we're discussing how we're going to house all the new fish, he says - verrrrry sheepishly, "I hadn't told you this. I wasn't going to tell you. But I should probably tell you now...I picked up a 10-gallon at the Dollar-a-Gallon sale." 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  6. Dollar per gallon sale starts today at petco, don’t forget to get your usb air pumps and sponge filters from @Cory at Aquarium CoOp!
  7. Just saw on Bob's stream that Petco is doing tanks cheaper than dollar per gallon right now. I got 2 55s, 2 40s, and 5 10s for under 250. If you want a new tank, check it out
  8. Some lovely internet person pointed out to me that Petco is doing their dollar per gallon sale NOW. Online. And if you do a online order and pick up in store, you get an additional 10% off. Just in case anyone here would be interested in some new tanks...Sorry if this is not the right place to put this.
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