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  1. I have a nice growing aponogeton in my guppy tank and a couple of massive water sprites in the community. The ws just grows too fast, i am always trimming it. The aponogeton is in a coop planter. If I want to make this change can I just remove the ws and move the planter to the other tank? Parameters are similar. How does aponogeton handle moves? Anyone near dfw need water sprite?
  2. Is Aponogeton ulvaceus ever going to come back in stock. Myself and my local hobbyists would love to buy some for our planted tanks!
  3. My Aponogeton Ulvaceus has almost finished producing leaves and is heading into its resting phase like all bulb plants do. I'm finding conflicting information on the net (go figure). Do I: Leave the bulb in the tank? Remove the bulb? If I remove the bulb: How do I store it? How long do I let it rest? Any growing tips would be appreciated - this is such an amazing plant! Next time I want to propagate seeds.
  4. Hi everybody, does anybody have experience propagating ulvaceus? Our plants have lots of flowers and i've been brushing them. One of the stems looks like it has seeds. Could somebody help me identify if these are seeds or not please. Also should i be keeping flowers in the water or out of the water? The one stem that looks like it has seeds the stem has started getting very soft and turning brown. The third picture was from 2 weeks ago Any advice is appreciated thanks!
  5. I picked up this plant from my LFS yesterday. I asked the employee what it was, and he said, "It's just a bulb plant. " 😂 So is anyone able to ID this plant? It had a really nice root structure so I'm comfortable that it can grow as an aquatic. I love the twisty leaves! (The guy is not my favorite employee, but the store itself is great.)
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