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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. So, I think I've noticed that you reach: "The Quiet Type" at 50 posts "Happy Camper" at 200 posts "Active Poster" at 500 posts "Elite Poster" at 1000 posts "Valued Contributor" at 5000 posts "Board Veteran" at 10000 posts I'd love to see more titles at shorter requirements...like one at 25 posts, 75 posts, and maybe one at 150 to really draw people in...surely this is an opportunity to incorporate some nerm-iness! 😜 I know there are many posters that are WAY more clever than me, but I'd suggest: "The Quiet Type" at 25 posts "Active Poster" at 75 posts "Happy Camper" at 150 posts "Co-Operative" at 450 Posts "Elite Puffer" at 1003 Posts (1003 posts...what's life without whimsy?) "Resident Expert" at 1500 posts "The Nermiest" at 4500 posts
  2. Cosmo is SUCH a pretty betta - he looks like a happy guy!! 😍 And, your tank looks great!! I loooove that anubias barteri!
  3. I got two golden anubias in my pot from the Co-Op, too!!! I love it when stuff like that happens! 😆 I'm also really interested in the anubias barteri - I can't wait to see how it looks in your tank! I used superglue on some of my anubias and wedged others. Of the super-glued ones, only one ended up sticking and staying (I think that was because I was trying to glue them on to wet driftwood...'twas a struggle!) I ended up tying the ones that wouldn't stick down with thread. Looking forward to seeing more!! Thank you for sharing!
  4. The title of this post is delightful!! You should totally name him Pinocchio! 😜 Thank you for sharing!!
  5. Isn't she lovely? Bettas are the besttttt!!! Love seeing your tanks! 😄👍
  6. I'd fill it with lots of fun driftwood and anubias...the leaves are strong enough for the snails to climb on and there are soooo many cool varieties!! I don't think there's anything wrong with a snail party house! It sounds like a shell of a time! 😜
  7. I second the java fern and anubias...they are such great plants and come in so many fun varieties!!! Excited to see your tank develop!! 😄
  8. VERY pretty!!!! I am so glad it worked out for you! Your tank is 😍!
  9. @James Black - I'm hoping for some fun ones!!! So far my kiddos have come up with: Betta particle...BP for short (after beta particle...we study radioactive decay) mc-delta-t (for the heat energy formula that involves specific heat) BrINClHOF junior or 2 (for the seven diatomic elements and after the first class fish...he's a legend 😜) Anything that has to do with water or hydrogen or oxygen is great since water is the universal solvent (we talk about that when we cover solutions) and hydrogen and oxygen are easily the two most talked about elements in class!
  10. @Socqua - I like where your head's at!!! I'd really like the name to apply to the course! So, anything to do with the elements would be perfect! If the Scarlet Temple survives...I think I am satisfied! I guess this means I'll need to get another tank! 😜 I'd loooove to do a lidless! My husband even said, "So...how much maintenance is one of those?" I think that's code for "When are you going to put together one of those for us?"...right? 🤣
  11. The betta has arrived! 🥳 His colors were wayyyy muted from the journey, but after acclimating him and letting him bee-bop around...he's starting to color back up really nicely! Now...to pick a name!
  12. Where's a shocked reaction when you need one?? I don't even know what to say...it looks so...furry! 🧐🤣
  13. @Maggie - I like to burn Doritos to measure the calories! 😈 Small, controlled explosions are always fun! Thank you for the kind words! 😄👍 @OceanTruth - I hope they will eat my hair algae!! 💁‍♀️ It's all the way up on the tip top of the Wendelov...so I don't think they can reach it...maybe I'll grab some down for them and see what they do! I've got a mini update on the tank for today - I put in some Scarlet Temple in the back left...I think I'm officially out of space for plants! I am also unsure if it will do well...I get a vibe that I may not be great at stem plants. I also got a kH/gH test, and as expected...my water is softer than a cloud! I don't even think I made it to 1 degree on the kH...and I barely made it to 3 degrees on the gH. I put 1 oz. of crushed coral in a Co-Op plant bag (shout out to @Streetwise for the plant bag tip!) and stuck it in the HOB. We will see what the numbers do...if they don't change by Thursday, I'll up it another oz. I also kind of want to switch my heater out...I have it turned all the way up and I can't even get to 78F! Happy Tuesday, friends!!
  14. I saw that, too! Maybe they were thinking 8 pm...but clicked 6 pm...or maybe they're busy sifting through our sweet memes! 😜
  15. I knew snails could poop...but I had noooooo idea how much...it's astounding!!! And I've only had them for four days!!! 🐌💩😳🤣
  16. So much fun!!! Welcome to the forum! 👋😆 I would DEFINITELY get a kit - they come with all sorts of handy stuff (depending on the kit...mine included a lid with a light, a filter, water conditioner, and some cycle bacteria!). I'd also be sure to get a 25W heater and a digital thermometer (sometimes they come in bundles on the Amazon! I've got this one.) and a gravel vacuum/siphon. This may not be to your taste (it's pretty standard looking), but the kit I have is: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0173I55IS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 - it had pretty much everything I needed (minus the heater, the thermometer, and the gravel vacuum). As for the gravel, I loooove river rock and what you've picked is beautiful...but you may want to consider going with something that has a smaller particle size. I know the poo can get trapped between and under the rocks because the space between the rocks is pretty big...so it'll be hard to vacuum it out. If the particles are smaller, it's harder for the poo to get trapped between...it just kind of rests on top and it's easier to vacuum away when you water change (But I am new to the hobby, and others may know better than me!). I used mostly Amazon and the Co-Op to outfit my tank. I haven't gotten my betta yet, but if you'd like to see what I grabbed and the results so far, check out this thread: Can't wait to see your results and your new betta buddy!!! Please post pics!
  17. This is one of my nerites - Figgy - bridging the gap between a rock and a driftwood. I've already had to turn this guy back over once...I'm pretty sure he's fearless! 😂
  18. Now that the Hamilton door is open... 🤓 And... ( @Daniel - I am sure that food is really great!!! I saw a Hamilton reference and it was all a Hamil-blurr after that! 😅)
  19. You punched the Bursar?
  20. Crazy little guy... 🐌!
  21. I have been spending wayyyy to much on aquarium goodies lately 🤑, and was hoping that I could use pantyhose instead of media bags, haha!! So, I searched up crushed coral and stumbled on this thread. If I read correctly, I think @H.K.Luterman used pantyhose around Wonder Shells? (I probably read that very wrong)...but, do y'all think they'd work for putting crushed coral in a HOB filter? Or, would the holes in the pantyhose be too small? I want to try adding crushed coral to my tank for my snail boyz (they might be ladies...they're probably ladies...but it's fun to say boyz)...especially since my pH is lower because of the driftwood and I am definitely not going to mix it into my dark substrate. (The things we do for beauty! 🙄🤣)
  22. @Martin - I'm so excited that you went for it!! The only thing is, when you apply it...make sure there are no dog or cat hairs around! I definitely have a dog hair trapped in mine...but I'm too lazy to peel it off and reapply! 🤣😅
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