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  1. Checking in on my fish tank after school and came home to this… thing. Entirely unsure of what this is, besides maybe some sort of larva/nymph. Any ideas?
  2. Hey! I have a 10 gallon tank sitting around and after a lot of contemplation I really just want to use the tank to study bugs (fun fact: I am a nerd !!!!!) but I was wondering if there were any pet bugs you would recommend? It will be a vivarium, as I want to keep scuds and possibly semi-aquatic insects (like stoneflies and mayflies), as well as I really wouldn't mind keeping another backswimmer (I had a pet backswimmer for few weeks named Charlie. I loved that critter) or the very similar water boatman. But I don't know much about keeping vivariums or terrariums. My dream pet (once they are legal) are Giant African Land Snails, so this is kinda terrarium practice for if that dream ever comes true - and I also just like bugs! From what I've seen with other builds on YouTube, springtails are a must to prevent bacteria growth, and woodlice / isopods help a lot too. I would include pot worms in my substrate as well. But what are some cool bugs I could keep in this little area? Notes 10 gallon tank (standard 20" x 10" x 12") with mesh top will be a vivarium / riparium, with at least half of it being water will have a fountain for water movement, will not have air stone or filter, can add heater if necessary but not planning on it will be using rainwater to fill the tank - typically the parameters of my rainwater is pH 6.0 - 7.0 gH 0 kH 0 ... I will add minerals to it using crushed coral shells leaf litter etc uhhh yeah if you have any other questions pls ask !!! but thats all I can think of atm :]
  3. I was gifted a ten gallon aquarium today! (oh gosh, this might be a problem - watch out mom and dad! the fish obsession has been fueled EVEN BIGGER!) Obviously ten gallons is a bit small for any big fish. But I would like to have some "oddball" stocking in there. I was thinking African dwarf frogs, but I personally feel it's a little small for them. So any nano stocking recommendations? I wouldn't mind a species tank either. I also wouldn't mind paludarium / vivarium either (I would actually prefer this, but again, an aquarium is good too :3 ) !!! My domestic water supply has the water parameters of 6.8 - 7.4 || dGH 8 || dKH 6 ... I do not have the means to change these substantially, but ofc I could raise the pH with crushed coral. Thanks for helping!
  4. Hello everyone, I thought I'd share an incredible species of snail I personally own that is local to the country I currently live in (Israel). Meet Theodoxus jordani, this tiny snail is part of the Neritidae family. It behaves exactly like it's larger cousins, is voracious algae eater, looks amazing, and lays tiny little eggs everywhere. There are two main differences between it and a "regular" Nerite: Firstly, it's tiny! This snail reaches a maximum size of 1 cm but most commonly they reach the size of 0.5 cm. Secondly, they breed in freshwater. They lay tiny singular eggs in the aquarium that hatch after about 30 days depending on the temperature. This is what makes them incredible in my eyes. I have breeding groups of them in 4 out of my 6 aquariums. Breeding behavior Size comparison Horrible macro shot of an egg.
  5. Hi all, I am having an issue with my shrimp. I have a 60 gallon, well established aquarium (over a year.) It contains guppies, pencilfish, corys, and cloud minnows. They all seem to be doing OK. For inverts, I have 2 bamboo shrimp, cherry shrimp, and assassin snails. Two weeks ago I had a thriving colony of neocaridinia cherry shrimp. See photo- they were all over the food, they were chowing down on the algae on the back of the tank, feeling happy. Yesterday, I went to scoop some out for a different tank and noticed they were hard to find. Today, my fears were confirmed when I looked in the filter- there's always a few that live in there, but this time it was just carnage, tons of dead cherries. I also noticed that my bamboo shrimp shed yesterday, but it has not opened its fans to eat. Just crawling around, not by the filter as usual. (See before and after pics.) I can't currently find the other one, but there are lots of plants. Only a few cherries alive. I want to say there might even be fewer assassin snails. The cories are also acting strangely. Usually shy and hiding, always on the bottom. They have been very active and sometimes swimming mid-tank, I actually thought it was mating behavior initially, but now I am worried it could be as symptom of something in the tank. Current tank parameters of this morning: ammonia 0, nitrate 0, nitrite 0, pH 7.8. Gh is 12, Kh 7, as of 8/5. No major changes to the tank that I can think of. 3 days ago I got a couple new plants from aquarium co op, I rinsed under water but did not quarantine. And about a week ago I got some mature bio filter out of the HOB for a different tank. None of that really seems like it should change anything. I lowered the temp 3 degrees (from 80 to 77) a few days ago but was careful to do so slowly to avoid shock. I have been dosing Flourish excel daily for the past 2 weeks per directions but will be cutting that out ASAP as sources are telling me it basically kills things. I also dose fluorish twice a week, which the plants gobble up greedily. I am worried perhaps there was a change in the water from the city? Like maybe added copper, since all the inverts are suffering? Unfortunately I don't have a copper test handy. Anyone know what might be going on? Should I turn the heat back up? This was a perfectly healthy, balanced tank just 2 weeks ago. 😕 I also keep magenta mystery snails in a different tank, use the same tap water, and they are all fine.
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