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Everything posted by CT_

  1. I'd take 7.4-7.6ph for sure :). Most any fish would do fine there.
  2. I'm also a fan of "magic eraser" for the scrubbing. you can buy a giant pack for cheap if you look for a generic "melamine sponge".
  3. I have guppies and cardinal tetras and I always just sit and watch the otos. Maybe I'll add 2 more every year 😉
  4. Ok so for the first week or two I was reading this forum I was confused by a few animal names. Mystery snails: I thought this meant snails who's origin (and or species) was unknown to the fish keeper. Like they just appeared in the tank one day and no one knows how; it's a mystery. convict chiclid: I thought this was colorful language for a chiclid that was aggressive and had to go into another tank for the safety of the rest of the community. Can we just get all the confusing names out of the way and list them here 🙂
  5. If it sprays above the water and you want to keep that you can also section off your tank by floating air line in a loop or capped at both ends. This gets you minimal flow on the surface of one side but lets you keep surface agitation for gas exchange too.
  6. I actually just threw in tetra safe start and the fish and let god take the wheel. My ammonia peaked somewhere just under 1ppm and then I was cycled. I'm suspicious of how prime effects the cycle. Seachem says it won't but they have conflicting "facts" about all kinds of things on their website so I never know what to believe.
  7. I love baby chickens. A buddy of mine was setting up a coup and he let us pickout and raise 2 chicks in a tub in our living room. once they were too big they joined the others outside but it was super fun to have them hanging out with us.
  8. This makes me sad. Mine are like puppy sharks night now, but they're new.
  9. If you're impatient like me I'd just put a few cheap fish in, feed lightly, and keep an eye on things (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate). I'm not really a fan of ammonium chloride because I don't have any other use for it. Normal household ammonia works great too. 1ml per 10 gallons (that's a teaspoon in 50gallons, or 1/4 teaspoon in 12.5gallons) ought to get you to the 0.5-2ppm range depending on the strength (they never say but I've heard its as strong as 10% and mine is closer to 2.5%). Then you can use the rest to clean your windows 😉 Also, don't go past 4ppm ammonia or you could retard the growth of the bacteria rather than encourage it. Also, yeah what ererer said about shaking. I made that mistake and was very confused when first cycling my tank. oh, also also, use the high pH test. It looks like you're maxed out on the low range pH test.
  10. Cholla wood is supposed to be good too ( and cheap if you buy it on line. the big box stores rob you on cholla), baby shrimp can live in there a long time and the tetra can't really get in. I'm in the same boat with cardinals and guppies though mine aren't bedding yet.
  11. So it looks like I may have my first fry (medaka) ever soon. I need a grow out tank for them, but what should I use? I'm thinking a 16 quart tub from target since its 3$. Is that sufficient? Should I add a sponge filter? Anything else? Also should I remove eggs from my mop or just throw the whole mop in there for them to hatch out?
  12. So I love the idea of easy green so I got some but have since been having algae problems. It's a new tank and I've changed a lot at once so I can't really blame easy green but I'm starting to think I just don't need it. I have a fully stocked tank according to aqadvisor (15g 3 guppy, 12 tetra, 3 oto, some shrimp). moderately planted, I aspire to have heavily planted but am waiting for plants to grow and reproduce (floaters, val, etc) rather than spend more money. The food/poop I feed these guys is probably providing plenty of N(20ppm measured) and P (don't have a kit to measure this). I have soft water so I'm adding equilibrium which has more K Mg S Fe Mn than easy green so that leaves me with B and Zn that easy green supplements that equilibrium isn't already covering. What are the odds I'm getting plenty of B and Zn in my tap already? Am I maybe better off with flourish to supplement any missing micro? should I not worry about micro unless I see a problem?
  13. I woke up this morning and looked into my quarantine tank and one of my medaka had two eggs stuck to her butt. Does this only happen when they're fertilized and will hatch? Should I do something? Will they eat their fry? I gave them a mop when I got them since I heard they liked plants to swim around in and I didn't have anything real ready.
  14. I have 3 otos and 17 neo shrimp in there (in theory I can't ever see more than a few at once)
  15. So after upgrading my 5g to a 15g I've started to get ALL the algae. my rocks have some kind of green. I'm seeing a bit of thread algae, some that may be black beard, i cut that leaf off and burned it, and green spot. I'm guessing I should lower my light. I'm running what was advertised as PAR 60 light from NICREW, given the brand isn't one of the top end it may be lower in reality. I can press some buttons and dim my light or adjust my timer from 10hr to say 8hr. Is there a better option of the two? I realize to first approximation 80% intensity or 80% period is the same photons/day but nothing in the world is actually linear and I wouldn't expect plant/algae growth to be linear either. My gut says shorten the period because i want to get higher light all the way to the bottom to the montecarlo I'm attempting to grow. But I'd like to hear thoughts from others. Either way I'm going to also split my photo period so I can have more enjoyment while I'm home. I'm also considering "liquid carbon" but there's a warning saying val is sensitive, though I don't know what "sensitive" really means in this case.
  16. I used to use bioreactors that would leak if you set them up wrong. I kept them in a tray that had a drain tube into a bucket that was bigger than the capacity of my reactor. If your aquarium is on a stand you could maybe keep a big enough container to catch all the water underneath. This assumes a non explosive leak. If you're really lucky there's a drain near by but that doesn't sound like the case.
  17. nope. I plan to do some kinda dip probably thursday when i'll have some fish time. 🙂 will it get this kind of algae? seems like a robust spot/film
  18. I think they all degrade, or come out in some way at their own rate so it would be very hard to know how much medicine is in there a month from now. If you're going to keep the tank running I think a few large water changes to make sure its out so you can properly re-dose when needed is the way to go.
  19. Ah I saw those before but wondered how you get brine out since you can't really get underneath. Is that a problem? or do you just do it on the edge of a table or something?
  20. I looked into oto's a bit because I was curious. I found one video with audio I couldn't make out, some articles, and this video along with its followup of someone doing it by accident. From what I can tell they need to be well fed and blood worms may help (yeah they actually will eat them). Some say a large slightly cool water change can help too, with the thought being that it signals a new season or something. Edit: oh! and how could I forget this excellent post
  21. Came here to echo those above. When I click a topic now the actual content isn't even visible. Its the webpage equivalent of a pebble in my shoe. It's just an annoyance though. top ads -1, ACO +1000 so on balance very happy to be here. I never use the sidebar though so I'd be much happier with it on the right.
  22. which 3d printed hatcher did they make you? do you have a link?
  23. The Ziss really does look like the Cadillac* of brine hatchers. I want one but I can't justify paying so much for one. But I think if you want the least hassle for the most hatches that's probably the way to go. *Note to readers under 80 years old: Cadillac was the quintessential luxury car brand in America before it was just a "grandpa car" brand that ran really lame ads trying to remind younger people they existed
  24. I put in 3 oto. and they cleaned up the diatoms. A week later i got these spots. The tank also had 5 Neo shrimp and I just added 12 more the day of the original post.
  25. Irene has a video where she zip ties air line to a chopstick for regidity.
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