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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. This is one of those questions where you will get mixed answers. From my opinion the Left one is the Male, and the right one is the female.
  2. The community tank is oficcially a planted tank (again)!!!! The Plants Came! Right on time too! This was my second time ordering from this supplier, and once again very impressed. The Hygrophillia even came with a baby! I didn't think that the sword would come in so big and monsterous, but its sooo LOVELY! I just relized that the bristlenose pleco may take a few snacks on the sword, but the plan is to take him back to the lfs to make room for some corydoras. It was either the pleco or the upside down catfish. and well... the upside down catfish are too dang cute to giveup. The cardinals will be going to because they keep get eating by the angel fish one by one. It was very big, and very hard to plant The Anubius Nanna And then a few cute snail pics: I also added the QT sponge filter so that I could keep it seasoned. I also got more plants for the betta tank, but wont be planting them yet as I don't know if I want to completley rescape it (again) or just plant them. Also I order'd 50 root tabs for only $11!!!!
  3. @Randy gave us the shoutout! Cant wait to see how many votes rally in! https://www.instagram.com/p/CNnOgVnp9X2/?igshid=wfka8p2q01ci
  4. It seems very unlikely to me that you kept bettas in a aquarium for one month, and still no cycle occured. With it being a fish-in cycle things should've been sped up. Why is that you think that there isn't any cycle happening? Whats your filtration like?
  5. It all depend on the plants you have in your tank, the amount your dosing, stocking. Most all in one fertilizers will get you at the 20ppm mark, all though sometimes you will have to dose more to acheive this. Sometimes they will get you WAY above the 20ppm mark, and sometimes you may see your self dosing less then the reccemended dose.
  6. @Fish Folk has an awesome idea! It doesn't even have to be killifish eggs. I would do a single clown killifish in the two gallon and then the shrimp in the 1.5.
  7. Maybe not my favorite tank but its one of my favorite fish. Perhaps it will become my favorite fish when I add some tank mates. Also:
  8. I have 2 in a 40 breeder. ones almost full grown the other is still got some growing left to do. Heres my favorite fish (my first fish i ever got) chasing my finger. He was the first fish that did that with me, and quickly sparked my love for angels. In my opinion the bare minumum for an angelfish is a 30 gallon, but a 40 gallon is preferable.
  9. I cheated the system and voted twice. Once on my phone and once on my laptop!
  10. What size is a nano tank in your opinion? Mine is anything under 10 gallobs.
  11. What a fun thread! I'll take pictures of my 5 gallon tommorow when the new plants come!
  12. I dont think you'll need any heater for cherry shrimp, they can withstand very low temps. I've heard storys of the shrimp breeding with ice over the water. for filter I would do spongefilters, most any other kind of filter will suck in the shrimp and kill them. Make sure the sponge filter is at a low flow. I would do maybe 4 in a 1.5. and then 6 in a 2 gallon.
  13. I wouldnt do a betta, the gourami and male swordtail will nip their fins off. I also wouldnt do any female swordtails, that seems like too much of an agressive tank for female swordtails. Personally I would do either the male swordtail or the gourami.
  14. Sounds like MTS is hitting you! I would do anything in the 1.5. Maybe some shrimp but you will have to keep their numbers down, as they do breed rapidly. Some shrimp wouldnt be a bad idea in the 2 gallon, just once again keep their numbers down. Take a trip down to your fish store everymonth and sell of some shrimp. You could do both snails and shrimp in the 2 gallon, but probably not both. I would reccemend some sort of neocardina shrimp species like the Cherry Shrimp. For plants I would do plants that absorb the excess nutrients in the tank, because it will be overstocked. Maybe some Hornwort, any floating plants, Java Moss (shrimp really like moss).
  15. I wouldnt worry quite yet. If starts to get worse, then maybe post a picture. Fins usually heal on their own, except when its finrot.
  16. I was up watching the bluejays last nigh and was able to snag a few pics: I rarely get to see this snail and even more rarely it moving: And then Hugo, sleeping by the filter intake (as always)
  17. Angelfish are defentley my favorite fish. My favorite thing about them is how they "dance" for there food. Whenever I hold up an object to my angel he automatically thinks its foods, and starts waving around. Sometimes I'll peek at them on one side of tank, they come running over! then I do the other and they come running over some more! I need to catch some video of this.
  18. @FlyingFishKeeper Last time I had the contestents PM me their photograph, and then every day I would post a new round with the pictures. The only change I think we should make is that this time its the Forum members posting their own submission. Then when people use the reactions as votes, the contestents get the reaction points. Heres what I'm thinking: @FlyingFishKeeperyou do the: Best Scape - Fairly simple, must include a full tank shot. Best Scape Wins. No 2D Backgrounds to "fool" the members. (background that includes a amazon sword cannot be used as some may think its part of the scape) Solid colored backgrounds are permitted. Best Breeding Setup (BBS) - The best tank for both breeding, and in terms of appearance - Criteria: The submitted container must have had any sort of aquatic life breed intentionally. Best Invert Tank - Must include one full tank shot of a aquarium inlcuding only inverts! no fish! The post can also include macro shots of your shrimp/ snails. Tubbin' Time! - A picture of your outdoor water eco-systems. The picture MUST be taking outside! This can be your 3000gallon monster pond to your 5 gallon vase full of rice fish. It can even be a bucket of daphnia. The only requirement is that its outside and has living organisms in it. And then I do: Prettiest Aquatic Animal - This can be a picture of whatever you want! You can have a picture of a turtle, frog, aquatic invert, fish, etc. The animal MUST be aquatic. Unfortantley this aquatic animal MUST be freshwater, as pretty much any saltwater fish would win. Water Dog - A video of your most persoanble fish. The video can be uploaded through youtube or just from your computer. Prettiest Betta - A Picture of someones betta. The Prettiest Betta Wins! The Comeback Kid - A before and after picture of a fish's journey through a disease. This could be a picture of a fish that looked almost dead at the petstore so you took it home, saved it and now its the healthiest its ever been. The fish that has had the biggest comeback wins! Note, that it does not need to be a "rescue" fish. It could be a fish that got sick in your care. @FlyingFishKeeper This way we each have 4 topics to post I also think that at the beginning of NERM WEEK, we get someone to create a thread of all the events that are happening. @Hobbit because it seems that you are organizing most of this, do you want to do this?
  19. Sure @FlyingFishKeeper if you want to assist me in this, that would be fun! I was thinking every different competion would get its own thread.
  20. I'm glad he hasnt gotten any worse. After doing some research I read that when both eyes are "popping" out it could be a sign of an infection. W have already treated for bacterial infections so I would move on. Now were down to Fungul infections and parasitic infections. It sounds that there is a better chance of it being a parasitic infection. Does Leonardo have a sunken in belly? I havent had any experiance with any of those meds and neither have I heard any good reviews. I would try Paraclense for this treatment as well as continouing the salt treatment, instead treat every other day and decrease the ration by 25%. Treat Paraclense as the bottle shows. It may help to introduce garlic into his diet. Soak some pellets in garlic, that should help. You may have to hand feed him for him to wanna eat it. Do Waterchanges every time you test for amonia/ nitrites or if you have excess nitrates (above 20ppm). Regardless of what the bottle says, just make sure you waterchange before the treatment. Hopeing the best for you and Leonardo!
  21. Just a question: Will there be a thread with all the articles are all posted in? Or will there be a whole new topic?
  22. Love those ideas @FlyingFishKeeper Heres what I'm thinking: Reactions: Last time we did this, it was me posting the photos for other forum members. Instead I want the forum members to post so that they get rewarded with reaction points. So, at the begining of the contest I will give forum members to 48 hours to post there photos. Then, after the 48 hours no more submissions can be submitted. Now the forum members can react to their favorite photos, they can react to how ever many photos they want. I will give the forum members 72 Hours to react. Then we tally the reactions and the post with the most reactions wins! This contest will start on the monday of NERM WEEK and end on the Friday of NERM WEEK. NERM DAY is on the Wednesday. I feel that these celerbrations should be a week long thing. Topics: Best Scape - Fairly simple, must include a full tank shot. Best Scape Wins. No 2D Backgrounds to "fool" the members. (background that includes a amazon sword cannot be used as some may think its part of the scape) Solid colored backgrounds are permitted. Best Breeding Setup (BBS) - The best tank for both breeding, and in terms of appearance - Criteria: The submitted container must have had any sort of aquatic life breed intentionally. Prettiest Aquatic Animal - This can be a picture of whatever you want! You can have a picture of a turtle, frog, aquatic invert, fish, etc. The animal MUST be aquatic. Unfortantley this aquatic animal MUST be freshwater, as pretty much any saltwater fish would win. Best Invert Tank - Must include one full tank shot of a aquarium inlcuding only inverts! no fish! The post can also include macro shots of your shrimp/ snails. Tubbin' Time! - A picture of your outdoor water eco-systems. The picture MUST be taking outside! This can be your 3000gallon monster pond to your 5 gallon vase full of rice fish. It can even be a bucket of daphnia. The only requirement is that its outside and has living organisms in it. Water Dog - A video of your most persoanble fish. The video can be uploaded through youtube or just from your computer. Thats not allowed - a tank that has gone against at least one rule in the "aquarium rule book" this could be a tank that has never had a waterchange or a tank that has a neon tetra and a red tail catfish together. Rules: Each fish/ aquarium posted MUST be currently owned by the owner of the post. This cannot be your freinds tank, but HAS TO BE YOUR TANK! It cannot be a tank that was running 10 years ago and since was taken down The pictures/ videos taken MUST BE RELEVENT. Meaning that it must be a recent video/ picture taken. Only exceptions is the Water Dog contest as some fish does a really cute action, and only did it once. The water dog MUST still be alive. If your post dissobeys one of the rules posted, it will be disqualified and may be "hidden". You will pm'd if your post does not allign with the rules. I'm really excited guys, this should be fun!
  23. Is it just me or would that mold be perfect for april fools?! Glad to see your back on your feet!
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