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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. the gouramis may eat the shrimp. But if your looking for a feature fish maybe I would try a few guppies. You could put 6 neons, 6 cherry shrimps, 3 male or female (not both) guppies but if your still wanting the gouramis i would do two (females)
  2. if your not planing to grow any plants here are a few links Heater https://www.amazon.ca/Pawfly-HT-6050-Aquarium-Submersible-Thermometer/dp/B07QWT8JFR/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=10+gallon+heater&qid=1606095719&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFEMFo4UzUyRFpJNjkmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAyODM3NjQxNkZHMEpCUzVMU1omZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDY2ODk2NDJWV1BJQ0xWVjVXUCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= This one is a light inside of a lid https://www.amazon.ca/AQUEON-Led-Full-Hood-Black/dp/B00U9OCKG4/ref=sr_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=10+gallon+aquarium+light&qid=1606095749&sr=8-12
  3. yeah, I would go for it. One more nerit snail wouldn't hurt. The nirites should be able to take care of the green algae
  4. Hey everyone, A few days ago I started thinking "how do I support the aquarium hobby" and got intersted in how others support the hobby. Like do you breed fish, have a educational fish blog, do you support your lfs, are you a fishtuber, do you have a social media for you aquarium, do you work at your lfs, or do you help people in the forum. I support my Local Fish Store (if your in the winnipeg area check out into the blue) I help people on this forum as well as have a instagram where I post pictures of my aquariums/ fish. I could see my self in the future breeding angelfish, rams or corycats. It would be cool to one day work at my LFS.
  5. it can be safe but you must clean it off making sure there is no parasite or hitchhikers here is what I would do -Do a bleach dip (fill bucket up with water add bleach) -Boil for 15 minutes That should do it!
  6. try using aquarium salt, do waterchanges every other day, feeding very little to keep the tank clean
  7. I would take him out put him in a hospital tank, and treat with aquarium salt and Mardel Maracyn do every other day waterchanges I would try to feed him less to keep the water clean as possible.
  8. I would try it. Because that way you don't need to use a water conditioner if you used ro/di.
  9. I would do the fluval fx4 canister filter or you could build a sump with a old aquarium.
  10. I agree, plants can survive 8 days with no light. If you have another aquarium you could put the plants in those. no I wouldn't add a heater to the bucket, but maybe add a towel or lid to keep the temp somewhat warm
  11. I've always wondered why everyone likes the agasizzi, my favorite corycats are the adolfis cory cats or the bronze cory cats
  12. Cory only uses meds to quarintine his fish in store because they only QT for one week, because its a store so they can't really have fish for 4-6 weeks that are not on sale. Yes a 5 gallon would do fine for a quarintine tank. To make your life simple what I would do is only use meds with fish that show symptoms of illness. And quarintine for 4-6 weeks. You can go to the fish store get your first fish and put them in the 20 gallon. Just wait for 4-6 weeks making sure they have no illnesses before adding other fish. You can only do this when there is no fish in the tank. This way you are quarintineing your fish in the 20gallon and not having to wait an extra 4-6 weeks with no fish in the tank. does this make sense? The bottom line is don't use meds unless your fish are sick, some fish react badly with meds when there not sick (I've had a fish die because of this)
  13. Alright so I have a empty 5 gallon with a lush carpet of monte carlo. Because its a carpet I feel like i could do both betta and shrimp. Heres my issue, Bettas enjoy warmer water (78-80) mean while the red crystals I want like it colder (68-72) but the red crystals could go up to 76 degrees. OR I could orange shrimp/ orange rillishrimp/ black shrimp/ blue dream shrimp all of these shrimp like warmer water but I don't like them as much as the red crystals. Yes I relize the betta could be kept happy at 76, but what choice would you do? Or would you do another kind of shrimp?
  14. when you wakeup at 9 start watching cory and then all of a sudden its dinner time! lol
  15. when I tell my family that I talk to my fish and that I want a fish room they laugh. I feel your pain, lol
  16. It doesn't look like dropsy, could you send of a closer shot of his eye?
  17. looks like he may have either internal parasites or some kind of worms. I also live in canada so I know the struggle. I don't know where you could get API General Cure (which would treat it) in canada. I know amazon.com has it Sorry! Something went wrong! WWW.AMAZON.COM But i don't know how easy it would be to get it through customs. I HAVE heard of people doing so and i've never heard of anyone not being able to.
  18. hmm... yeah it could be the meds or seems that they may have a external parasite but because you treated with ich-x I doubt its a external parasite. I would take them off meds, do waterchanges to remove the meds and see how they do for a few days.
  19. Ever since I joined this hobby (little over a year ago) I have been looking for a forum to post pictures, questions and answers. And then cory mentioned this forum in a live stream and all my probelms were solved. It used to be that I would ask a question to a random forum and I would be lucky if I even got one answer to the question. Now I get multiple answers from multiple nerms. I love this FishTube community. In this community you could put a goldfish in a bowl (not saying you should), and then relize you did wrong and ask for help. And instead of being absoloutley bullied you get helped out. This is a place where you can admit your mistakes, and not have to fear judgement. I love being able to help people out who are new to this hobby.
  20. You may be able to do a betta. But you would have to make sure the betta is passive aggresive. The betta probably wouldn't eat the shrimp because they can hide in the carpet. A nice school of celstrial pearl danios would also be cool.
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