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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. So at mealtime they get a little bit of wet food, like a spoonful or two. And what Tony was doing was scarfing it down like it’s some kind of race. Then he would immediately switch to the nearby dry food and power that down as fast as possible. Then blehh.. so what I did was pick up the dish of dry food whenever I was offering the wet so he didn’t have access. I would set it back down like 15 minutes later, kind of like a restaurant server paces the meal (serves first course, short wait, then second course, etc). Because we leave dry food down all the time so they can have something to eat when they get hungry throughout the day: while we are at work etc. He only rushes and binges when it’s wet food time. When it’s ONLY dry that’s available, he will just nibble here & there. My husband thinks he was competitive eating because at wet food time, both cats are fed together. Perhaps he thought the little girl was gonna steal it from him. Why, I don’t know- Mouse eats slowly and politely. Issue for the most part resolved when we went with the Hills food. Even when I forgot to pick up the dry, he wouldn’t get sick if the food was Hills sensitive stomach food. As of December though, the issue seems to have fully resolved because he had two teeth pulled; they had cavities. And now he doesn’t eat as fast. For your pup I’d suggest a smaller portion; measure it out.
  2. I haven't seen the 2 culled shrimp in about 2 days, but the tank does have quite a few plants and it's hard to tell, especially since they are such little guys. Hopefully they are doing ok. The sword was all mopey today, and throwing a tantrum despite the root tab it got last week. So I gave it 2 more today. @TeeJay you mentioned heavily feeding your sword. How much/how often have you been giving it root tabs?
  3. Ok! All caught up. The algae settling into the cracks of the arch looks really cool. So, your tank has a lid, right? I’m curious to see what floaters are doing ok with a lid. I’ve heard that some floaters do not like condensation dripping on top of them and they die. But I do think Geppetto would enjoy some floaters.
  4. BARF name. How fitting. Heh. The people that buy it are probably paying a pretty penny too. The 3 well known brands you mention. I’m sure they are around a long time for a reason. There is word of mouth advertising too. If someone has a bad experience with a food, chances are they are going to tell their pet owner friends about it and discourage them from buying it. My cats get Hills Sensitive Stomach & Skin. Used to be called Sensitive Stomach. I have a “power eater” and he was quite often getting sick right after/during meals. He very rarely gets sick now that he eats this food. And both cats have thick velvety soft coats 😍
  5. @Cinnebuns has had some experience with this, I believe.
  6. Ahem. Froggin is the name of @Guppysnail’s frog. How about Jimminy Ribbet? @Odd Duck would know. @Odd Duck we are talking about a raw dog food. I think salmonella is associated w/ chicken and E. Coli w/ beef? Supposedly cats can eat raw stuff because they have a short digestive track and it exits the system before they get sick? Hence tigers can eat a raw steak, etc. But don’t listen to me- this is just something my husband told me. @Odd Duck is the animal doctor and is probably gonna say I’m full of it! 🤣
  7. Just be careful it’s not a “reptile” tank. They are not meant to hold water. I can’t remember why. Thinner glass, seals not as good, something like that..
  8. Well, that was my fault. I told @TheSwissAquarist to post a lot of dog pics because the dogs are cute! Is there any way to flip the brackets so they sit on the rim?
  9. Another thing about having grate vs. solid lid is that your tank heater has to work harder to stay @ temp. Costs more $ to run and shortens the heater's life. I believe I learned that in a video Cory posted.
  10. Yesterday Geppetto went into quarantine again because his fin issue returned. He has had one dose of Kanaplex so far. He's doing well, is active, and ate good this morning. His new rock swim through arrived, but it is EXTREMELY rough and jagged on the inside! So that will not be hitting the water whatsoever; I'm returning it.
  11. 1. What was the first fish you ever kept in some sort of an aquarium? A painted Indian glass fish. I must have been about 7 years old. 2. What tank are you most proud of and why? My 29 gallon because I have given a serious effort to live plants this year, and it is rewarding me with lush growth. 3. How did you get here, specifically to these forums? I think I was shopping and I scrolled down and saw the link to the CARE forum. 4. What is something you think you do to make the hobby easier for yourself that others can use? Pond pump & 1/2" hose w/ water diffuser on the end to replace water in a tank. No faucet hookup required. Go straight from a bucket in the sink to the tank. 5. What is something you specifically wish for guidance with in the hobby? That's tough. Probably more education on microfauna & tank ecosystems. Seems I'm periodically surprised when I run across posts where someone has captured photos of a different variety of microfauna. I've been casually absorbing/skimming information on natural tanks/Walstad/FF method and would like to give it a whirl one day, and ecosystem is key. 6. What fish do you miss most? I had an orange mbuna that mated and was carrying the fry around in its mouth. The fry were reared successfully, but ultimately I had to adopt out those fish because I moved from a house to an apartment. 7. How often do you change water? Is this the same for all of your tanks? Once a week unless I don't like what my test kit says. Then, more often. 8. What is better, one big tank or a rack of 20Gs, why? One big tank. Allows a better hobby/work life balance and ensures maintenance doesn't get skipped on any given tank. Also, a divider can always be added to a big tank for more diversity. 9. When was the last time you spent 30 minutes staring at a tank? Yesterday 🙂 10. What is your favorite food to feed your tanks? Some kind of Snello or Repashy. I like to see a swarm of snails or shrimp piling up on it. It's very satisfying to make a recipe and see the patrons enjoy it.
  12. My husband was watching Wakanda Forever, and the one scene had a too-small, cloudy albino Oscar tank, and the scene started with 4 girls feeding the tank at the same time. 🙄 I sure hope they weren't actually putting food in there. And how many takes did the scene require?
  13. The two fish look like they are having a nice neighborly chat. 😍 I believe I used something like this. I don't remember having to cut it though. It's been awhile since I've seen the stuff.
  14. I placed another co op order to get an ACO heater for Geppetto. I think it’s safer for him and I’m trying to eliminate variables that may cause him harm. Another rock swim thru is coming as well, a lighter colored one. Right now he has 5 swim thrus in the tank. For some reason he doesn’t like the clay pot tunnel though. It’s on an angle where he can dive down through it, but seems he only likes the ones he can swim horizontally thru. The rock swim thrus are clever. They really don’t work against the scape. And he uses the pothos as his leaf hammocks 🙂 Is he spoiled or what? I dragged bloodworms through the water today and he chased them. He shows violent tendencies pretty often, not just for eating worms, but for any movement around his tank he’s unfamiliar with, so I am certain he can not have any fishy friends. Check out the lily @Guppysnail! I should move it, it’s currently in a sword fight. ⚔️ (Featuring a photobomber…) sword cryp
  15. In the photos you can see blood inside it, which means it fed on something… 🩸
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