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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. My brother is making this right now. I think he's on about pg. 300 of the 600 page instruction manual. He said he has about 100 gears installed so far. That's a whole 'nother level to Legos! 😲
  2. Maybe @Katherine would know. I'm thinking don't go into the substrate w/ your vac. Swirl the vac just above the substrate to kind of stir up stuff that is sitting there.
  3. Guess who was discharged from the hospital today? We have the green light on for a change (Just for the photo). Lights out now so he can relax. He doesn’t seem concerned at all and is diving down and exploring his familiar territory again. ACO heater has been installed. Has a built in heater guard so it’s safer if he swims under it. He was swimming under the last heater frequently.
  4. They are so fun to watch, doing silly stuff like parasnailing down from the top.
  5. 😞 I haven't been getting the journal updates. I think I just liked some stuff and didn't comment, so it didn't follow. Anyway, I'm normally a coffee drinker, but I've been utilizing some study with me videos for CPA exam 2/4, and they always have a nice cozy drink to start their session, usually tea. I also have been having test-is-approaching anxiety, so I needed to have something decaf. I'm drinking chamomile like it's going out of style, as well as the C.S. SleepyTime tea (which has an adorable bear on the package). I don't even put anything in the tea. It's quite comforting. I love sniffing it in the garden section at the hardware store. 🙂 I thought about buying some but then I didn't know what to do/cook with it. I've grown regular mint and my favorite thing to do with that is stuff a few sprigs into my water bottle before heading out the door. Very refreshing! Haven't we all! 😳 Very nice! 😍 Me too. Everyone has been telling me it's normal to have casualties with the first colony, and I've found that to be the case. But I also didn't realize how important it is to drip water back in during water changes. I was only changing 10% when I first got the shrimp, so I thought pouring in such a small amount from a bucket wouldn't be a big deal, but it was. I now have a good system for water changes and have gone to 20% with no issues as long as I drip water back in. For the longest time I thought a shrimp died, but then almost 2 weeks later, there he was, casually going about his day. Beautiful! Nice @Lennie! They look nice and healthy. How much bigger are amanos compared to neos? Totally normal. They're in there. 🙂 I keep learning more about them as I go along. And made mistakes too. Just remember to drip water back in. I'm sure they are there. Proabably attached to the bottom of something or attached to a sponge. Stop digging, reorganizing, moving things from tank to tank, etc. Let it ride out for a few days and just keep an eye out for 'em. Shrimp are like little ninjas. Ok - I think I'm all caught up. I like the catappa leaf informational video too. Very interesting. I was wondering about the oak leaves. I have SO. VERY. MANY. Just cleaned big handfuls out from under my windshield wipers and around the seal of my trunk. But she says they break down and are messy. The catappa leaves have the larger veins and stay together better, so I will just stick with those. There are various aquarium leaves on etsy too, but I don't understand what they are, what they do, if they're really safe, etc, so I just avoid them and the mixed botanical packs. How would we know someone didn't just go out in their yard and collect a bunch of random stuff?
  6. Or carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin! Orange confetti festival. I hope you will be able find Summer the magenta snail over there in Turkey to join Rick and Morty. Morty loves the Snello!
  7. Looks like a piece of gravel or decoration
  8. Darker blue shell = healthier shell. It means Rick is getting better nutrition that he’s had previously. He likes your menu!
  9. Looks like a diatom (bit of algae) to me. I would not take any action. As he brushes past items in the tank, it should come off.
  10. I use Easy Green with mystery snails. I have fish, 6 mysteries and a nerite snail in the tank that I use Easy Green in. I have not had any issues. I dose less than what the bottle recommends because I already have nitrates in the water from the inhabitants and I don’t want nitrates to get too high. Make sure you feed your snail calcium also for shell health and growth. Crab cuisine is a food you can offer that contains calcium.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    The recipe is from Life With Pets. I figured I'd share it since I am having success with it. It is made with Repashy, calcium carbonate, and frozen food. My mystery snails (and shrimp!) really enjoy it. This recipe contains the nutrients, calcium, and protein that mystery snails need. The Repashy can be ordered from the Aquarium Co Op online shop. 🙂
  12. Vacuum as many pest snails as you can from the substrate. Dose beneficial bacteria (such as Fritz Zyme 7) in case the medication killed the bacteria on your filter. If you are using a hang-on back filter, you can take an extra step and put an ammonia removing pad into it before you leave for your trip.
  13. Well @TeeJay is the master of shrimp lollies. I think we are doing something similar. I roll the top of bamboo skewers in Repashy.
  14. Will disassemble & clean tomorrow. I did notice during last maintenance there was a bunch of mulm, sludge inside the box. I turkey bastered out what I could.
  15. I will post the pics here in case any followers of this thread are curious about the scenario and why the heater guard was wanted, as a precaution. Issue: Progress: Looks even better today, I just haven’t taken any new pics in 5 days or so. The progress shown here was achieved with aquarium salt, 1 Tbsp/5 gal.
  16. I’ve got the 100w version in the shrimp tank and have been pleased with it. Geppetto is doing well. Tomorrow is his third and final dose of Kanaplex. His dorsal fin still has a sort of split on the end. It has been improving. His tail and bottom fin are looking great. New growth on his tail continues.
  17. Ordered, received, tested in 5g bucket for a day and a half, and now installed in the 5g. Holding a steady 80, verified with floating thermometer. No chance of fin burn now due to ACO’s built in heater guard. Can’t say fin burn was the real issue, just a variable I wanted to eliminate in the betta tank. Great suggestion 👍👍. Not much more $ to buy the ACO heater vs some third party heater guard for the Hygger heater.
  18. I think the snails are messing with the ludwigia. By that I mean uprooting it. It has a weak root system. I might pot them at least for awhile. I have rock wool. Is that what ACO uses in their pots? Just want to make sure it’s definitely tank safe.
  19. Got a bunch of suspended particles lately but checked and there is no bypass. PFS and media all rinsed, and floss replaced. Not sure what the deal is. Can you see them in this photo? Figured I would ask the master of HOBs @nabokovfan87
  20. I was simply answering a question. A question that began with: And I used a lot of words to answer the question. 😂 But here’s some photos of wet pets to make up for it: sorry @TheSwissAquarist and @Theplatymaster for hijacking the thread 😬
  21. So at mealtime they get a little bit of wet food, like a spoonful or two. And what Tony was doing was scarfing it down like it’s some kind of race. Then he would immediately switch to the nearby dry food and power that down as fast as possible. Then blehh.. so what I did was pick up the dish of dry food whenever I was offering the wet so he didn’t have access. I would set it back down like 15 minutes later, kind of like a restaurant server paces the meal (serves first course, short wait, then second course, etc). Because we leave dry food down all the time so they can have something to eat when they get hungry throughout the day: while we are at work etc. He only rushes and binges when it’s wet food time. When it’s ONLY dry that’s available, he will just nibble here & there. My husband thinks he was competitive eating because at wet food time, both cats are fed together. Perhaps he thought the little girl was gonna steal it from him. Why, I don’t know- Mouse eats slowly and politely. Issue for the most part resolved when we went with the Hills food. Even when I forgot to pick up the dry, he wouldn’t get sick if the food was Hills sensitive stomach food. As of December though, the issue seems to have fully resolved because he had two teeth pulled; they had cavities. And now he doesn’t eat as fast. For your pup I’d suggest a smaller portion; measure it out.
  22. I haven't seen the 2 culled shrimp in about 2 days, but the tank does have quite a few plants and it's hard to tell, especially since they are such little guys. Hopefully they are doing ok. The sword was all mopey today, and throwing a tantrum despite the root tab it got last week. So I gave it 2 more today. @TeeJay you mentioned heavily feeding your sword. How much/how often have you been giving it root tabs?
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