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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I thought so, as long as it’s not affecting parameters. Some concerns were raised earlier about bacteria, even the bacteria on catappa leaves, so that’s why I thought to ask.
  2. Ok. Kanaplex is in w/ the mild salt. Some dum dum OD’d the tank and put 2X the amount in, out of habit of dosing the qt tank, which is larger volume. Hence dum dum was then doing 50% water change. 🤦🏻‍♀️ ANYWAY… did I tell you Kratos moved out last night? It was dark, I flicked on the light and someone got busted! I wonder how many times he’s done this after dark? Sneaky sneaky sneaky! @xXInkedPhoenixX is right. Keeping a betta is difficult. 😞 But I have you guys helping so I’m very thankful. 💋
  3. Tank today. Right side has rock wall. @Guppysnail see the lily in front? It dropped anchor and is happy in there.
  4. Seeing how small the shrimplets are, I decided to move the 2 mysteries out. They could easily smoosh little shrimps with their well-known antics, plus the mulm is getting to be a bit much. So Bon Bon and Goliath are now in the 29. There are 8 big mysteries in there now plus 2 nerites and about 18 fish, and I’m a little worried about bioload. I offered to adopt these two out to a neighbor who has adopted snails from me before. We will see what she says. But for now it’s snack time. Can you believe how much Goliath grew?! He stayed a little pea for the longest time. Bon Bon has neat stripes. I believe she is the only baby that developed that (that I know of - because I adopted a bunch out). If I don’t get a response I will pick up some hornwort at LFS to add to the tank.
  5. Safe for plants or need to move to qt again?
  6. Sponge filter only. I think it’s possible he could have forced/wiggles through those roots. I will take one rock wall down. The backs of these are white but I do have the black vinyl as well.
  7. At first she was the only adult shrimp I saw. But then I found others hanging upside down under leaves and inside alcoves in the driftwood. 3 shrimplets here I don’t have the Bacter AE yet due to shipping time, but maybe 2 days ago I put some Repashy powder in. Today there is crab cuisine in there and a catappa leaf that is so soft it is basically falling apart. ORD they are so small and cute!
  8. A lot of fish do that. @Guppysnail had that issue w/ her rams also I believe.
  9. Still over on the disease thread sorting through the issue with Geppetto. To bring the journal here up to date, yesterday morning: Yesterday evening: Feel free to join the conversation here:
  10. Also I ordered some red root floaters @Odd Duck. Should arrive in a few days.
  11. Possibly, and there was a little plant weight around the roots also. It was a live DIY leaf hammock. I have now removed that plant and suction cup. Yeah. Is that bad? Nope! You’re all caught up 🙂 There is mild salt in the tank right now. 1T/5g which is ok for the plants. My guy doesn’t flare due to light. Kratos has a spikey shell. If Geppetto was bothering him while I’m at work or during the night, totally possible the spikes could have ripped his fins. Prior to qt, I had sucked up (off the sand) some little blobs of what I thought was the slime that usually forms on lids. But my lid has had zero slime thus far because I maintain it during weekly maintenance, and I’ve been in and out of the tank quite a bit to “child proof” it for him, to move him to qt, etc.. I don’t know where that stuff on the sand came from but I wonder if that was pieces of his fins. I did feel it in my fingers. Felt like, I don’t know what to compare it to. Maybe if you get raw egg on your fingers when cracking an egg for breakfast. Well, more like the membrane inside an eggshell. That’s what it felt like. Kind of slimy. (?) Here’s Kratos last week
  12. I pulled this rock. I noticed towards the bottom, which would have been near the sand, it is damaged. I run my finger across it- I would not say it’s “sharp” but maybe “scratchy” like a fine sandpaper kinda. So maybe this? Could it have done that much damage to him while I was at work? If he was wiggling in and around it? 😔 idk- I’m going crazy feeling all guilty but I’m not sure even about what. Also the lights were out, and I flipped on the room lights to take out the rock, and this dude totally tried to bite Kratos! Caught in the act! First time I noticed him do that, besides once when I first added Kratos to the tank. Might be doing it after dark?! So Kratos is being acclimated to the 29g for his safety. Now there is no hardscape. Only 2 swim throughs and live plants.
  13. Here’s a photo from Nov. see the holes? It’s subtle but they are there. So that can’t be fin biting right?
  14. Negative. It was columnaris and I used 2 commercial products in conjunction with salt.
  15. I put the rock walls up the morning. Was gone about 12 hr. I come home and this is what he looks like! OMG! Compare to the beautiful tail he had this morning! Now what? Should I take the rock walls down? Also do you think this plant has a bacteria or something?
  16. My goodness, I get anxious even moving one small tank and there you are moving a whole bunch of larger ones. Sounds like, er, an adventure. Grace will love being in the 75. I don’t let cuts stop me from putting my hand in the water. Cory mentioned on a livestream he doesn’t either. I think you’ll be fine 🙂
  17. Each day I get lost in watching him. Usually a half hour goes by while I’m gazing. He always greets me at the front with excited side fin fanning. (I’m sure there’s NERMier terms for those fins, LOL). I did notice a NERM on the other thread referring to them as “jazz hands” 🤣
  18. For some reason my water sprite is the opposite. It gets mad when it’s planted, but it likes floating around.
  19. Since I created this post there has been improvement as well. Sorry first photo is dark. When he’s in the front you can’t see his color very well but you should be able to see the tail regrowth here.
  20. Absolutely. I’ve gone over everything in the tank. I’m leaning away from fin nipping. The problem usually begins on his dorsal fin which he wouldn’t be able to bite. Also there was a hole in his tail at one point, in November. I will cover the sides with these. They are stick-on tiles from dollar tree. But I will tape them on so the rocks face the tank. And when I get more time I will apply the black vinyl.
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