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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I don’t believe I’ve ever had an anubias melt, come to think of it. Plenty of other things melted, but not anubias. That’s crazy how long it took to go away. I finally found Harry’s shrimp store. I had to Google it and then it led me to the page. For anyone trying to find it on Etsy you have to type HarryShrimpStore with no spaces. I got a combo pack where it has 5 almond leaves and 3 cholla wood for like ten bucks. I think the little shrimplets will enjoy the cholla, and the almond leaves I can always use more of. All the inverts eat them and they are great for the betta’s water. I noticed all the different kinds of lollies. Have you tried any of them?
  2. Now that there are shrimplets, Nibbles is bigger than something! Finally! 🤣 When I got home from work I saw the shrimp lolly had been picked clean. I wonder if any of the shrimplets tried it or if it was just the adults that partook.
  3. Baby snail on the ramshorn? What type of snail is the baby, or is that a plant hitchhiker? Looks like Nibbles who came in on plants. Well maybe not. Different whorl position. Nibbles is still a curiosity.
  4. One time I tried the floating log. But when it got wet it smelled terribly of chemicals, so I took it out immediately. I think I’m enjoying the minimalism of the pvc.
  5. Alrighty. Just got home and rigged the pvc to be at top. Left air in it per @xXInkedPhoenixX suggestion. He is loving it. His first time back thru it he took a breath halfway. ☺️ Pardon bad lighting. Tank lights went off and it’s just room lighting now.
  6. Yeah it was at the top before. He loves to use it up there. The rock is a swim thru also.
  7. I had one in there but he didn’t use it. He used all the other swimthroughs, just not that one. I made him one from a pvc pipe but I need a new suction cup. The pipe is on the sand for the time being. He does enjoy it.
  8. You can do it over time. Do like I do, if you buy veggies for salads or sandwiches, or as side dishes, set one or two aside for the snails and see if they like it. I did it over a month, just offering things here & there. Keep little notes. When you find what they like, put that into your Snello. My snails do not like asparagus, spinach, kale, or swiss chard. 👎 They like zucchini, green beans, squash, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, cucumber, sweet potato, carrots, cabbage, and bell peppers. I'm probably forgetting something, but that can give you an idea of things to try. Can you tell they are spoiled snails? 😆
  9. I do think @Odd Duck is right about the fin biting this time because in the morning I put up the walls to reduce reflections and after I got home from work, half his tail was gone. Doubt an illness could do that, that quickly. I think the walls drove him crazy and he must have felt trapped. ☹️ He's social and tracks my movements around the fish room, so I don't know if walls are a good fit for him long term. Just trying things out, one at a time. Are you still planning on adopting out the pandas, because I see you're about to set up the 75?
  10. I was ready after following your colossal journal, and had my “medicine cabinet” stocked. Weird he didn’t have problems until recently. Not sure why that is. Anyway, he’s in good spirits and had some bloodworms for breakfast. He was flaring at the front of the tank this morning. Not much I can do about that! He does have his Kanaplex and salt though.
  11. Hmm… maybe it will be fine. I just tested nitrates; only 10 and it’s been 6 days since water change. Probably because the Aponogetons are loving life in the tank. Black can stay. Black and blue are the in crowd. The 2 culls (brown & wild) were never seen again after cull day. I guess they got eaten. No other place to cull to because Geppetto is violent.
  12. It’s in my signature line (Snello 2). It came out orange because it contains pumpkin and sweet potato. I used a bunch of veggies I had around. Whenever I buy for salads I freeze a few, then I get them out when I make the Snello. The Snello contains calcium carbonate. Next time I make it I think I would use more bloodworms for extra protein.
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