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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Ok, wild type went to join his buddy in the 29g community tank. I am certain Snoopy saw him, but she didn’t care and just went about her business. I watched the 30 minute blue dream culling video but he didn’t address black shrimp, so I went back to this one to reconfirm the black ones he leaves in there with the blue dreams. I am kind of beside myself with this; irritated that the LFS sold me various kinds of shrimp. Hence, no idea who my berried female mated with. Anyway.. my next question is what do I need to know about caring for the shrimplets when they are born? @Minanora ALSO- How do I do my maintenance on the sponge filter? Don’t they hide in those? P.S. I like how Mark uses ceramic rings as shrimplet caves. I wouldn’t mind getting a lotus pod though. They look pretty cool.
  2. I can’t remember if I bought the 50w or the 100w, and my order history doesn’t specify. Is there somewhere on the unit that I can find this information?
  3. Geppetto’s dorsal fin is reverting back. Why??? Water parameters are consistent. 0/0/10. PH 7.5. Temp 80. The only thing I noticed was some mulm collecting and the sponge filter was clogged. Could TDS cause this? I did a 20% water change, replaced the salt and the tannins, and cleaned the sponge filter. Fingers crossed. I plan to do a 20% water change again tomorrow. You can see how nicely his tail is regrowing though. Again i think about the heater and whether it might be burning his fin when he goes under it. I don’t know if that’s a valid concern or not.
  4. Pump, 1/2” hose (same size as Python), water diffuser (same one as @TeeJay), and lid prop. (Both are on Etsy.) Drop pump in tank to take water out. Most times I just siphon manually instead of using this. But when I pump out, I just send the water right out the sliding glass doorway. To put water back in, dechlorinate the tank. Put a bucket in the sink, fill to top using digital meat thermometer to check temp. Drop pump in bucket and run hose to tank. Leave faucet running to keep bucket full and turn on pump. To figure out which pump to buy, distance to tank, height of tank, and faucet flow rate are factors. When in doubt go one size up. Here’s how I figured out which pump was best for my setup. You see a green connector w/ switch in my photo here. That’s because this was a Python and it came with that switch. But most of the time I don’t even use it. I quit using the Python because the faucet hookup wasn’t quite right, and it wasn’t practical to go outside to the hose faucet when I want to do maintenance. You don’t really have a way to control temp when using a Python.
  5. I shined the light on the black shrimp, and he could be navy blue??? I am not sure. Then there is this guy. Is he wild type??? @nabokovfan87 @Minanora @Guppysnail And then here is the brownish guy that was culled yesterday. He was immediately at the Repashy as soon as I dropped it in. Glad to see he fits in with the community fish.
  6. Maybe @knee can help sex the ram, and then we can figure out a name. To get your photos to flip the right way, just crop them a tiny bit.
  7. The pic I posted is the brownish one, but I do have a blue one that looks like the first (larger) photo you posted. Different one. I have the pure jet black one, the blue carbon rilii lookin’ one, and the brown one. How did I end up with all these varieties?!
  8. Ok, he’s in there. It took me time to find him, but he crept out from under the pfs and was scavenging some noms. So it seems all is well as long as nobody picks on him. I don’t think they will.
  9. The whole thing was absurd. It’s like, you guys are best friends. Then one smells different and it’s like murdertown.
  10. I’m glad it’s going in the right direction. Hopefully just practicing the motion will retrain it. I had to do it between Christmas and New Years after my cat bit me deeply. The cats are very loving but one had dental and when he came back the other didn’t recognize him, he smelled and acted different because of the anesthesia and the meds. So I had to basically break up a cat fight and I got hurt. 5 minutes to stop bleeding then my hand became hot and swollen over the next two weeks and I couldn’t make a fist either. I put an ice pack on my hand for one hour, and never felt the cold of it, and then when I took the ice pack off my hand was still hot. I was doing exercises 30 reps several times per day to try to get my index finger to touch my palm again. I also was using KT tape on it because it holds the skin while allowing the tissue underneath to move more freely. It is back to normal now. To do tank maintenance I just stuck the pond pump in the tank and let it pull water out. Then I reversed it and went from a bucket in the sink back out to the tank. Dechlorinator went right into the tank itself.
  11. it looks like this when I put the tannins in, but then in like a day it just changes to clear water idk. @AllFishNoBrakes blackwater is not my goal though. I just put tannins in because my betta benefits from them.
  12. Probably silicone grease. I use it on the o-rings on my scuba tanks. In the Q&A the seller stated this is safe for aquariums.
  13. Yep! The fine tuning of your light is working well. I did the same in the betta tank, now I worry the nerite doesn’t have enough food. I kind of put the catappa leaf vertical against the wall next to him yesterday and I did see that he attached to it. And I sprinkled some Repashy around him. I tried to get the powder to stick to the wall, but I don’t think it did. Anyway, hope he finds it. There is algae on the plants, but I’ve only ever seen him on glass and hardscape.
  14. Alright. I did it. I culled a shrimp. Here is the video I referenced. I kept seeing one shrimp which had hints of brown. Meaning if he’s on the sponge filter next to the mulm, the brown is the same color as the mulm. So I captured this shrimp and will place him in the 29. @nabokovfan87 The black shrimp is true midnight black, so he can stay with the blue dreams according to the video. Besides, he looks cool. Somebody name him? @TheSwissAquarist The one who I keep referring to as the grayish shrimp, which I believe is the shrimplet: I shined a white led on him and he’s blue. Clearish blue, but blue. So he can stay. No idea if you can see the brown, but this is the shrimp I culled. Do I need to 90-minute drip acclimate him like adopting new shrimp? Or is the time shortened when moving from one tank to another within the household? @Guppysnail@Minanora Look at his legs. Can you see? They are like a chestnut color.
  15. Yes! Or flowerhorns, bettas, German blue rams. They recognize their humans. Mine does butt wiggles like she is excited to see me (or food). 😆
  16. I keep the tannin water either in the fridge or at room temp but I use it within 2 weeks
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