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Everything posted by Cory

  1. With the travel restrictions, I haven't gotten out much into nature at all. I need to though, need to go looking in some rivers or something 😉
  2. Usually I always start with a question. Why? Sure in 1990, when people had to rely on Duplo substrate heaters, and really bad fertilizers dirt was a miracle. Now we have a much better understanding and a host of different fertilizer methods. For me, short of I want to find something we've missed in common day planted aquariums by using soil. I don't see why anyone would go dirted vs an easier method. I usually think that most people just go through that "phase" where it's something they haven't done before, and therefore will try it. Most people don't settle on planted aquariums after trying all the methods as it seems to be the most work intensive, but cheapest. Most aquarists are willing to pick a middle of the road, as long as results are similar, whatever is less work with an acceptable money exchange usually wins. Lastly I never recommend it to someone who is new, as they'll want to replant, and won't know how big plants get and placement. This just leads to a mess and frustration most of the time. Take a intermediate or advanced level hobbyist and they fare much better their first time with Soil. I've done walstad tanks, I have a signed walstad book. I think the science of allelopathy is fascinating. In a system say a man made lake or pond I'd be tempted to do a dirted method, but for anything I can afford to fertilize or use an advanced substrate I personally will make that choice.
  3. I would say this doesn't look like any case of hole in the head I have ever seen. I'd start with basics like making sure the water isn't too warm since it's the summer. Then I'd treat for bacterial.
  4. Guess you'll just have to wait for the artist to create them 😉
  5. Sorted pvc and cleaned up a bench before I got too hot.
  6. Nothing sticks out to me that is out of place parameters wise.
  7. Getting it from a local hobbyist is nice. I may try to collect some locally at some point, as I'm hoping they'd be more in line with the local temps than something shipped in?
  8. Cory

    Oh no!

    Not sure what caused this. I'm assuming the software had an interruption on their servers somewhere.
  9. I don't think there are many options to fix that
  10. Definitely a dream to do ponds outside year round. I'll have to settle for inside ponds. All the extra plants makes it look so nice though.
  11. Door open to let lady bird get some sun while she eats clams. She can’t wait to go in the 800 gallon.
  12. It’s unlikely you’ll get all the eggs to hatch from those packets. Eggs are graded by hatch rate. Those may be 60 to 70% hatch rate which is considered a low grade.
  13. Looking good. It'll be fun to see the peppers and such.
  14. This is awesome, I didn't know this was possible. I'll probably think of some other sites to do it with as well.
  15. This is an option that is often done at the store, easier to just move the fish to another tank, lets the new substrate and plants get established again, test parameters and then move them back. Obviously it's better if all the fish are healthy any such. There is really no "right/easy" way to do it, only having a decent plan in place to have maximum chances at success.
  16. For sure we have losses in quarantine. Sometimes people will be like, you're killing fish! or how are you ok with not all of those rummynose making it? The answer is, we aren't ok and work to improve our success rate every day. While it's a harsh thought, we consider ourselves professionals and would rather treat an illness and potentially lose the fish, than sell it and have the customer lose it. Our goal is always 100% success rate with every fish we bring in, at a core level that is how we stay open. We do know that so far we don't know of anyone in the world that can achieve that so we strive to get closer to it every day.
  17. Also know that typically Equilibrium doesn't affect pH and you'll want to use something like crushed coral to buffer that up.
  18. I'd say think of it like a liver transplant. Sure if done 100% correctly, it's safe. However there can easily be complications. So if I was wanting to do it on one of my tanks, I'd have no problem doing it. I know not to feed for a few days before and like a week after. Do some extra water changes, monitor things, and in general can get through anything like that cause we do that all day long every day with importing fish. However fort he average person at home, it becomes a loaded question. If people are wondering can I scoop it all out, and put new stuff in and do nothing else differently, then that can't work.
  19. Looks like it could be broken jaw and possibly an infection starting to set in?
  20. Pardon the loud neighbors, but lots more visible brine shrimp today.
  21. Thanks, ordered the reusable IV bag. I had always meant to find one like that, but it never made it to the top of my list. I can't wait to experiment with it. Drip feeding daphnia ponds, drip feeding live baby brine into a tank possibly, can't wait! This will be the most fun I've had with $15 ina long time!
  22. Yes, where can I find that aqua dose thing? @Daniel
  23. I would agree with making sure parameters in the tank are optimal. Then you could move to meds, after looking at symptoms again.
  24. Aquatic experience is no more. They ended that show. There is Aquashella, but it’s been rescheduled twice so far this year. Currently aquashella is scheduled for November in Chicago I believe. However I don’t think any events will happen the rest of the year at this point.
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