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  1. Oh wow...thats awesome to get a vets diagnoisis. I don't know of goldfish breaders near me, in Washinton. The ranchu I have(Mordie) has been fine for at least a year now, but has always been kinda weird. When I fed the other goldfish, he would swim the other way, looking for food to come to him. I figured he was just a dork. I am still going to try the merycin. Thanks so much for the update.!
  2. Hi Kat I really enjoyed this thread,. I also have a sick/weird blac,k ranchu, which I have never had before.He, or she, is having the same symptons, so I have him in a hopital tank, and on leval 3 salt treatment. Its day 5 so will do a water change. But he is floating at the top, and barley beathing. Did you add salt back, after water change? I also have not been feeding him, cuz I read to fast the fish if you suspect swim bladder. So, how is yours doing now? I really like your detailed posts...can you update? thanks
  3. I know I am late to this topic, but I have been wondering if anyone has these fish, and is breeding them, other than Greg Sage, and a few on utube? I have asked Cory in live streams about this, cuz he is local to me, but haven't heard an answer. I was able to get a few here locally, and they were so unique, and rare, I have been researching, and its so interesting. So I have one male and 4 females, and about now have at least 2, and maybe 3 babies! I got to watch one being born last nite, and it was so exciting! Would love to hear anyone with experience, to share info. Thanks, diane
  4. This event was awesome! We were so excited to meet and greet our favorite utube rock stars, up close and personnel. Dean is such a great co host and you guys all make an amazing team! I know it takes alot of time and effort, to accomplish the things you all do, while making it look effortless. Thanks so much, Aquarium Coop, for taking time for your fans! I do believe..."A great time was had by all!" dmmurray
  5. Such an awesome batch of new fish! And platinum koi? So cool! Thanks Robert.
  6. All those beautiful bettas! Nice pics Robert, thanks for the update....diane
  7. bolivian ram, (butch) starting to color up, and rainbowfish
  8. Very nice list! Love all the oddball fish you had there on saturday, too. Actually, love all your fish, they are always so healthy, and happy. And, thanks again for all your help, Robert. The bolivian rams are doing good, and your so right...more is better. The first ram I got(Butch) colored up instantly, when I brought the 3rd one home. Bright red and white strips on the fins even! Awesome fishes!
  9. You did a great job on these videos! Great explanations, and I lone how you did it all in steps. Thanks!
  10. We have 2 cargo containers, instead of a garage...I was hoping they would have graffetti painted on them because it'd look cool, but didn't..Actually, we thought they were leaking, but it was major condensation. So, dehumidifiers are a must. Thanks for all the updates!
  11. I got some of the platinum rice fish yesterday, and they are stunning! Thanks, Cory! I'll be back for a few more...
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