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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Yeah that's why I was concerned. Moving the fish removes the stress!
  2. Very cool videos on YouTube of the process. I wouldn't mind trying it one day. Looks a bit like a Murphy/Murph to me. She seems like a super chill lapdog style pup. Very cool!
  3. If you go by filtration, sure. The issue is that you're getting warnings about fish size vs tank size. Sometimes this matters because of aggression, but that's what I like the tool for most. It gives you temp, parameters, and it gives you a good resource to check stocking issues in that capacity.
  4. Oh yeah. That's my favorite. I can totally add 30+ amanos and it's just fun for the tank without much issues! 100% There is a hydro sponge. Brand name starts with an L
  5. Something is changing the viscosity causing the foam. There is a chance it's nothing. If you run into issues I'd follow the above steps. For now. Fix filtration order and then just go ahead and run the carbon as you are. Was there anything that recently changed in the tank, meds? Salt? Air? Anything? It could be as simple as some soap residue from doing dishes made it's way into the tank. Could be a new food. Etc.
  6. Let's call it a fun exercise. Assuming all the fish grow out in your tank, is the tank overstocked? I'll plug mine into AQAdvisor and try to see as an example. Feel free to play along. Note: yep, I totally wish they had updated filter numbers, go by GPH if your filter isn't there. https://aqadvisor.com/ Sounds about right and right on par with how much water I change weekly. The tank is definitely fine and it's doing well. I absolutely wish it was bigger, but I definitely over filter and over maintenance things to keep it clean. Let's check my other tank: .... Once the fry are in the tank and fully grown it's going to be time for the 75G. Adding 24 corydoras wasn't too bad. 😂 Let's have some fun with this. It's a tool. Doesn't calculate plants or what you do to keep the tanks happy! It also ignores how much you feed!
  7. 4K video takes forever for youtube to process! I made some repashy tonight. a blend of bottom scratcher and then topped off the measure with soilent green. Probably is just something they should jar and label it for corydoras because it works so well. I mixed it up in the container, then tossed it into a bag to set, then I placed that bag onto a silicone mat so it has some gridline marks on the backside making it slightly easier to break this time for me. I sat in front of the tanks for about 30-45 minutes. I just watched the fish enjoy the food and watched the interaction between all the different species. In the main tank I saw a lot of amano shrimp doing their thing, which always makes me happy. It's a sign I'm not overfeeding, but it's also just a sign that they are making progress on this algae farm I have for them. The otos spent the morning on the S. Repens trying to clean off the leaves. I had the thought they might be doing that for the sake of breeding? We'll see. I have never see otos lay eggs and it is definitely something I would really enjoy seeing. Corydoras fry were eating their late night bug snacks and I just let them do their thing. I didn't shine a light or anything, but just watched them do what they do in the low blue light glow from the tank. Interestingly enough.... my 24" light has pure blue on the blue light mode while the 36" light has a blue and a soft green LED that turns on. Very interesting when I turned them on and there was such a difference. One of the main reasons I changed the light on on the tank to the right was because it didn't have a button on the lights for the different modes, and because the blue on the aquasky and the planted are so harshly different. I'll feed the repashy tomorrow morning, hopefully they enjoy it. There's enough of the other stuff I fed tonight where I don't wan't to foul the water easily. The black corydoras were being shy and I always overfeed the pandas because I am fully expending about 10-20 more to just magically appear somehow. 😂
  8. My method with fry is to make sure they are eating, keep them eating. I would suggest trying to find some repashy (either soilent green or super green) so there is something on the side of cleaning the stomach out so the betta doesn't get bloated. You feed the powder by itself, don't do anything special to it. AWESOME fry food. I don't think the flakes will do that, you're absolutely fine in my view with exactly what you're doing. I'm uploading the video now, but I just fed my swordtail fry (1/4" long) some spirulina brine and they were going to town on it. As long as they eat, that's literally all I worry about at that size.
  9. Yeah, so 2 full rounds of kanaplex and 2 days of erythromycin. 2 doses of salt and 2 doses of ich-X
  10. Once I release the fry he'll probably go into the breeder box or something. Idk. I worry about cross contamination. I have another one but it's not as big. Heater arrives tomorrow to setup the QT station for the female with low stress.
  11. First course is served. Amano shrimp are running from the high spots down to the low. The swords are in there trying to understand what this delicious shrimpy green stuff is that the corydoras are going crazy over. Absolutely no care in the world and thankfully the sick fish is getting some much needed food for her recovery. Grace the shark is very confused at the midnight party, doing laps, as if we can't see her. 😂 Yeah... Biggest fish ever, totally can't see ya! (Literally she's eyeballing me like a sniper in a guille suit right now from behind some mopani) Edit: LOL the male just got busted by Grace for hoarding his own cube. She had a bite. He's mad she took such a big one.
  12. I can't say it's easy but..... It is pretty hilarious
  13. I'm going to put the pups to bed and then go stare at the tank for a little while before bed while I feed the fish a late night meal. Question, in another thread it was mentioned for columnaris to wait 5 weeks minimum to ensure the tank was empty and didn't have any fish to host off and that it would die off that way as a for sure thing. For this stuff I was dealing with, It's also gram negative and so I wonder how long I should wait before moving that male out of the tank. Any thoughts, or is this different because I ran the meds through the entire tank?
  14. Hopefully this helps. What you're looking at could be an eggbound fish.
  15. Yeah, specifically make sure you run your hand across the plants. Just make sure to avoid sharp pointy plastic and try to stick with silk. Honestly I would nudge you towards getting some anubias or moss balls or something easy like that if you can instead, but I totally understand the use for fake plants in some applications.
  16. Storming (seems like it) here, I'll have to make some midnight repashy and feed some worms or something. Some spirulina brine tomorrow for breakfast and hopefully some full sides of the tank with eggs for us both! I can only imagine how they'd be if you had the rest of the herd. 🙂 It makes me want to setup the big tank so badly, because I know how much they crave that nice open space or just having a massive area to use. I see that DHG there, what are your other plans for the panda plaza up front by the glass?
  17. In the first video, that's normal from the faucet. In the second video we have something on the top of the tank causing smaller bubbles to form and foam up. One of the main tasks when doing substrate is to disturb it. Whatever is going on you could have oils on the tank or the substrate causing issues like you're seeing. I forget who else had issues like this before, but we went through a process to resolve it. We never did find the cause, but needless to say the method works for this type of a contamination. 1. Drain the water by 50-60% and take a hose or something to disperse water onto the glass, especially towards the rim area. You're trying to remove, rub off, etc. Any oils that have found themselves towards the surface due to the water level. For a lot of this I use paper towels and wipe everything down until it's new in appearance. 2. Take the substrate and disturb it. Try to release anything that's in the substrate like food waste and everything else. Siphon out that water and drain the tank as much as possible. 3. Either in the tank or by removing the substrate, rinse it as best you can. It is gravel so be careful not to shock the glass through this process. If the substrate feels oily at all then I would remove it for the sake of being able to clean the bottom glass better. 4. Fill everything up and run the tank like normal. Run carbon for a minimum of two weeks. 5. If you don't see improvement, repeat the process weekly. It's up to you. I can't say it's fine, but I also wouldn't worry very heavily. Snails are pretty sensitive. If the snails are ok, I would think the Betta will be. In terms of how you have the aquaclear setup. The fine pad should be above the sponge, but below the bag of media. The carbon should be on top of the ceramic media Because it's not lingering that points towards things being ok vs. worrisome.
  18. Looks like two 40 Breeders stacked on one another. I would look at those type of stocking suggestions for this tank. My biggest issue is going to be plants and trying to get plants tall enough and a light strong enough to reach the substrate. What this tank does have is height, which does mean if you find a pretty massive piece of wood, lean it or support it on the tank and then you have a pretty unique scape. This also gives you places to glue plants at better heights for the tank height. I would opt towards a "logfall" style scape with long pieces of ghost wood leaning from the sides down towards the floor. I would have moss on that wood among other plants and let the community fish swim through and around it. You could also look into a mangrove style scape, biotope type of setup with blackwater even.
  19. Neos are more sensitive to things, but I generally wouldn't be afraid of it. Shrimp do get bacterial issues too, so it's not like it's a useless effort.
  20. It’s my understanding that inverts don’t tolerate meds. My amano's have been through everything. Some handle it better than others. I did not use kanaplex on them as it was the other tank, but I wouldn't have worried about it. Seachem's FAQ says not to use it with shrimp. They also advise that treating it via food is much safer for the tank if you have sensitive species. Guaranteeing the shrimp won't eat it.... won't happen. I'll keep digging and see what I can find with regards to that med and amanos. Yeah, everything I'm finding says don't worry about it. 100%
  21. They'll be fine for a few days without food. Honestly, it's better to cut them off for a few days just to lower waste.
  22. That's awesome. I wish I had a panda gara. How are they? Where do you usually see them cleaning?
  23. Plant weight and let them drop roots? The back left in front of the airline is a good spot (if you want to put it in this tank, but it's not bright light right there. 😞
  24. It looks good. The only thing I'd swap or rotate is the piece on the right side. The "most interesting face" isn't to the front. Overall the scape is great for a reef / corals and for fish that like to have places to move. For the space, that's all you can ask. There is a video on BRS.tv channel (youtube) it's a talk by the guy who started it all and he did an experiment about how to cycle and start a tank and going over a variety of methods. I would highly encourage you to check it out if you haven't. The findings are pretty relevant to fishkeeping in general and it talks a lot about how to best setup nature to handle issues you might encounter.
  25. You can add some Indian Almond leaves or botanicals. You're basically just monitoring things right now to see if things improve, get worse, or remain unchanged.
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