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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. They're all waiting for you to leave to have secret meetings. 😂
  2. Very cool. We all start somewhere. I mean, I had a good tank for a while, now i can't get my anubias to grow well anymore. Things happen and we all learn and progress. There's definitely a lot of value in what you do to the other "beginners" 😂 Sounds right to me. Only thing I'd do is scrape the front glass and siphon the sand (lower phospates?). It's getting there. cranky tank right now.
  3. I use a colorblind tool to try to determine them when I run into issues. 🙂 Coral would affect KH, shouldn't change GH. 😞 Equilibrium should give you higher GH. It's not the type of thing you can easily overdose, it's more about if the things in the tank want high GH. What is standard dose? and you'd mentioned you didn't see any changes. How long did you wait to test? (typically I think it says something like 1 hour up to 24 hours to see results?) When I started dosing my tank I used a 5G bucket with an airstone to run some tests and then scaled it up to the volume in the tank. Great plan. Looking forward to seeing the results!
  4. 😂 That's fun. Very fun to have the tanks to pair things out and let them grow out! Sounds like fun projects. Looks good to me. Things in the eggs forming.
  5. When I use ammonia strips, basically any change leads me to do cleaning things. hm. interesting.... post photos if you want. I have an analyzer 2000 I use for colors. I suck with them at times, often with the PH reading. Next time you get strips, try to find the tetra ones. Second to the ACO ones where you get a lot more per pack (100 vs. 20) Fed the fish today, cleaned the fry moss out. Fixed the plants. etc. Checking on illness in the other tank, fin issues, etc. The one with the orange kind of reminds me of Kramer a little bit. The other is definitely a male and will be joining the tank with the black corydoras soon. His sword is starting to grow in a bit better now. I woke up to the algae crew acting like an algae crew. Which makes me smile and very happy. In the other tank they were waiting for me, but the tank WASN'T cloudy, which is nice. Always nice when the amanos decide to help and I want to give them 30 friends to do more help. (I will always take anyone's amano shrimp donations for the tank. I very much enjoy them!)
  6. Looks like it's pretty thin. Depending on the printer you'll run into fill issues / fragile parts. It probably "works" and prints but you might be missing out on layers to add strength and rigidity. Real world, for just about everything injection molded / plastic I would suggest starting with .063 for your wall thickness. Second to that you're going through either mm or inches on set intervals. This just makes it easier for tolerances. inches: .040, .050, .060, etc. (or .032, .063, etc.) mm: 1mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, etc. Let's say the printer material diameter (at the extruder) is 0.5mm then you'd want at least a minimum of 2x that (I think that's right) so that you have enough room for an inner and outer wall. You're "better off" with a minimum of 3x so that you have a full inner / outer wall and some internal structure. In terms of design I just wanted to ask to mention that "minimum" and then however that works out with your nozzle diameter and filament (extruded) diameter will help you with part quality and rigidity. Needless to say, I wish I had my computer running so I could model and do whatever you guys needed and help out! I really enjoy the modeling process.
  7. How are yours looking? I had this moment again. Just pure admiration for these little creatures in my care. They are getting bigger. Getting strong and fully formed. I feel like a dad watching his daughter grow up and having to watch her first day of school or something. Hard to explain. They should have full pattern in a few days and then I have to figure out if I will release them into the tank or keep growing them out. I am very much leaning towards keeping them in the box for now at least until they are a good enough size to not be chased around by the swordtails. I walked in the room today and two of the biggest corydoras were hanging out by the front glass. I wish I could've grabbed the photo. One is a male I think that is ~3 inches and the other is the large female that is ~4+ inches. They could both be females. One had the typical black band with burnt orange above and below while the larger of the two that was completely blacked out. They were doing good today. Enjoying their little spot I made for em 🙂 . I'll retest PH tomorrow just to verify what on earth I saw on the test strip. I don't know why, I always have the hardest time reading those.
  8. It was so scary for me to do maintenance with eggs on the glass. Definitely a choice and I don't know if it cost me some fry. You have a busy tank, that's awesome.
  9. I was thinking about the motivation and trying to put to words what I wrote yesterday. Explaining what MMiller is for someone like me who isn't great with plants (yet). There is a scene from Coach Carter (Movie) and it's called "our deepest fear". It's a very powerful scene and the final words of that moment capture the essence perfectly. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  10. Interesting.... I wonder if they consider cutting them long / thinner so you have planks and stuff for moss mats for spawning. Maybe take a few and grow out some moss and sell it back to em?
  11. Congrats @tolstoy21 Keep the awesome stuff coming.
  12. Maintenance done for the day for me. Now I need to find out if any of the local shops will actually buy fish I breed.... most of them are salt only. Clean water for the sick fish and then just keep up with that. We're officially in a "dope blackwater tank" competition now. Here's to hoping I can grow plants for once! I think the heater burned the bolbitis I had that was "near it". Leaves are all black.
  13. I'd put it like that, cover it in plants. What a wonky piece It is probably good in a pleco tank? I would sand some spots though, or soak it for a long time (3-4 weeks to soften the edges and then see what it does. Usually the outer layer comes off and then you're slightly more better off for fish use. Not necessarily betta use, but in general if you have a piece like this. Worst stories I've heard is barbs and other fish spearing themselves on fine manzanita branches 😞 . 😂 Now we're just going to imagine you make little rudder sounds when you edit his videos and see him swimming around. Hopefully it does well for you!!!
  14. They do good at the groomers and the vet 🙂 Just anxious, but who isn't. I'm very thankful they are able to get groomed and all that without issues. We are working on training them moreso these days. Definitely working on training the humans to not challenge them and actually have peace.
  15. Good question and there are at least a couple possibilities. Some think it’s to grab their bite, then take it where they can eat in relative peace and safety. As if a chihuahua needs to grab their bite of the carcass and move away from the ruckus of the pack that’s devouring their kill. 🙄 A lot of dogs are fed in the kitchen (hard, often slick floors) and will take their morsel to the carpet or a rug to eat with better footing or more comfort. When there is more competition and only enough food to maintain weight, this is less of an issue I had a pretty terrible experience with this yesterday. Someone the pup does not like came downstairs. I assume why, but needless to say the pup does not like to be around, doesn't trust, and is anxious and afraid of this person. Body language is a big thing and his body language around the pups is very intimidating, they bark, the cycle repeats. Anyways, person came downstairs, went back upstairs. 2-3 minutes later of pup being upset and eyeballing the door she tried to eat her lunch. She was so anxious that she didn't want to go near the opening on that side of the room, get her food, and then run across to the other side of the room. She did that for about.... 10+ trips and I just felt so bad for her. She ran to my arms and was able to calm down. I moved their food to a better location so she's not afraid like that anymore. I think a lot of that behavior comes from not wanting to have their back against a wall. Especially smaller pups, they just have a lot of issues with loud noises moreso than other breeds. They do get their laps in though for a variety of reasons going around the room or house. That's exactly what I was assuming. Good to know. Thank you. She's doing ok today.
  16. I mean.... I am a fan of his, but I also played too! Game used, my favorite thing that took me a decade to find. Right here he took a nasty puck, made the save though. These are mine. Growing up I was playing street hockey every day. I got these so I could get back into ice and get my legs back. I seriously miss it. Then the world went to heck... Nah I think you're right. Definitely a concern. Plopping it full of moss or Anubis might help to cover those?
  17. I don't get to see the member videos. I was mentioning it because Cory had mentioned it on a live when the question came up. I'm just saying thank you, I appreciate sharing the details! Good information to have that it is or isn't useful for the topic.
  18. They sell some designed for spotting scorpions and stuff in the desert. Might work for ya.
  19. Kinda reminds me of the sunset when there is a fire 😞 Very cool dive though, fun video! I have some hockey sticks! what size is the tank? Your BW setup looks better than mine. Less cloudy! I am excited this week because HOPEFULLY massive water changes means I get the crystal clear look back finally (with tannins of course). The tank feels like an extension of my Seachem testing and I can't decide if that's a good thing or bad thing.
  20. I would mention silvertip tetras. Very fun behavior and they won't bother anything. I can't say how big they get, but just a fun fish and I WISH I HAD SOME! https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/top-10-tetras Here is the fish in action....
  21. Reminds me so much of my tiger barb tank. They were so fun to feed. I would see one getting picked on in the herd and specifically target feed and care for it while it recovers.... They definitely can be charismatic too! Some fish just know when the owner cares. They give you that bond back. ^^ Thoughts / memories when watching your video.
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